Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Parting Thoughts

We have seen the glory of God's work....

We have crossed over....

We have looked down from above....

And we're heading home....

With God's blessing over our shoulder.



1 BarbCarol said...

Beautiful. Is it hard to leave it behind? Last fall, a friend RV ed from CA to the NE coast to take in the colors. He said the most stunning fall colors were in western AR. So, you will get to relive the colors of fall again home.

2 Ray and Jeanne said...

Gorgeous! Thank you so much for sharing - since we can't be there this year, it is great to see your photos. Have a safe trip home. ~Jeanne

3 the girlfriend gap said...

It is a beautiful world we live in. Janita

4 Sparky said...

amen and God's Speed Marlene and Man of M.

5 Teresa in Music City said...

Amazing! And Amen!!!

6 KaHolly said...

What a wonderful trip. Love your photos. What a great post!

7 DebbieM said...

Beautiful photos!

8 Tracy P. said...

I love that you do this every year--sorry you have to leave! It's such a good thing that it's always nice to be back home. :-)

9 Belinda said...

Such beauty!! How anyone can see all this and not believe God created it is beyond me.
Maybe one day I can see all this for myself. Gorgeous pictures and we thank you for sharing them!

10 Grammy Staffy said...

I love this post. What beautiful pictures. I'm sure that you had a great trip.... but... it is always nice to be back home again.
Thank you for your encouragement and support. I am feeling overwhelmed by the mess from this flood. Maybe it is because I'm just not feeling well these days. I'm sure it will all get put back together one day.
Have a great week. Hugs, Lura
p.s. How is your back?

11 Linda said...

What a beautiful post!

12 Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Such a beautiful post and thoughts.
Truly a stunning Fall.

13 Sherrill said...

SO pretty!! Makes me miss CO!

14 FlourishingPalms said...

More stunning photos. I just adore aspens against a clear blue sky. And that rainbow... glorious!

15 Shauna said...

Beautiful!! What a wonderful world God has created for us to enjoy. I particularly love the fall colours.