Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Rush Hour! Aka: The Caught In Construction/My Car Broke Down/Waiting In The Carpool Line Project

I can't begin to tell you how excited I was to join this hop!  Thank you so much to Studio E for letting me play with your fabrics.....they were rich in color and a great quality as well.  Red, black and gray - what's not to love about that?  There were several of the fabrics I had the hardest time cutting into because I knew I'd be wishing for more when I used them all up, and I confess there was one I kept just smidgen of for "later".  I literally used every scrap of the rest of the bundle!  I did add a small bit of gingham because it was perfect with these fabrics.

And thank you to Carol of Just Let Me Quilt for hostessing us and to Madame Samm of Sew We Quilt - without these people we wouldn't have all this inspiration.

The name of this fabric line, Rush Hour, made me think of all the times I've sat in traffic, waiting for one more car length to move.  And unfortunately the few times when I've had car trouble and been stuck by the side of the road waiting for the tow truck.  And way too often for my sanity waiting in the carpool line or in some parking lot waiting for children or grandchildren to finish whatever activity they were involved in.  Wouldn't it be nice if I had a bag of goodies/necessities in my car all the time for "just such a time as this."  (Esther 4:14)   And so my Rush Hour Bag was born.  I cut 2 1/2" strips from all the fat quarters to form what reminds me of the lanes on the highway.  :)  I used black webbing for the straps and made them long enough that they will hang around the head rest in my car so the bag won't go tumbling into the floor when I have to stop suddenly and long enough that the bag will rest on the seat and not give undue strain to the straps.

Is that not the cutest bag?  I added a bit of rick rack to the top edge....just because.  And I put in lots of pockets so that if I don't want to take my purse I can put my change purse, my credit card holder, my checkbook, etc. in and find them easily.

The lining is white because it's soooo much easier to find things and I boxed the bottom a bit and added a piece of foam board on the bottom to stabilize it a little.  Then I decided I should have a few zipper bags to organize things a little.  I wanted to take my stitching, some handiwipes, a snack, a water bottle, a notepad and pen, some sunglasses, even a few of my favorite tea bags because I could always stop and get a cup of hot water if I'm traveling.  You'd be surprised how much fits into this bag!

When I finished this one I thought it needed a little something so I added a button zipper pull.

It's my "everything but the kitchen sink" bag.

Wipes, granola bars, ear buds, holds it all.

And the cup fabric - how perfect was that for my favorite tea bags?

This time I stacked several buttons that were alike - they are really gray and not blue like they are showing in this picture.

Thinking cap on....what else would I need if I were stranded on the road?  Once upon a time I had a Toyota that kept breaking down.  Toyota you said?  One of the most reliable cars in the world?  Yep.  Four times it quit on me going to work an hours drive away.  And then I would have to wait an hour or two for the tow truck.  Only me.  Many times I wished I could get out of the car and sit under a shade tree but I had nothing to sit on.  Or it would be cold and I didn't have anything to cover up with.  So...a quilt it needed to be.  I cut the rest of the fat quarters into the same 2 1/2" strips, with some gingham added, and made a strip quilt to go into my bag.

I cut all the strips, threw them into a sack and pulled them out blind.  I sewed them end to end until I had one long strip and then put the two ends of the strip together and sewed those together, over and over until it became this size.

The quilting is straight line...a quarter inch on either side of the seams and the binding is the gingham because I had NOTHING left of the fabric.  :)  And ya'll are lucky to get these pictures because I had to maneuver around this guy to get them!

And the complete project....bag and quilt together!  It's ready for me to pick up as I head out the door - packed and ready for any emergency.

I am so in love with this bag and quilt!  And the fabric....just wonderful.  Thanks so much for stopping by.  Be sure and visit the rest of the blogs on this hop; you're sure to be inspired!


1 Lixie said...

Wow you made lots! I love them all.

2 Michelle said...

Love all your projects.

3 Judy B said...

You got some wonderful items out of your Rush Hour fabric! Your zipper pulls are fantastic. Love how everything fits into your bag. Thank you for sharing.

4 Joanne said...

I love your projects and I know what you mean about the fabrics. I am pretty proud of myself for not rushing out to buy more. The bag is perfect and all the accessories are wonderful. Thanks for sharing your creations with us today!

