Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Small Things

Sometimes when I'm in the mood to stitch but don't want to tackle anything big I make a few small things instead.  Like this mini purse for my Kindle.
Is that hard to see?  I wanted to "stage" it in the sunshine as it slants across my bed in the mornings but we all know my photography skills are non-existent.  Even if you can't see the purse isn't the sunshine wonderful after these past days of gray and gloom?  :)

I have a small wall hanging like this one and it's one of my favorites so I made another for a friend.
More staging ya'll.  It's not working for me....get thee over thyself Marlene!

I made this bag before Christmas, loved it so much that I gave it away to a dear friend.  Do ya'll ever do that?  It just looked more like her than me.
But I kept thinking about that bag and I had more fabric and we don't live in the same town or country even so I just made another one for myself!

Now this one looks more like me - a bit slouchy and soft, a little oversized, vocal about my faith.

I also made a few new lavender sachets for my dresser drawers but they're already in the drawers and if you think I'm taking a picture of them you are mistaken.  While they aren't completely a mess they aren't as neat and tidy as a magazine and that's what it would take to get me to show them.  :)

I need a few more small things to do - got any ideas for me?


1 Amy said...

Aww that wall hanging is soooo cute! I know she'll "love" it!!!!

2 Sparky said...

I love the staging...quite good like the sun is just kissing your pieces of work..and I am very impressed...and I love the bags...there is nothing like it...these sizes are for new small projects how about, a slipper bag, wine bottle bag, toilet paper cover..NOOOOO just kidding on that one...I am off to my retreat..yours was my last post before I say good bye lol... annnnnd keep staging this is good.

3 Cindy said...

First of all, I'm so jealous that you have a Kindle! lol I do like the case you made for it. Secondly, those bags are great. I'm a purse/bag person and while some women go crazy with shoes, I could easily have a closet full of bags if not for disliking clutter and too many choices more.

4 Darlene said...

The little things are very important - especially the sun shining in your window.

5 Pat - Arkansas said...

I admire your Kindle cover -- and everything else. Those bags are wonderful.

Yes, it's great to see sunshine. I'm looking forward to the great thaw.

6 BarbCarol said...
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7 BarbCarol said...

I'm making a small wallet to hang around my neck while shopping. It is mostly for my new Android - it is too large for the pockets on my too tight jeans. Of course, this is just in the planning stage. Gotta finish my sister's birthday gift first -- intended for 2009 birthday (oops!).
How come we share so many genes, but not the "Project-A-Day" gene? What, you didn't study about that gene in your genetic class?

8 Di said...

Sunshine in winter is so good for the spirits! Marlene, your creations are just lovely. How about a covered notebook?

9 Julie Fukuda said...

So, that's where our sun went!
Hey, I think the toilet paper cover was a great idea.My owl cover hangs right below the one in use with the spare. I am thinking of something like a chatelain to wear around my neck when I quilt with a pocket for my glasses and a quick holder for scissors, pins, and thread.(and maybe the phone so I don't have to drop everything to go answer it)

10 Teresa said...

I love all your small ideas. I have a small quick quilting idea for you....Have you done the Mug Rugs yet? I joined a Mug Rug swap and it was great. They are great gifts and they use up your scraps. You can see them on my blog at

11 Val said...

It is easier for me to do the little things! I love all your goodies.

12 Vivian said...

I'm thinking a Valentine's pillow for someone special.

13 FabricFascination said...

You make me laugh Marlene.

Lovely projects.

14 Arkansas Patti said...

Being a Kindle lover, I am so glad to see you have provided it with such an attractive place to rest.

15 Gmama Jane said...

Marlene, you crack me up!! I love all your little projects as well!

I enjoyed an English muffin on my lovely new mug rug this morning before church. I didn't even get it dirty... just a little crumbly but those dusted off nicely. It was nice knowing it was from you. Your goodies are winging your way so be looking!!
Love & Blessings

16 Grammy Staffy said...

You are wonderful. Always busy. I need a new cell phone case. I got a new cell phone this week and it is too long to fit in my leather case I have for my old phone. Maybe I should follow your example and make one.

I don't have a kindle but I wish I did.

Have a great week. I won't be able to blog next week but I will be thinking of you. Hugs, Lura

17 Tipper said...

Love the kendle bag-I have a friend who needs one like that!