Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

One Thousand Blessings - Day 21

716.  The resilience of children
717.  The bluebirds are back in their little house in my backyard
718.  I saw my first Robin of the spring this week
719.  The Finches have found the new feeder outside my bedroom window
720.  The daffodils have begun to bloom again
721.  Seeing an old friend at church
722.  Restaurant gift cards
723.  A four year old bowling
724.  A four year old who answers a scolding with "I didn't know any better"
725.  Sunday School classes for special needs children
726.  Parents who take turns teaching Sunday School
727.  Horses running through a field just for the fun of running
728.  Dogs who attend funerals
729.  The relief I feel after a good cry
730.  New closet shelves
731.  A full pantry
732.  Apples
733.  Remembering a Bible verse at the exact time I need it
734.  Woven oak baskets
735.  White caps on the lake
736.  Hearing a bird sing and sing and sing outside my window
737.  Children singing at church
738.  Pictures of my grandchildren
739.  The scent of cinnamon
740.  Banana Nut Bread
741.  Bright colored fabrics that look like the colors of spring
742.  Charm packs and jelly rolls and layer cakes
743.  The far off sound of a lawn mower
744.  Hearing a train whistle and remembering Big Pappaw
745.  Fresh caught fish fried in hot oil
746.  Discovering an author I love but have never read before
747.  Books I can download on my computer without even going to the library
748.  Recipe cards
749.  White cheese dip
750.  Knowing it's time to put away the coats and scarves and bring out the light jackets


Anonymous said...

Your list of blessings is a blessing! We cannot be thankful enough for what the LORD has given to us! He is good!

2 Pat - Arkansas said...

I do so much enjoy your list of blessings. Thank you.

3 Vroomans' Quilts said...

I too am enjoying your 'blessings' list. Todays item - the scent of cinnamon - have had that in my mind all day.

4 EFT Therapy said...

Your list of blessings are wonderful!

5 Anxiety Cause said...

There's always little things to be thankful for. Such a wonderful list.

6 Val said...

Oh the scent of cinnamon....yes!

7 Grammy Staffy said...

You make me smile. I love your 1000 blessings. You are a blessing to me.
We are I am tired but we had a wonderful trip. I am sending you hugs my friend. Have a blessed week.
Love, Lura

8 Salem Stitcher said...

I saw my first robins yesterday which made me smile.

But "I didn't know any better" made me laugh. I know some adults that use that same line.

Your list is very much a blessing. Thank you for sharing and inspiring!

9 Leave a Legacy said...

Your list is so uplifting. Also makes me think and reminds me to appreciate!

10 Jody Blue said...

#729 727 725 733 So many good ones. It is indeed the little things that give life great value and purpose.
You African Violets make mine look so sad!

11 em's scrapbag said...

Great list. Love daffodils and putting away winter clothes.

12 Lea and her Mustangs said...

great list Marlene. We are staying about evem. No its not a race. Some of yours remind me of thngs also.Blessings.

13 Sewn With Grace said...

I just love reading your list of blessings! So glad that his blessings never cease!

14 Carrie P. said...

Yay for bluebirds. I have heard a few in my yard. It won't be long before they start checking out my house.

15 rubyslipperz1052 said...

Blessings.......i'm so glad that you are sharing yours....they really make me happy to read them!!!
there NEEDS to be more positive words in our world today! this is a great idea to share on your blog post! i'm trying to add positive with Wonderful Wednesdays....on my blog.


16 Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

724, too darn funny!!! 750, oh thank goodness!!
xx, shell

17 Susannah said...

Great list, Marlene! You are doing such a wonderful job and I am enjoying it so, so much! Thank you for sharing it with your readers.


18 Jacquie Wallace said...

Another great list, Marlene. I love how many have to do with the coming new season!!