Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Silent Mornings

Early in the morning I go out onto the deck, my tea in one hand and Bible in the other. I hear birds all around me, chirps and caws and quacks and whistles. In the distance I hear the whistle of a train and when it fades the faint roar of a diesel truck. Three squirrels run up and down a tree, chattering at each other, or is it at me? A family of wood ducks wander the far edge of the yard looking for breakfast. A man and his dog motor quickly by on their way to their favorite fishing hole. It's the kind of morning silence/sounds that provokes inner thoughts of where the day might lead...

I wish my list of UFOs would be silent but like the morning cacophony on my deck they call me.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


1 Catherine said...

Good Morning Marlene! I like your type of silent mornings. I like to sit outside in the early mornings listening for quail. If I`m still they meander by with their babies heading for the water we set in the front and back yards. Rural "quiet" is wonderful, isn`t it?

Bless you Marlene. Your lovely words bring peace to my heart.

2 Vroomans' Quilts said...

I love silent mornings, too.

3 Di said...

Your mornings sound quite heavenly, Marlene.

4 BillieBee (billiemick) said...

I'm sitting here pretending your morning was mine.....grin.

5 Brenda said...

Lovely read. I know those UFO's will just not be quiet will they?

6 Doniene said...

I was sittin' there with ya!!


7 Vickie said...

That's the beginning of a book, I saw every word in my mind...please continue....

8 Julie Fukuda said...

And, out the window, I see a youth walking with ear-buds, missing all the sounds even the city can provide. Listening should never become a "lost art".

9 Lesley said...

Beautiful words...

10 Quilt n Queen said...

A beautiful start to your day, thanks for sharing it with us. Happy stitching, Pauline

11 Sharon Dawn said...

Sounds like a perfect way to start you day!

12 Gmama Jane said...

My Roger would LOVE waking up on that piece of water with fishing rod in hand. Living on the water would be a dream come true for us. You are so blessed to have those sounds that only happen near the water.

13 Tammy said...

How lovely. I love to stand or sit in my kitchen it and the adjoining liveing room has a back wall mad eoup of windows that over look the back yard/ woods area. I love to sit and watch out their each morning as i tturns from dark to light outside and contemplate on things and enjoy the nature unfolding outdoors.

14 FlourishingPalms said...

Beautiful. I was sitting there, right beside you.

15 Createology said...

Your surroundings are very beautiful. The first of the day sounds blissful and a great way to begin your day. Thankfully we have lots to keep us busy and entertained every day. No boring life for we creative souls...