Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year!

I don't know about you but I'm ready!  Ready for the new year with all it's new beginnings.  There are new people to meet, new friends to make, new blog posts to read, new quilts to make, new....oh, the excitement of all the new things a new year can bring!

I don't make resolutions but I do plan/hope to do a few healthy things.  I joined Jazzercise a month ago and I love it!  I go three or four days a week and I can already tell the difference.  I'm eating healthier, cutting back on sugar in particular, and having fewer diet sodas.

2014 is the year my husband and I will celebrate our 50th anniversary -  not until October - and are planning a wonderful trip to reward ourselves for meeting that milestone.  And speaking of rewards...I'm going to take the late Erma Bombeck's advice and use the good china, figuratively speaking, since I gave mine to my daughter some years ago!.  I'm not saving favorite things for some ambiguous later.  I'm going to be sure that I smile a lot, tell people I love them, and savor each day.  I'm going to finish some UFOs but if I don't I'm not going to feel guilty.  I'm going to start some new quilts just for the fun of it, even when the UFOs are calling my name.

And I'm going to share more - I'm going to give away some patterns and some fabric because, Heaven knows, I have more than I can ever use.  So be watching...there are some giveaways coming your way!

Have a wonderful New Year's Eve, a fantastic New Year's Day, and an amazing New Year!

Blessings to you and yours,



1 Michelle said...

Blessings to you too, Marlene. Have a wonderful 2014!

2 Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

I love the outlook you have.
Use the good china!

I'm not making resolutions this year either. I'm making goals about the same as you.
Enjoying having enough.
That is my motto.

3 Terry said...

Happy New Year! :0)

4 Mad about Craft said...

I'm with you!

Happy New Year!

5 Ray and Jeanne said...

And blessings to you too, Marlene! I agree with 'using the good china'. Been living like that for a while and life is good! Happy 2014! ~Jeanne

6 Josie McRazie said...

Happy New Year! I hope it treats you well!

7 sunny said...

It sounds like you'll be having a fabulous year. You've got it all figured out. Enjoy every minute!

8 Needled Mom said...

Way to go, Marlene! It sounds like it is going to be a fabulous year for you. I keep telling my 91 year old mother that she should use her good china every day. I hope it is a healthy and creative year for you. Where are you heading in the fall? Happy, happy new year.

9 Michelle said...

Happy New Year!

10 Lea and her Mustangs said...

Happy New Year Marlene. Blessing to you and your family. I will get back to my blog maybe tomorrow. We have been over in Everett with our girls. Christmas was great. Blessings, Lea

11 Denise :) said...

What a great way to face a new year (and usher out an old one). You have such a lovely spirit, Marlene! Happy New Year to you!! :)

12 gpc said...

I used to love Jazzercise! I wonder if my old body could still move like that? Wouldn't be pretty, lol. Have a wonderful new year, Marlene! :)

13 FlourishingPalms said...

Your upbeat and positive attitude is inspiring! Sounds like you've got 2014 figured out, and will take it as it comes. My best wishes to you for sewing what you want; feeling healthy and strong; and for making time to love life and the people who surround you. Happy new year!

14 Gmama Jane said...

I'm with you...I'm ready for 2014 and put 2013 to bed. I want to look forward and put the past mistakes, past grievances, & past hurts behind me and run the race that is before me. I have several T-Shirt quilts to finish for clients and then I'm only going to quilt for myself. I'm simply too slow to quilt on a deadline which causes stress which in turn makes me procrastinate (my thorn in my side). Roger and I are celebrating 41 yrs and I'm proud of those 41 yrs. Congrats on making 50!!! You must send me an email/FB message and tell me where you are going. I am taking over my dining room and making it into the sewing room of my dream (within a budget of course). It's time and regardless of anyone else's opinion, I'm going to do it!!!
Blessings to you sweet friend

15 Tracy P. said...

Happy New Year Marlene! May all the blessings you share come right back to you. :-)

16 Vickie said...

Happy New Year to you too Marlene. I've never met you face to face, but I don't need to , to know your a precious, giving, warm lovely lady. May God bless you richly in many ways this year !

17 Carol Swift said...

No resolutions for me, either. Happy New Year to you and your family!

18 Lindah said...

What an encouraging, balanced perspective for the new year.
Yes, yes, use the good china and the good linens, 'cause they're not blessing anyone sitting there in the closet. :-) And as I write that, I'm thinking that could apply to giving of one's self, too. hmmm, note to self: that bears more contemplation.
God bless and keep you all thru 2014!

19 sandra said...

Wonderful Marlene congrats on 50years my hubby and are one year behind you it doesn't seem possible that many years have gone by,full of ups and downs but always love. I told my husband I wanted to go to Vegas for our 50th and see Celine Dion if I can stay awake. I am going to have a wonderful 2014 and sew for myself and not everyone else. All the years of have quilted I have never made one just for me. Happy New Year .
Blessings Sandra

20 Michele said...

That sounds perfect. Enjoy it all and I hope 2014 is exactly what you hope it will be.

21 45th Parallel Quilter said...

Well said, Marlene! Happy New Year!!

22 Sparky said...

I am with you….we need more ladies with heart like yours..our world would be an even blessed place to be…x
50 years…we are half of that this year…but had I met him first…it would have been 50 too wink….lol