Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Did You See It?

It didn't look exactly like this at my house - it wasn't this bright red - but it was really gorgeous.  I set my alarm, got up, bundled up in wool socks and a sweatshirt over my pajamas, wrapped up in a thick, fuzzy acrylic blanket and sat on my deck looking up through the trees for about an hour.  We have lots of trees but the leaves are just budding so I was able to see through the branches.  At my house it looked more like this.

Was it worth getting up at 2:00 a.m.?  Definitely!  And as I look at this image my brain is simmering....I wonder how I could make a quilt that looked like this?  :)


1 gpc said...

I didn't see it, didn't even hear about it until after the event, and I am so jealous! Would have loved to see it!

2 said...

We couldn't see it. We were having snow. UGH!

3 Michelle said...

I did see it...about 2:30 when I got up to go potty. It looked like what you saw. Orange. .not red.

4 Teresa in Music City said...

Nope - didn't see it either :( It was stormy here in Nashville so I figured I wouldn't be able to see it anyway, so I slept right through it. I'm jealous! I'd have loved to have seen it!!!

5 Janarama said...

It was cloudy here, so I didn't get to see it. Using batiks would be perfect to replicate it.

6 Julie Fukuda said...

Good for you! I still remember my parents dragging us out at night to see various solar events. We will get our chance to see one later in the year.

7 Osage Bluff Quilter said...

I got up for a potty break at 1:00 something. I pulled the blind back and looked out without glasses and saw part of it. No color was showing yet. Still pretty neat.

8 Shari said...

Slept through it. Too bad!

9 Gail said...


I am sure you can figure the quilt.

I, sadly, missed it.

10 Sparky said...

woahhhh I certainly did not see that lol I did see stars though lol

11 Tracy P. said...

I'm glad you saw it! There were clouds dancing around it all night here, but I'm so thankful there were breaks in them throughout the event.

12 Vickie said...

Yes ! I set my alarm and watched it too.....wasn't it wonderful and awesome !

13 Brenda said...

I'm so glad you posted these pictures. How beautiful! It was raining here so I didn't get to see it.

14 Kim said...

Wonderful pictures! I didn't see it - we had a full cloud cover overnight.

15 Createology said...

I stayed up and watched all of it but sadly did not see the gorgeous reds as we had cloud cover. I love the moon no matter what color it is. There is just something so magical about it! Creative Moon Bliss...

16 Grammy Staffy said...

We stayed up and watched it here. I think we saw it between 12:00 and 1:00 a.m. Our view was about the same as yours. How are you feeling? Are you up to doing your mission work? I hope all is well and your back is behaving itself. I still have inflammatiion in my blood but my liver is almost well again. My blood clot is still hanging around but hasn't caused me any problems. I'm getting up and around more now and have a little energy. I'm thankful for the prayers you and others said for me.

If you get a minute please drop by my blog. I'm doing the A to Z challenge and today I featured our little opera singing grand daughter on my O is for opera post. I enjoy sharing my sweet talented Claire with blog friends. How is your family doing? I wish you all the best. Hugs, Lura

17 Carrie P. said...

I would have got up to see it but it wouldn't have matter because it was really cloudy here! Maybe next one. I heard we were supposed to have another blood moon this year.