Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Have You Seen This?

Doesn't mean much to me...does it to you?  Or it didn't until I read this post at Reverent Irreverence.  Go read it.  Please.

I'm doing a study right now that was written by Beth Moore and is called "Seeking A Heart Like His."  I think these men have achieved that goal.


1 Elora said...

This is beautiful. I, too, tear up. I am so strongly supportive of the Egyptians in their quest for justice and a level playing field. It is important that we Americans fall into the trap of listening to our so-called "leaders" when we know, in our hearts that they are wrong. We must continue to peacefully protest on their behalf, letting our government know that "transition" is not where it's at. A clean slate, with Mubarak gone is the threshhold for any so-called "negotiations. It isn't up to us. It isn't up to the U.S. It's up to the Egyptians, and they deserve our support. Thank you for this post, Marlene. I know you and I live in different "camps" but we agree on lots of things. Love you, girl!

2 Elora said...

I meant "It is important that we Americans DON'T fall into the trap...

3 Arkansas Patti said...

It is amazing when you know the story, just how wonderful that image is. Thank you.

4 ColoradoBelle said...


5 Val said...

I did see this on the news. What an example.

6 Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

All you need is love. Less mind, more heart. It's wonderful.
xx, shell

7 Sharon said...

Thanks for sharing, Marlene! This is just beautiful! Gives me hope that we will see peace on earth someday.

8 Tracy P. said...

Thanks for sharing, Marlene. Oh that the body of Christ would use our hands, feet, and especially mouths to reflect his. Amen!

9 Sparky said...

It is amazing what one can do when they use their heart. My sil left the day before the sadness broke out...we all think she was very lucky...she is Serbian with quite a hot temper...and this frightened her...there was quite a bit of rumbling while she was there...

10 Robert Brault said...

So glad I chose today to come by. It is heartening beyond words not only to witness the scene in Cairo but to see the wealth of sympathetic comment your link inspired. There is hope!

11 FlourishingPalms said...

How wonderful... right now I'm doing the same Beth Moore study of David! Our church started it in January with more than 100 women. We're on the fifth lesson. I'm thoroughly appreciating it and think we're all blessed by Beth Moore's enthusiasm for the Word. And now I'm off to do today's homework!