5 Vroomans' Quilts said...

OK, I drooled over the button zip pull idea. Then your wonderful bag - what a stasher that one is. Then the quilt - yes, there should be a quilt inside every quilter's car. Thank you for sharing today.

6 Unknown said...

Such fun! Thanks for sharing! Beth @ Words & Stitches,

7 Heleen Groot said...

That might be the best rush hour idea EVER! Not to be mean, but I would love to see you in a huge traffic jam. Stitching one of the projects in your bag (while munching on a granola bar, sipping a cup of freshly brewed tea), and when you get bored....You sit outside on you adorable quilt. You are brilliant!

8 Anita said...

Sew practical and cute projects, they are all fantastic!

9 BarbCarol said...

Your Rush Hour travels will be so
Much more comfortable and organized now. Love the strip quilt.

10 Cassandra Cusack said...

So lovely, I think I would like one of everything please

11 Jane's Quilting said...

You are so right...that bag is sooo cute and with the pockets. Well, that works perfectly. ( I do like your idea of tea bag holder.)

12 charlotte said...

Great bag and all the puches. The quilt is stunning. Such a pretty and practical idea.

13 Mary Pat Callihan said...

Your bag rocks! I think you could also fit one of those grand babies in there :) ....pockets and zippers and straps! Then a quilt with the rush hour fabric AND with gingham, you crafty girl, you!

14 Thearica said...

The strip quilt is awesome! I went to a retreat a couple of years ago and we did the jelly roll race. I won! Lots of fun! Thank you for sharing your bag, organizers, and quilt!

15 Marit Johanne said...

I loved the idea about the bag with accessories! And the quilt. It is all so beuatiful made.

16 Shari said...

Oh, you are right the fabrics are awesome...lovely way to put them together too. Perfect bag...great rickrack and cool button attachments. Love your projects!

17 Flávia e Cristiana said...

Muito bom! Adorei o interior da bolsa ... tudo a ver com hora do rush!

18 Elizabeth Coughlin said...

I love your bag, and the ric rac is the perfect finishing touch! And the emergency quilt is a great idea, but I hope you don't need it anytime soon lol.

19 Sparky said...

And she added some gingham too...well that right there makes my heart all what you made, your sweet bag, zippered purchase, all a delightful RUSH of creativity...

20 Betsy said...

You have been busy. I am glad to see that color combo make a resurgence. All your projects are lovely and so useful.

21 Mara said...

Love it, All of it!

22 KaHolly said...

You certainly made a lot of fun with this fabric!! Love your projects!

23 Leah said...

Great way to use up all those fat quarters. All your projects are lovely!

24 Marjorie's Busy Corner said...

fantastic pieces do such nice work, I just love being able to share it.

25 Vickie said...

Rush hour and going to work.....Those were perfect things to make with that fabric Marlene. Great use of the buttons for pulls ! LOL at your spider...I have a banana spider that lives on my front porch, has a web right in the way, but I let him stay...part of the Autumn decoration.

26 Dorian said...

Great projects Marleen! I really like your bag, they are so fun to make. And so versital.

27 krislovesfabric said...

Love that bag with all it's pockets and the zipper bags look so perfect with these graphic prints...but, oh my...I just think that quilt looks spectacular! Reminds me of the jelly roll race quilts I've seen in other lines but much prettier!

28 Kathy @ Kwilty Pleasures said...

Great projects! Luv them all.

29 Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Great projects. I just love this fabric. Its such a stunning color scheme with great patterns. You sure did it proud.

30 Carol Swift said...

That is a great bag and a perfect one to throw in the car for emergencies. I love all the pockets and zippered bags...cute, cute, cute! A blanket/quilt is a must for an emergency bag and yours looks so pretty!

31 Jeanie said...

Love your travel bag and the road side blanket! Talk about looking great while being useful! I carry a crummy reject blanket in my trunk for winter and I think I'd be ashamed to use it. Great zipper bags too.. you simply cannot have enough zips. Thanks for sharing all of this today!

32 Linda said...

Your bag and quilt are wonderful! What a perfect thing for rush hour!!!

33 Marla's Crafts said...

Wow you were busy. I @ love the idea for the tea bags. I need to make one of them instead of a baggie in my purse. Thanks for sharing. Everything us beautiful.

