Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

November Goals

I didn't get all my November goals finished - I never do - but here are a few things I did this month.
I carpool to my quilt guild meeting with four other ladies. We're doing a Christmas block exchange for our Christmas present to each other. I know this doesn't look like much now will eventually! This is a machine appliqued Santa from the "I Believe" book by Art To Heart. I have him all fused on five blocks (I did one for myself) and am ready for the machine blanket stitching. He's going to be so cute. :)

These redwork letters are from a pattern called "Alphabet in Bloom" that I borrowed from a friend. Eventually I'm going to do the whole alphabet but these four are the initials of my four granddaughters. I'm not sure exactly how I'm going to use these but in a Christmas present of some kind - maybe a sachet bag?

These are old-fashioned white tea towels that I found at Maggie Mae's Quilt Shop in Estes Park, Colorado. I loved the quality of the towel and they are huge...maybe even too big! I embroidered a different fruit on all eight of them and these will be Christmas gifts for friends.

This was a Christmas panel I bought from our local quilt shop. I added borders, machine appliqued an extra bird on the top, and machine quilted it. It's already been mailed to a blog friend.

And as promised, this is Winter Wonderland completed and hanging. This is the last time you will see it hanging because I learned a huge lesson from this quilt. I'm not a good piecer, let me make that clear up front. I can never seem to get that really good consistent quarter inch. Therefore, I cut off points or leave them floating all too often. I'm good at other things so I live with the piecing problems. When I want a quilt done on the longarm with a pantogram I take it to a local quilter. She's reasonably priced, does a good job with pantograms and I want to support the local quilt shop. She's done a lot of quilts for me. When I got this quilt back from her she had trimmed it to where she cut off some of the blocks...just a little. Normally she trims to just beyond the where the quilt ends. That, combined with my poor piecing, meant the outside edges weren't good. In fact, I couldn't square up the quilt which had somehow become "warped" in the quilting. When I put the sleeve on and tried to hang it, oh my goodness, it was lopsided. At first I was really upset - I put a lot of work in this quilt. And then I thought ok I'll take the binding off, put on a wide red border that I quilted prior to putting it on - sort of a quilt-as-you-go concept, and then square it. And I may still do that someday. But for now I'll lay it on my bed where it's imperfections won't show. What's the lesson I learned? I'm not perfect. No one is. This quilt isn't perfect....but it's beautiful just like it is. And so is the friend who quilted it. Life isn't about perfect, it's about love. I love my friend and I love my quilt. I want to always remember to look beyond imperfections and just see the love.


1 Michelle said...

I love all your creations, and your quilt IS beautiful. Have a wonderful day and be blessed!

2 Lori said...

Great projects! and I love the Winter Wonderland crooked or straight. :)

3 Ruth said...

The Winter wonderland quilt is gorgeous! I really want to make that some day. I think you should hang it even if it is crooked.

4 Needled Mom said...

You have gotten a lot accomplished. I love all of your lovely embroidery and the Winter Wonderland is just beautiful.

5 rlbates said...

I love them all! Beautiful!

6 Cindy said...

I like the Winter Wonderland quilt. So inspiring and makes me wish I enjoyed quilting as much as you do!

7 Lindah said...

Wow! You have been quite productive! And ALL are beautiful. The little lesson about Winter Wonderland is so true. No one is perfect, only God. Least of all, me! Thanks for that.
And the new tradition sounds like a winner to me! It might even work at Christmas, too! :-)

8 Marge said...

When I made my first quilt I was told that you should leave a mistake on every quilt because no one but God is perfect. So you have a little mistake.....proves you're not perfect!

Lovely quilt. Hang it and enjoy it.

9 Mary L. Briggs said...

I love everything, Marlene! That winter wonderland is so pretty! I think your little fused Santa block is cute, too. I'm looking forward to seeing the finished project from your block exchange.

Hope you are staying warm!!

10 Phyllis said...

Hey Marlene,

I love your wonderland quilt and it looks perfect to me. But I understand how you feel. I get so upset with myself b/c nothing I do is ever up to my standards. Why do we do that to ourselves? I am learning to enjoy the process of making something, not that it will be a work of art or perfect.

btw - I received my package today and plan to make the deer panel into a lap quilt for myself. And I love, love, love the two squares - thanks so much! I'll make the snow man into a wall hanging for one of my granddaughters. I'll post a public thank you in a week. I want to leave my current post up for a while.

Thank you again so much! I'll repay you in kind (eventually)! :)

11 Karen said...

Your redwork quilt is a winner regardless of whether you lost points in the process. I did not do a closeup view to check it out because it looks good just as it is.
I take that you are getting and giving a block for each member in your group. Your Santa block is a good design and will make a good one to give.

12 Lea and her Mustangs said...

Oh the quilts are beautiful. I am so envious. I just can't do that kind of stuff. My head wants to but just can't do it. I love to look at it.

13 Adrienne said...

I like the Winter Wonderland quilt with it's unique personality! I think a 'perfect' quilt wouldn't have as much character - that's what makes some of the very old quilt appealing. You always amaze me. I don't get as much done in a month as you - thanks for sharing your inspiring work with us. ~Adrienne~

14 gloria g. said...

My parents always said, pretty is as pretty does. It is very pretty. You did a wonderful job. Just enjoy it.

15 gloria g. said...

My parents always said, pretty is as pretty does. It is very pretty. You did a wonderful job. Just enjoy it.

16 Purple Pam said...

I love your Winter Wonderland, including its imperfections. I must say, it looks good in the picture. I don't see any imperfections, just beauty.

17 Val said...

I think this is the prettiest quilt I have ever seen. If you hadn't told me any imperfections I sure would not have noticed. Its beauty is so much more than what we see. I can't wait to see it on your bed! We are going to get to see it, right??

18 Carrie P. said...

Well, you have finished some great projects.
I am working on the Winter Wonderland too. But I only have 2 blocks done so far.