Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Wannabe Gardener

We've been trying to have a "deck garden" this year.  So far it's been great - fun to watch, easy to care for, and we've even harvested a few things.  Notice I said few.  But those few have been delicious!  :)

We have the most beautiful zucchini blooms you've ever seen.  We've gotten 3 zucchini.  Three.  3.  III.  Lots of blooms; 3 zucchini.

And we have two cucumber bushes that have produced a limited edition of cucumbers.  One has had at least a dozen pretty nice cucumbers.  Normal cucumbers.  And then the other - only gives us this kind.
We also planted two potato plants in a pot.  Mainly I just wanted to see what they would do but I thought we would at least get two potatoes.  Either the squirrels or raccoons beat us to them.  It.
They also carry off my yellow squash before it gets big enough to pick.  But they have left us some tomatoes.  In fact, we've gotten plenty of tomatoes just for us.  Now that it's gotten really hot the tomatoes have retired for the summer.  However, I looked at the calendar this morning and it's July 21st!  Soon it will be time to plant a fall garden....more tomatoes, turnip greens, ....hmmm, I'm pretty sure there are some other things you can plant in the fall.  Wonder what they are.


1 Vroomans' Quilts said...

Even a few vegies is good - and the plants look lovely, too. I just put in 4 tomato plants and 6 came up from 'seed' from last year's drops. Lots of bitty toms yet to ripen. BUT our apple trees are on over-load this year (last year we had 3 apples in the entire orchard).

2 Marjorie's Busy Corner said...

It is fun to watch things grow. I am finding it is not a good summer for the cucumbers here...I planted all kinds of seed; and have 4 tiny little peas skipped like crazy!! But we'll still end up with some nice vegies.

3 Susannah said...

It makes me happy that you are happy with your deck garden. Our garden is huge this year. We have been feeding our daughter's and son's family my sister and her family. So much fun.

4 Catherine said...

Your deck garden is beautiful. We didn`t plant this year because of the anticipated heat. As for the critters purloining your veggies, it`s happened to us too. Our ground squirrels grabbed the plants from beneath and took the whole plant. I hope to do a Fall garden.

5 Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said...

You have heard of a green thumb, I have a black thumb! I cannot grow anything, so even if was only two or three of something, I think it is wonderful!

6 Jennifer M. said...

Love your deck garden! It has got to be frustrating though to work so hard at growing veggies and then the animals come and steal them for themselves.

7 sunny said...

3 zucchini is better than no zucchini! I tried to talk dh into putting in a small garden this year, since he's retired, but it didn't happen. We just do herbs. I think your little cucumber is cute. How did it taste?

8 Terri in BC said...

I had the yummiest dish in Italy - battered and fried zucchini flowers! Maybe you could try something like that for all yours. I love deck gardens too, so much less work.

9 Belinda said...

I'm not much good at gardening. If it won't do well on its own in the hot dry summer, with just a little watering, I can pretty much hang it up. I have thought about a porch garden....haven't tried yet though. I told my neighbor one day as I was planting flowers...."I'm planting flowers so I can kill them later." Because they never seem to thrive. I'm losing a rose bush this year that grew in my grandmother's garden. That will hurt.

10 Julie Fukuda said...

Well, I noticed a few peppers on my Japanese pepper plant.(the spice kind)I am in envy of #1, a deck, #2 enough sun for plants to grow in, and nature other than mice and crows.

11 Osage Bluff Quilter said...

Our tomatoes are SAD, we haven't eaten one yet!!

12 Mrs. Goodneedle said...

Beautiful, and productive too! If I did this they would be devored by deer and squirrels. :(
Enjoy the fruits of your labor~

13 Needled Mom said...

Even if you do not get a bumper crop it is always a great delight to enjoy that first produce from the garden.

Anonymous said...

You could plant your tomatoes anytime. This year we planted a second time, soon after the first ones started blooming. Hopefully, they will begin baring when the first ones stop.
I heard a speaker talk about pot potatoes once, he said pull the plant up, pick off what you want for dinner and put it back in the pot and it will keep producing, don't know if that's true.
We have trouble with varmints digging up our produce, too. try putting some netting around the pot, or sprinkle pepper on the soil, maybe it will work. We net our Strawberries and Blackberries.
Mama Bear

15 Sharon Dawn said...

Broccoli and cauliflower are good for the fall, aren't they. They do well in our coolness. Have you tried rhubarb? We used to have our's in pots and they did well. The leaves might not be too tasty to the critters and the stalks are great in so many things. So far we are just harvesting lettuce, but I am hopeful the two larger cucumbers on my One, yes one, surviving plant make it and the various broccoli are getting close! It is so nice to have the leafy, green plants even if they don't produce!!

16 Tammy said...

Your plants look very healthy..I did not plant a garden this year. As i knew I wasn't gonna be able to take are of it properly with the surgeries and all going on. Yours is beautiful though.. Makes me wish I had planted maybe one tmoatoe plant in a pot

17 Grammy Staffy said...

My garden is about the same as yours. I have the same boxes and only got about as much as you. I wish mine were more productive. At least I've enjoyed the tomatoes. Hugs

18 Gmama Jane said...

I have canned over 30 qt's of tomatoes and have 5 gallon sitting in a bucket on my kitchen table...I'm sick of canning but never eating those delicious summer tomatoes. I introduced my grandchildren to tomato sandwiches and they thought they had eaten a delicacy...their sweet mama doesn't like tomatoes thus no "mater" sandwiches have been made. Poor children...I had to rectify the travesty of never having eaten a "mater" sandwich!! Wish I could share some of my garden bounty! We have 2 long tables in our church foyer for folks to bring, trade or choose veggies...Only in the south!!

19 Carrie P. said...

nice little garden space. critters are non stop trouble!
fall is a great time to plant broccoli, carrots, cauliflower and peas!

20 Kathy ... aka Nana said...

We've had dozens of blooms on our zucchini but only 1 zucchini so far. :-(