34 Gmama Jane said...

Marlene, you have a winner in the bag and quilt!! I love how the bag sits perfectly in the passenger seat...never thought to do that...DUH! My Trailblazer has NO console space for my purse and this would keep all my STUFF from falling in the floor when I stop suddenly (not that I would Ever stop suddenly). I have yet to make a bag and I've simply got to face my fears and just do it! Everything is really lovely!
Gmama Jane

35 evelyn said...

I love everything. What a great idea-a car tote. Your extra little touches, like the pulls, really make it special.

36 Annie said...

I liked the bag and all the great details you added to it. Then came on my screen the quilt. I love that awesome race quilt! The fabric prints and colors are so perfect for it. As a set and go to travel bag...fantastic!

37 The Slow Quilter said...

You are ready to hit the road with all your provisions. Great job on all the projects. I would ride with you anywhere with all the great stuff you have to carry.

38 Scrappy quilter said...

Great job. Love your projects.

39 Calicojoan said...

Now that is just the smartest project yet! We all need to have those things in our cars all the time. Love how they turned out.

40 Mary Ann said...

Great idea. Never hurts to be prepared. Love the touch of rick rack.

41 Kwilt Krazy said...

oh that bag is a wonderful idea. I seem to always want a snack while driving. Wipes too! Love the quilt too!

42 Barb said...

I love your bag and quilt! The ric rac adds a nice touch and the quilt has so much energy! Great job!!

43 Needled Mom said...

Those are just wonderful and so practical as well. I LOVE those fabrics.

44 Lana said...

This is GENIUS! I really just love the entire idea and the projects...I must make one! Those little insert bags with the embellishments are way too CUTE!!!! You did a GREAT JOB!

45 Kathy H said...

Wonderful projects. I am a big fan of any kind of zip bag and totes too and love the color combination in yours. The quilt is perfect too. You will be ready for anything!

46 Julie S said...

Two great ideas! And I like how the bag is connected to the case of accident it won't go flying out the window!

47 Unknown said...

Thank s for reminding us how easy it can be to make a strip quilt. I've heard of the method before but forgot about it. Love your bag and especially your quilt. And I love your zipper bags, but what a great idea using the buttons as zipper pulls!

48 Mary said...

You did a super job of using that fabric. I love all your bags, and the quilt is wonderful. Like you I did not have much of that fabric left over. It was so fun.

49 Anna said...

love it all and have already begun to add Rush Hour to my stash! lol

50 JuliaP said...

Great use of your fabric. Love the roominess of your tote bag!

51 Carla said...

You have used the rush hour fabric perfectly. Great bag with a bunch of great little details. Love that button pull.

52 Lane Hill House said...

I really like the gingham binding on your quilt! Pops. The Good Morning! bag brings a smile! The strap over the head rest is a great idea for your Rush Hour Bag. Kathleen ~ Lane Hill House lanehillhouse[at]centurylink[dot]net

53 allthingzsewn said...

Did you ever think to make this a Christmas gift? My address is 1290000000000000..........:-)..I'll be waiting anxiously. And waiting. And waiting. This is so cute and I would love to have the pattern for the tote. Would you share what pattern you used.

54 Quilting Tangent said...

Nice quilt and bag.

55 sew.darn.quilt said...

A great quilt for the car and in a bag, brilliant! Your bag is another fabulous make! What a imaginary way to use buttons for a pull :) Thank you ;)

56 Patty Howe said...

Great car quilt and bag. I like the brightness of them(I know, but I like the color)

57 Patty said...

Great bag and fabulous quilt!

58 jan said...

Very cute bag and I love the quilt. It is hard to be scrappy but your quilt looks great! xo jan

59 Farm Quilter said...

What a perfect thing to have ready to go...all you need to include is a hand sewing project for those wait times!! You did great!!!

60 Createology said...

FABULOUS job all around! Your bag and quilt and pouches are perfect for Rush Hour and any emergency that comes along. Very clever of you. Thank you sew very much for sharing and hopping. Creative Rush Hour Bliss...

61 Rosa said...

Fabulous quilt and bag.Hard to choose best fav!

62 Lori said...

these are really wonderful. I love all your projects. Thanks for sharing.

63 Heather said...

LOTS of work in each of these projects! Well done - love them both.

64 LJ said...

Wow, you thought about most everything for your bag. Now you just need a little bag of sewing things that will keep your hands and mind busy while you wait. Truly wonderful projects.

