Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Does Anyone Need?

I made this costume for my grandson for Christmas a couple of years ago - at his request. It was so cute! Anyway, it's a size 7-14 and I won't be needing it again. Anyone need a pattern? I'll be happy to send it your way! At the time it was $15.95 and I sure hate to throw it away. Free to the first taker!


1 Val said...

Oh that would be the perfect size for Brother next year! I would love to claim it if no one else does. You are so generous.

2 Phyllis said...

Hey friend,

I just read the post about your daughter. How is she doing? I'm sorry she's having to go through this.

3 Mama said...

I feel your pain! Patterns have become so expensive! I don't think I could stand to throw one away, either.

Oh, btw -- the real reason I came over? To congratulate you! You won the drawing for the Gold Canyon Christmas candle. email me your delivery (street, please) address, and I'll get it on its way to you.

4 Mama said...

I feel your pain! Patterns have become so expensive! I don't think I could stand to throw one away, either.

Oh, btw -- the real reason I came over? To congratulate you! You won the drawing for the Gold Canyon Christmas candle. email me your delivery (street, please) address, and I'll get it on its way to you.