Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

A Little Stitchin' On Wool

I got this pattern from Primitive Gatherings last week...I love working on something like this at night when I'm watching television. It's going to be a pincushion soon.

This is what I'm working on today. A small table mat...would be perfect for a glass of milk and a couple of cookies for Santa. :)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


1 Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Love them! Of course you know I'm quite fond of wool. Merry Christmas my friend!

2 Carrie P. said...

so pretty. Merry Christmas!

3 Tammy said...

These are very nice.

4 Lois Evensen said...

How very nice!

I have to have a project in front of me while the TV is on, too. :)

5 Karen said...

Nice, nice! I am working on wool projects too.

6 Julie Fukuda said...

Cute little projects. I can't imagine sticking pins into anything so pretty.

7 Vickie said...

I looked at some wool last Tuesday, I've never worked with it before but I am sure thinking about it !

8 Kyle said...

Really sweet wool projects. Perfect for the few quiet moments you might find during the day.

9 Sharon Dawn said...

Those are cute designs. I love the little flowers! Wool is so nice to stitch with.

10 Jennifer M. said...

Cute! I've never stitched on wool before. I'll give it a try some time. Have so much other stuff in line first. :-)

11 Barb said...

So adorable....Merry Christmas!!

12 Di said...

Marlene, that little woollen pincushion is going to be gorgeous! I'm like you, love to have something to make with my hands if I'm watching TV at night. Hope your Christmas was extra-special, and I look forward to following your blog more regularly next year.

13 Purple Pam said...

Darling wool projects. I also like the sewing kits for your granddaughters. What lucky ladies they are with such a great grandma!

14 Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

I love those little projects that you are working on.
The Santa has such a whimsical face!