Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Monday, April 28, 2014

With A Heavy Heart

Tornados - just the word has the power to take my breath away.  Devastation, injuries, deaths, broken heart is heavy for fellow Arkansans as well as those in other states who were affected by these storms last night.

Sixteen lives were taken by this tornado - perhaps more.

As many of you know my husband and I are members of the United Methodist Church and are frequently volunteer missionaries at a facility in south Louisiana.  At UMCOR Sager Brown we put together Cleaning Buckets, Health Kits (toothbrush, toothpaste, comb, washcloth, soap, etc.), school bags, baby layettes, bedding kits and more.  These kits are sent to areas of crisis here in the United States and all across the world.  When I see the aftermath of not just tornados but also floods, earthquakes and wars I know that the work we do truly reflects the love of Christ.  We try to be His hands and feet where people are hurting.

I am not soliciting anything....but for those of you who have asked me I want you to know that 100% of all donations given to UMCOR go directly to disaster relief.  Administrative costs are covered another way.  If you so desire the way to donate is at  But please, please say a prayer for those who have been so profoundly affected and for those who are already at work helping to restore, rescue and serve.


1 Vickie said...

Bless you and your husband sweet lady, and all affected by this disaster.

2 Marjorie's Busy Corner said...

Oh Marlene!!! Our thoughts are with you all......take care

3 Ray and Jeanne said...

We pray for all of those affected by these storms. Having survived a massive tornado 47 years and 1 week ago, I know firsthand how devastating this is. Ray met you at UMCOR a few years ago - it is a wonderful mission. Thank you for all you and your husband do. ~Jeanne

4 Createology said...

Prayers are being sent for all affected. Thank you for the link. Those of us not experiencing such tragedy are thankful for anything we can do. Healing Energy and Blessings...

5 Teresa in Music City said...

Beautifully said! My heart breaks too - so many disasters and needless lives lost just in the last few months. It is hard to keep looking forward. We've had severe storms and a few tornadoes just southeast of us tonight - where many of my quilting friends live - and I've heard early reports already of 3 dead in Alabama and up to 7 in Mississippi. All I could do tonight was hand applique while praying for the well-being of everyone in the path of this storm system!

6 Sherrill said...

Oh my gosh, I know!! I have family in Okla. City (where I grew up) and Moore, OK and they get hit a LOT! Almost exactly a year ago at this time, my family (many going separately) were headed up to OKC for a family reunion when the tornadoes were hitting again!! SO, SO scary!!! And so traumatic just seeing the aftermath--devastating!

7 Julie Fukuda said...

I've been through typhoons and earthquakes and small twisters, but I can't think of anything more scary than those tornadoes. My prayers go out to those suffering as well as those providing help in any way.

8 Carrie P. said...

It is just horrible what the weather can bring. May God bless all your missionary endeavors. I am praying.

9 Sharon Dawn said...

Thinking of you all..

10 Sowing Stitches said...

UMCOR Rocks! Being prepared to be a blessing at a moments notice, this is the way all of the world's problems should be dealt with. We've worked with UMCOR at many levels, so nice to know that all efforts go to where the need is and not to the 'paper pushers'...Don't get me wrong, without the 'paper pushers' these efforts would not get directed and in the hands of those in need. May your supplies prepared be multiplied and open the doors of never ending blessings to these storm victims. May all you put your hands to prosper! God Bless! Hugs!!!

11 Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Light, love and prayers to all those who need uplifting. So incredibly scary and sad. So sad. :(

12 Anna said...

it seems each region of the country is challenged and it gives me always a hopeful heart knowing there are good souls who step up to the challenges of life. Thank you.