Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

There's a First Time for Everything

Good grief, what was I thinking when I decided to start a blog? Have you ever had all these ideas in your head and then right when you need them they disappear? I'm sure I've got lots to say and I'm also sure I'll think of lots of them in the middle of the night tonight.

I've been doing some hand quilting this week. I don't do a lot of that because of arthritis in my hands but I do so enjoy it when I'm feeling loose enough. It occurs to me that the old saying that youth is wasted on the young is so true. I could have done a lot of hand quilting some years ago but that was before I knew I liked it!

I've fallen in love with redwork and just finished a cute one I got from Lynette Anderson Designs that says "Nice Matters." If you haven't checked out her blog you really should. Redwork is one of those things you can do while you watch tv, bake a cake and have a conversation with your husband, all at one time.

Last night we took our son and his family out for dinner. He and his wife have two girls, ages six and two. I'd forgotten that children feel compelled to check out the restrooms multiple times wherever they are. What is it about public bathrooms that demand a visit? There are no toys there, no other children to play with, no food....and yet, in an hour's time each child just had to go twice. Plus each one wanted to accompany the other on their visit so that was four trips! In their jargon, go figure.

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