Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Friday, February 4, 2011

One Thousand Blessings - Day 21

676.  Medical folks - especially those that work with children
677.  Seeing a sick child start to get better
678.  Snow
679.  People who clear away the snow  :)
680.  Birds sitting at my feeder
681.  Mothers who make courageous, but hard, decisions for their children
682.  Small gas heaters in bathrooms
683.  The internet
684.  Homegrown vegetables
685.  Broccoli Cheese Soup on a cold day
686.  Praying over a child
687.  Being able to buy a size smaller slacks that you used to
688.  Soft, warm pajamas
689.  Crock Pots
690.  Pictures of my parents
691.  Church day care centers
692.  Thank you notes
693.  Books that make you think, and the ones that don't
694.  Those that make sure Bibles are in hotel rooms
695.  Krusteaz fat free muffin mix
696.  Friends who make me laugh
697.  Friends who cry with me
698.  Recipe cards written by my father-in-law
699.  My daughter's dog, Zuri
700.  The first green shoots of the daffodils
701.  Deep purple violets on my windowsill
702.  Really good lemonade
703.  Those that serve the homeless
704.  Those that put  flowers on their loved ones graves
705.  Preachers
706.  The woman at Starbucks who is always cheerful and welcoming
707.  Dry cleaning services
708.  Icicles hanging from the roof  reflecting the sunlight in a million colors
709.  Business cards when I want to save a phone number
710.  Thermometers that tell me the temperature outdoors and indoors at the same time
711.  Voice mail
712.  Senior citizen day at Kroger
713.  "Green" bags that are so much easier to carry than plastic ones
714.  Our knitting ministry at church
715.  People who work in Hospice


1 Linda - Behind My Red Door said...

Oh so many good ones ... Let me rephrase...they are ALWAYS good ones but many today hit home with me! Thanks for such good reminders Marlene....have a great weekend! Hugs!

2 Val said...

I love this. I have been doing this in a very small way at the bottom of my posts.

3 Julie Fukuda said...

My blessing is your list to remind me how many blessings I have!

4 Janet, said...

Wow, we do have so many blessings. I've been posting on Sunday about something or someone I've been blessed with in my life.

5 Pat - Arkansas said...

This is another wonderful list, Marlene. Thank you. I know that I am blessed in many ways; I just don't stop often enough to give thanks.

6 Burlap Luxe said...

Agree great list,
thank you dear one for your beautiful visit.

see you soon:)

7 Cindy said...

I so appreciated your list and how it reminds me of all I have to be thankful for too.

8 Arkansas Patti said...

So glad you started up again. I do so enjoy these and they remind me just what blessings are.
Did have to chuckle though at #679 after reading 678.

9 elaine @ peace for the journey said...

Love this list... especially 705!


10 FabricFascination said...

An especially sweet list.

11 BarbC said...

Great list as always!

12 Pokey said...

Loved this list,we are happier people when we count our blessings! I'm glad Blake is better, too, allergies can bring on such fear!
Ps, the rooster top is WonDerFuL!

13 Jacquie Wallace said...

So many things to be thankful for. You always provide us with wonderful reminders!