Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Tuxedo Cat

I found this pattern in a magazine several years ago and I'm sorry to say I don't remember which one.  At the time I had a cat named Jackson who has since departed this earth but at the time most of these silhouettes reminded me so much of him that I couldn't wait to make the quilt.  Oddly enough the one silhouette that doesn't look like Jackson (who was a Maine Coon) is Tuxedo Cat in the very middle.  The background is made of several different cream on cream fabrics though it's hard to tell here.  All the cats are in black and there's only the one splash of red in the tie.  I put a little bling on the tie - a couple of clear, sparkly crystals.  I was thinking of Jackson today.  He was such a bother - his hair was long and thick and he shed terribly.  He only wanted to sit in my lap when he wanted to and never when I wanted him to.  He used the litter box like a good cat but he scratched the litter out onto the floor all around the box.  He was left at the city dump where he was found and rescued by a friend of mine.  When she brought him to me he was covered with fleas and ticks and was wild and angry.  I took him to the vet and got him cleaned up and got his shots and when I brought him home he hid under the bed for days and days, only coming out at night.  We didn't lay eyes on him for weeks!  Eventually though, as is the norm with cats, he "owned" the house and us or so he thought and he lived with us for 12 years.  We don't have any pets now but every once in a while I think I catch a glimpse of Jackson out of the corner of my eye.  I don't give much credence to that, knowing that it's just a shadow or a bit of light.  Except today when I found a little tuft of Jackson hair.  He died three years ago.  Hmmmmm.


1 Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I know I have seen the cat patterns somewhere also but haven't a clue where it was.

Anonymous said...

My dad always used to say that cats choose their owners and where they live. The neighbors can't chose me. I've had a cat move across the street before after having him for over ten years. I think he wanted a slower pace of life with the older lady. My Meowzer went missing nearly two years ago. When he lived here he would see our car coming and race us took me forever after he went missing to stop thinking I saw him.
I too have seen this pattern somewhere...for the life of me can't place it.

Anonymous said...

I meant to say neighor's CAT chose me.

4 Unknown said...

That is a classy looking quilt! You did great.

I have a cat pattern, but haven't made it. I think it's called Stairway To Heaven by McCalls. I've seen it made and it's neat, too.

Take care . . .

5 Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

What a beautiful quilt. You know I love the black and cream combo. Just beautiful! Jackson sounded like he was such a wonderful boy. Maine Coon cats are so fluffy!! That's really cool about his tuft of hair. The ones we love are always with us.
xx, shell

6 Michelle said...

Your quilt is cute. We have never owned pets, but my sister has a black and white long haired cat who was abandoned as a newborn kitten, in a paper sack in the dead of winter behind a pop machine at a convenience store. He was such a fraidy cat (pun intended)for such a long time, my sister named him Ghost. Here is the story of what it was like to catch him when she moved out of her apartment. He hid for two or three days until he was the only thing left to move (40 miles).

Since I caught him and took him to Nancy, he can't stay away from me when I visit. He shed horribly, but I love him. He isn't as shy anymore with people he knows, but when someone comes he does not know, he still hides.

Have a great week!

7 Pat - Arkansas said...

I greatly admire your cat quilt! Perfect fabric colors for the subject. My daughter has a Maine Coon who will soon be 16 years old. "Arthur" is a (huge) cuddle baby; he loves me and I love him. I am owned by three cats who have condescended to live under my roof, all of them "foundlings."

8 Vivian said...

Oh, I just love that quilt. My future daughter-in-law has two cats and she would love this quilt.

9 Val said...

Love that quilt and the cats!!! I loved hearing about your cat. 12 years is a long time to be part of your family. And that little bit of!

10 Grammy Staffy said...

Cute pattern. Jackson must have been quite a character. I just found some of Heidi's hair in a corner of our bathroom floor. I wonder if I will still be finding some 3 years from now????

Have a good week.
Hugs, Lura

11 Amelia said...

Love the cat quilt...looked like a fun one to make.

Enjoyed your story about your Jackson....cats do have a way of owning us most of the time.

Have a great week - hopefully you don't have as much snow as we have.

12 Julie Fukuda said...

When you have six kids you never know what they will walk in the door with next. The last of the cats moved to the U.S. with one son but Nikko is entering her 9th year this month and there is enough hair to last forever. Nikko thinks a cat would be great but Lucciano, the canary, has voted no.
I have seen a recent re-make on the cat quilt.

13 FlourishingPalms said...

How nice to have a remembrance of Jackson. Even better that you're handling a UFO. Though I'm not a cat person, I can sure appreciate the companionship of a pet. We have a beagle-chow, Hogan, who's a sweetie.

14 Calamity Jane's Cottage, Bonnie said...

Oh my Marlene, we have had cats over the years and the last one just about claimed our house, thought he was the king. Had to put him out and he was shocked. Best outside cat we had. Cute quilt...

15 Arkansas Patti said...

Love that quilt but then I do love cats.
That was spooky about the tuft of hair, especially after so long.

16 rlbates said...

Very nice quilt!

17 Amy said...

What a cute kitty quilt! I love any quilt with a cat on it!

18 Gmama Jane said...

Love the Black & White cat quilt! Our Blackjack owned us for over 15 yrs. and "Dolly" lived with us for 18 yrs.!! Dolly helped raise my children. Both were strays, in fact, Dolly was being used as a substitute "football" one afternoon when I was visiting my husband, Coach H, right before football practice. I yelled at the young man just as Dolly was mid-air about to be thrown for a touchdown. Needless to say, that little yellow tabby cat came home with me that day and stayed for 18 yrs. We all adored her, even Coach who is NOT a cat person. Thanks for taking me down memory lane, Marlene!

19 Phyllis said...

The quilt is beautiful. I want to make a black, white and red quilt some day.

It's a sweet story about Jackson. Maybe he's checking on you from time to time :)

Anonymous said...


Love the cat quilt. I shall remember Jerry warming up the canned food for him.


21 Lena . . . said...

It's true about cats. My mother always told me that dogs have masters, but cats have servants. And that's pretty much the way it is at my house. LOVE your quilt.

22 Sparky said...

I just love this Marlene...what a great quilt and the red bow really stands out....

23 Sandy said...

Our cat was dropped off at our house and we took her in, got shots, spaded, de-flead, and now she owns our house, along with the Jack Russell..don't disregard your cat being in the house, we had a dog for 16 years and occasionally we see her. A psychic came to another house we lived in and she saw the black dog that lived there before us, that was a relief, cause I was the only one that saw the black dog. Pets leave an empty hole when they're gone and I understand what you're feeling.. another will come along - one that needs your help.

24 Brooke said...

:-) Love this one.

Love my cat, too!

25 Purple Pam said...

Hmmmmmmmmm. I agree! As I get older there are a lot of Hmmmmmms for me it seems!

26 Floss said...

Great quilt, thanks for sharing your story of Jaskson. He sound like he was a lovely cat.