65 Teatime Creations said...

What a lot of wonderful projects. Love how you cut strips for a jelly roll quilt. Hope you don't break down often enough to wear it out.

66 Cindy said...

I like all your projects. Zippered pouches are so fun to make. I like how fast they go compared to quilts. Good for a day when you feel like finishing a project in one day! Love the pulls you added.

67 ✄ Erin @ Sew at Home Mummy ✄ said...

So I love that I'm not the only one who is sometimes scared to cut into a gorgeous bundle! (except I usually let it sit on my shelf, staring at it, for a good 2 years! LOL) so bravo to you, and I love that you used every last scrap in these awesome projects!!

68 tink's mom said...

wonderful collection for the car. Hopefully it will remain a beautiful addition to your cars interior but not something you ever will "need".

69 Rhonda D. said...

Love your projects. Thanks for sharing with us.

70 Bobbie said...

I have been stranded recently and would have loved to have your tote-thankfully I did have a anew book in the car.... 📖 what a fun post

71 Janarama said...

Love all of your projects. Looks like you're ready to go at a moment's notice.

72 Jodi - usairdoll said...

Great projects! Love your idea about the straps of your bag being long enough to put around the headrest but not too short to have stress on them. That was a 'note to self' moment, hehe. Awesome job!


73 Doris Rice, The Quilting Queen said...

Very cute bags and projects and lovely quilt. I always carry a quilt in the car with me. It has come in handy many, many times (and not for a break down). Whew!

74 Amy said...

They are all just great, Marlene. The quilt and all the great bags. Love what you did with the fabric. ;) You are far braver than I, I would have stayed FAR away!!

75 said...

Great projects. I was thinking I needed a "bus" bag. For my hurry up and wait. Yours has inspired me now.

76 Belinda said...

I'm speechless! Not only are you ready for anything, you are ready in style!

77 Josie McRazie said...

I would WANT to break down just so I could pull this out!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!

78 carla said...

Wow!!! Love your Rush Hour Bag!!! Great idea and I agree you should always have a quilt in your car!!!! Very creative and pretty!!!!

79 Corrie said...

Those are all fantastic! You're prepared now. Great button pulls.

Anonymous said...

I love both the quilt and bag. The rick rack is perfect. Great job.

81 Marcy said...

Great tote and wonderful use of the fabric. Cute smaller bags are neat too. I like the rounded corners. Neat quilt for napping while waiting.

82 Unknown said...

That bag and quilt are just amazing, and all the accessories. That quilt is awesome. So beautiful. I love the black/white/red. Fabulous!

83 Val said...

You are amazing at what all you get done! Loved this!

84 Linda C said...

You are set, Marlene with the neato bag and the organizer bags for inside it. That might be some of that jumbo black rick rack I sent you awhile back at the top? I like the shape of that red pouch--a bit different than others. And a jelly roll inspired quilt to go with it even. You met and exceeded expectations, for sure!

85 apple blossom said...

I am so into bags of all types now and yours with all the compartments is awesome. thanks for sharing

86 maggie said...

Great projects, very impressive. Love the fabrics as well . Good job,

87 Nancy said...

I am in Love with your Bag too Marlene!! How handy and to have a Quilt too! Wow, you are ready for a drive!! Thanks for sharing your Beautiful Rush Hour Projects with us!! Enjoy them!!
Huggs, Nancy

88 Michele said...

Oh I so love what you made. They were a great idea and I truly hope that you won't need to use that quilt to keep warm or to sit on while you again wait for a tow truck.

89 Nancy M. said...

To be so creative. I love the idea and how you put it all together. Great looking and practical.

90 Brandy said...

What a great idea, every trip we go on I have the same thought of "what if we get stuck?" and wish we had a bag such as this. I will have to make it happen this winter! Thanks for the inspiration!

91 the girlfriend gap said...

ooks fabulous. And now you will be a happy stranded traveler! Thanks for sharing.

92 Carrie P. said...

Now you are prepared for anything. Love the coffee cup fabric. What a cute idea to use the buttons on the zipper.

93 vicky myers said...

What a great bag, and love the coordinating quilt, lovely:)

94 Kim said...

I love bags with lots of pockets. They're a great way to organize. Your projects are all so pretty!