Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Twas The Night ....

What?  Christmas?  Already?  Ya'll I went to the big Sam's store here a couple of weeks August... and they had Christmas trees up already!  Since I'm one of those people who likes to have things done way ahead of time I've already started planning some gifts.  My favorites are the ones I can make in a few hours or a night.  You know things like small purses, appliqued tea towels, pajama bottoms, special cards, scissors fobs, decorated cookie jars, wine get the picture?  You can make as many of these as you want to show but the most fun part of this hop is that we are going to share one gift with another blogger on the hop.  Once I put the list together the first person on the list will send a present to the second person on the list, the second person on the list will send a gift to the third person on the list, and so on.  And remember it has to be something you've made in just a few hours or a night.

Madame Samm wrote this cute poem to give us a little inspiration...

T'was the night...

T'was the night before posting we're told it's a gift
a holiday present that has to conjure a lift...
It has to be made within hours, something so sweet
a pleasure to masses that has meaning so deep..

So if you can think of a gift or a tut to stitch
and you know it will take only hours to enrich..
then join us this season with hearts content
You know your time will be so well spent......

mdm samm

If you want to join us on this hop, and you know you want to, just send me an e-mail ( with Twas The Night in the subject line.  For this one I will need:
1.  Your name
2.  Your blog name
3.  Your blog address
4.  Your mailing address

I need your mailing address to share with the person who will be sending you a gift.  It will not go to the whole group.  And I will try to group people together by country to avoid excessive postage costs.  However, if you do not mind mailing internationally please tell me that in the e-mail.

Your gift/project should be something small, something made in a few hours or a night, and something suitable for a gift.  It might be Christmasy or it might be something designed particularly for a quilter (like a pincushion, needle holder, etc.)  In addition to those directions here are a few small rules we will need for you to follow.

Anyone and everyone can participate in our HOPS.
If ever you wanted to have cheerleaders in your life
to cheer on your creativity….
well you do not need to look any further…

1. CREATE something that SHOUTS
T'was the night

2. BE a cheerleader for all those who participate, there is nothing 
as heartfelt as your lovely comments.

3. Please turn off your word verification the day of your
post…you really do not want to miss any comments..
YOU have no idea how that one comment can be a life changer….

4. Be sure to add your post at midnight EST. WE have visitors
all around the world who like to get up like we do in North America
to your lovely creations

5. Please ADD everyone including YOUR blog on your post 
that day, so we can find everyone as easily as we found you..

6. MOST IMPORTANT, commit, if you don't, you have
taken the spot of someone else who I will be hearing about,
trust me there…

7. Add the button to your blog so everyone will note your 
T'was the night

Are you ready?  Wonderful!  Send me an e-mail!


1 Margie said...

Just signed up and know what I'm going to do. Thank You

2 Carol Swift said...

This will be a great way to get in the Christmas!

3 BarbCarol said...

Sent you an email.

4 Farm Quilter said...

Yippee, another hop to look forward to!!!

5 allthingzsewn said...

Thanks Marlene for being willing to help Mdm Samm get this together, I've already signed up. However I forgot to mention that I would be willing to shop internationally if needed. Are you going to email when the button is up?

6 sew.darn.quilt said...

This is going to be fun! I'm all signed up and ready to go!!

7 Sherrill said...

I'm passing on this--after my move a year ago, I STILL don't have room for all that I already have :-( But was gonna say I think Hobby Lobby was putting stuff up just after July 4th!!! I don't like this pushing holidays WAAYY before their time!

8 Gmama Jane said...

I will send you an email asap!! Love this idea!!
Gmama Jane

9 Gmama Jane said...

Count me in, Marlene!!!