Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014


It's been a hectic couple of weeks at my house - nothing out of the ordinary, just busy.  I'm working part time right now helping out at school in the preparations for next year.  Sounds crazy but the scheduling for high school students begins in the spring before they even finish the year they're in.  It's fun to go back for a little while, see some of the kids I grew to love when I was working last year, and get my brain back in gear.  Not that I don't use my brain when I'm away from school, but I for sure use it in a different way.  Several people asked me today if I missed working and the answer is NO.  I first retired in 2003, then worked for a year at church a few years later, re-retired, then worked at a local high school last year, then re-retired again.  I'm the only person I know who can't seem to retire and make it stick.  :)
I'm mostly working on some hand projects but I have finished a couple of things.  This pillow was a free pattern from Bunny Hill Designs.  I changed it just a little bit but basically it's the same letters except they used a star as the dot on the i, which I left off.  I used a green ticking fabric with a scrap of a civil war reproduction print that I found in my leftover basket.

And this lap sized quilt is a pattern I saw on Carol's blog, Just Let Me Quilt.  You can find the pattern here.

I made this quilt for a very dear friend who has a monkey named Katie.  Yes.  A real monkey.  And she's precious and funny and cute and I love her.  Oh and I love my friend too.  :)  She is a special blessing in my life - one of those neighbors (one block away!) who grows into a friend and then into just-like-family.  I mean she has a key to my house....that kind of friend.  Do you have a friend like that?  Count yourself lucky if you do.  And maybe make them a monkey quilt.  :)


1 Vroomans' Quilts said...

Love the springy look to the 'lake' background - things are green and fresh. I do love that pillow and have some old ticking that might have to come out to play. I'm not into the monkeys but isn't that cute!

2 Osage Bluff Quilter said...

Yes I have a friend like that! About three years ago I let myself into her house while she was at work.

I kidnapped her ironing board, took it home and covered it in beautiful yellow flowery fabric.

It took her a day or two to discover it!

3 Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

That is such a darling quilt! Yes, I have a friend like that across the street. I go over to her house at midnight in my pajamas and we giggle for hours.

You should retire from UNretiring!!!!!

4 Amy said...

Love your cutie little monkey quilt. I am lucky to say that my friend is my sister. I made her a pretty little star quilt, but I think the monkeys would have been more appropriate.

5 Julie Fukuda said...

I used to have a friend like that. I miss her very much ... and I miss her house and garden now that two new houses are blocking out my sun. I love that jolly quilt. I would say, work as long as you can. You can be old a long time.

6 Sparky said...

adorable and I believe you created yet another wonderful treasure....friends, I have none wink....
MONKEYS love it love it love could you not love monkeys....especially when you know the story behind them

7 Belinda said...

Oh how sweet! And the view behind the quilt is awesome!

8 Vickie said...

I'm betting the Carol quilt will be an adored gift....Marlene, just retired ! hehe

9 Lori @ Back Porch Ramblings said...

I love the monkey fabric! Way cute!

10 Karen said...

Sweet!!! You are good friend!!

11 Grammy Staffy said...

What beautiful projects you have made. During my illness I have kept the little pillow you made me close by. It makes me think of you with smiles. Keep up the good work my friend. I'm off to Kaiser for an IV and CT scan again today. Wish me luck. I hope I get good news. Hugs, Lura

12 said...

Lovely pillow! It is wonderful. Enjoy your time back at work.

13 FlourishingPalms said...

It's so nice to see what you're making these days. The pillow is pretty. And being at work again, even in a part time way, must mean that your back is much improved. That's good to know. I hope the work isn't too taxing, and that it's not long term. Having your days to yourself is a wonderful way to live isn't it?

14 Sherry said...

The quilt and the pillow are great. I just printed the pillow pattern, I have a friend in mind who would love a pillow like that. After reading your post I was wondering if I would have a hard time retiring. I had thought I would retire at the age I am now but now see that I have a few more years ahead. Your projects inspire me.

15 Sherrill said...

Love the little quilt and your friend is lucky to have YOU for a friend!! My DH was like you are with retiring. He retired from air traffic control & we moved to CO..that lasted all of 7 mo. and I was ready to go HOME! So he got a job as an air traffic instructor at Okla. Univ. (I grew up in Okla. City) so we were there for a little bit til he got an instructor's job back at DFW air traffic center!! Right back where he left. Then he got a GREAT job with Lockhead as an airspace engineer and loved it so much that even after he had his first brain surgery, he didn't want to retire (he loved it that much)!! They were so good to him and he was good for them. I'm glad he had that job at the end where they loved and appreciated him.

16 Needled Mom said...

A real monkey? How fun! That quilt will be a real hit.

17 Createology said...

Your not being able to retire and remain retired is totally believable. My husband has retired more times than I can count. Now it is just a joke with everyone who knows him. I love that he can work here and there and use his amazing skills he has gained through his life. Love the monkey quilt for your friend. I have never known anyone who has a real pet monkey. Creative Monkey Bliss Dear...

18 Purple Pam said...

Really cute quilt. Those monkeys are darling.