Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Up and Down We Go

Arkansas where I live is such a beautiful state....I love living here and I love living on the lake.  But every once in a while we get a "hankering" to venture out a little further and see more of this wonderful country.  A favorite camping place is Estes Park, Colorado.  So we go up the mountains and down into the valleys pulling our fifth wheel camper.  Sometimes I can stitch in the truck but sometimes the highways are just too bumpy and rough.  The first day of this trip the bumpy roads in Oklahoma ate one of our camper tires.  We've had that happen before but never before has it done this kind of damage.

We had some wonderful guys from Wildhorse Towing in Sallisaw change the tire and the next morning we bought a new one.  The spare is on and the new one is now the spare, at least until we have another flat or get home to the camper repair shop.  That's going to cost a pretty penny to get fixed!  :(

But the second and third days were smooth sailing and we finally got to see this:

And now I must go and explore....the elk are probably waiting on me to get there before they start bugling.  :)  I'll be back in a day or two to show you some cute zippered bags I've been making.


1 Kyle said...

The colors look great this year. Have a good time. Sorry about the tire.

2 Sparky said...

oh my such damage.....well you are fine and that is good...and the view....sooooo beautiful ---wish I was there with you guys..

3 sunny said...

Sorry about the problems, but hope the rest of your trip is wonderful. It certainly looks beautiful.

4 Tanya Quilts in CO said...

Enjoy your stay in our beautiful state. This is about the best time of year to visit!

5 Ray and Jeanne said...

Oh, thanks for taking me 'home' for a few minutes! Are those aspen at Bear Lake? I really miss being in Estes Park this year. I hope you can't see too many signs of last year's flood. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy! ~Jeanne

6 Gail said...

How beautiful.

Enjoy the change of view and routine.

7 Needled Mom said...

It's one of our favorite places too. Love the colors. Have a wonderful visit.

8 Lesley said...

Looks like a beautiful place to visit. Your pictures are wonderful!

9 Amy said...

How awful about the tire! I always have that fear. I guess I am going to have to take an afternoon off and see the aspens before the leaves all fall away.

10 Phyllis said...

So glad you are enjoying our beautiful state. We are so blessed to live here. Have fun. Sorry about the damage to your 5th wheel.

11 Sandy D said...

Awesome Fall pictures. We are going to experience our first frost tonight. Way to early.

12 BarbCarol said...

Wildhorse Towing is less than a mile from my house. We live off Wildhorse Mt Road...

Anonymous said...

It looks like you have had quite a journey so far, and you have made the best out of it! Thanks for sharing your beautiful nature pictures! Have a great trip and be safe. -Brittany

14 Lindah said...

So glad you are safe. A blown tire can be a real problem. Looking forward to some armchair travel with you. ;-)

15 Nancy said...

Ouch! So glad you are both made it through that ride!! The colors are gorgeous , enjoy your time amongst this beautiful scenery!
Huggs, Nancy

16 Sharon Dawn said...

What an adventure! I haven't been through there in the fall, but the colors look stunning! Enjoy your trip...and those calling elk :-)

17 molly said...

It's always something.....But look at the compensation of those blazing yellow trees over the lake!

18 Teresa in Music City said...

Wow! I'd say that lovely landscape is definitely worth the trouble, but then I'm not the one paying the repair bill LOL!!!!

19 Farm Quilter said...

Wow, that tire really shredded!!! I would hope that most of the damage could be removed by Mr. Clean Magic Erasers!! I'm glad you were able to continue your trip. Enjoy the beautiful Rocky Mountains with all their gorgeous color and interesting "music"!!

20 Josie McRazie said...

This is why I am scared when we pull our camper!!! I LOVE camping... just not the getting there and back!! And we have gone from home (Illinois) to Texas and to Niagara Falls! Glad the rest went good!! Love Gods beautiful Earth!!

21 Marge said...

Oh, this brings back memories of the time we busted a spring on our 5th wheel trailer....80 miles from the closest anything up in Alaska. We unhitched the truck, drove ahead to a Native Cultural Museum that we found in the Milepost magazine, made a few phone calls, went back to the trailer we had left along the road and waited for the repairman to come those 80 miles. He was able to give us a new spring there alongside the highway, and only charged us $800! Lol!! Now we can chuckle about it....someday you will be able to laugh too. But it sure is frustrating at the time. Hope the rest of the trip goes great! Have fun in that beautiful spot!

22 Sherrill said...

Ohh, so PRETTY! Everytime I see someone post about camping, really makes me sad DH is not here to go camping anymore. We had a 23' Shasta as our starter, moved up to a 28' motorhome and wound up with a 27' trailer with a pushout. We went EVERYWHERE and I always enjoyed camping more than hotels. Have fun!

23 KaHolly said...

It could have been so much worse! Sorry about your troubles, but glad you are safe. Such a beautiful trip. Continue to have a good time and hope you share more pics!

24 Julie Fukuda said...

I love seeing all those fall colors. I think that is one thing I miss most about living in Japan.

25 Denise :) said...

Wow -- that was a wicked hit your camper took. I'm so sorry!! The foliage is beautiful -- hope that helps make up for it! Glad you were able to call someone to help get things righted. Hugs! :)

26 Lana said...

Oh wow...these photos are lovely...
minus the tire damage...
We have had that happen several times when traveling to OK...The roads there are absolutely AWFUL!
I know in Houston, if you blow a tire because of a hole in the road...the city picks up the bill...might check to see if they do that there?
Have fun on the rest of your trip!

27 said...

Oh the Aspen are gorgeous! I hate when you have a blow out on a trailer. Glad you are safe.

28 Linda said...

What gorgeous photos!
I have wonderful memories of Estes Park just before Christmas! Everything was covered with snow and there will little twinkly lights everywhere! It was gorgeous!

29 Carrie P. said...

Beautiful photos. That tire must have really been flapping around to do that damage. Glad all turned out okay.