Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Flowers and Dresses

Madame Samm over at Sew I Quilt has given us a new drawing and I couldn't wait to try it out.  This is my test block but I think it's pretty cute!  I used a plain white back for this but I think a tone on tone will be my final choice for the background.  I did a little embroidery stitch on my machine around the neckline and a zigzag stitch to make a belt.  I think that belt might need a little rhinestone buckle.  :)  And I can see one with a little lace peeking out of the neckline, or a matching scarf around the neck.  I sure wish I had some fabric that looked like these flowers in my yard:

I don't exactly have a green thumb but I do like to grow a few things.  Some years my herbs do better than others but these aren't bad:
The Lemon Balm comes up in a surprising place every likes to travel.

This Dill is just a baby.  I planted it about a month ago but I'm afraid it's not getting enough sun to really mature.

Now the Oregano, it can take on a life of it's own when it's happy!

And this thyme is about 3 years old.  At first it just sat there like a bump on a log but this last winter it sort of "came into it's own" and started spreading.

Basil has a problem.  It's pretty but I'm afraid it wants more sun than it's getting to even have enough to pick.

I even planted a few onions this year and they're doing well.  That Rosemary back there, it's my always-grows herb.  And I also have 3 garlic plants almost ready to dig.  I've never grown garlic so I'm pretty excited about it.  What are you growing in your garden this year?


1 Lea and her Mustangs said...

I hope I growing if the torrential rains have not drown everything: 1 hill of Zuchinni, l hill of cucumbers, 1 hill butternut squash, 3 pepper plants, a short row of spinach for salad, a short row of lettuce, green beans and lots of sunflowers. I love sunflowers. I do have Lemon Balm and chives and a neighbor is going to share her Rosemary and Thyme. Not very exciting huh. Stuff is just getting started here. Hope you are doing well, we are fine and dandy. So is Pistol. She would eat anything. Blessings

2 Wendy said...

Oh yum ... the smells your garden will produce when they are cooking!! lol must be close to lunch time ;) The dress is beautiful and yes, a little rhinestone, adorable :) If it would ever stop raining here, I could get my carrot and radish seeds in the ground, but I did plant lettuce, onions, garlic, corn, cucumber, peppers and pumpkins besides the tomatoes this year. We had fresh snow on the mountain peaks this morning though, so I hope they don't freeze before they get started! Happy stitching Dear Lady!!

3 Sparky said...

ohhhh tooo darn cute and yes I like...very old fashion isn't it? and your flowers oh my...they seem to be doing quite well...very perky lol

Anonymous said...

What am I growing; oh, lots of herbs grow. Have added onion chives this year and will see if they take. I have put in onion chives on and off for 20 years and they do not take - garlic chives grow just fine and in the fall when I have not liked the way anything looks in the garden the garlic chives flower and look great. We are getting a tad HOT here to "enjoy" the outdoors so my hands on gardening days are about over until October. Which is why I like to quilt....

Posting as anonymous as blogger wipes me out of any other id I try.

5 Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I planted garlic for the first time and wonder now if I was too late planting it (last week) if you are already to dig your bulbs up. I am not much for a garden veggie green thumb my garden is doing poorly.

6 Michelle said...

Pretty block! I love your green plants and flowers too!

Anonymous said...

I adore Lemon Balm and it is a vigorous little plant.
I have sign on as anonymous also. Blogger is having problems that effect some of us. If the comment settings are switched to "full page" those of us blocked will be able to comment normally. Or as long as you continue to allow anonymous we can sign on that way. FYI.
Arkansas Patti

8 Tracy P. said...

Just flowers! The rabbits are even allowing some of them to grow this year, and many are soon to bloom! Sort of a miracle.

Love your block. So cute!

9 Julie Fukuda said...

The neighbor's gardener came the other day and we slipped him a bit on the side to trim the jungle on our side of the street. Since my Japanese is rather poor, I asked my husband to explain what I wanted. Big mistake. The plum is still too tall for me to trim and now the lily is taller than the maple. I'll have to stand on a ladder to get a picture when it blooms anyway.

10 Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Love your dress block! Too cute!
I can't grow anything. Well, I take that back. I do have one ivy plant on the back porch that looks happy! :)
xx, shell

11 Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said...

Oh look at your dress!! I just love it, and yes it would look cute with some bling! Looks to me as if you have a very good "green thumb"!!

12 FabricFascination said...

I have a little garden. So far there is spinach, lettuce, green and wax beans, tomatoes, zucchini, tarragon, chives, some other unknown member of the squash family, and strawberries.

I love herbs. I also have mint and lavender growing elsewhere in the yard, a blackberry bush, and two peach trees.

13 Carrie P. said...

Oh, the dress is so sweet and vintage looking.
My oregano is taking over, sprouting up where ever it wants.
I think the cool weather we were having for a while keep my basil from doing well but now it looks better.

14 Millie en Miles said...

beautiful blog love the picture of the lake too very inspiring

15 Grammy Staffy said...

I am glad that you made it to your mission safe and sound. I will be praying for you and wishing you the very best.

I am afraid that I've done very little this year since the accident.... actually, I've done nothing but my friends did bring over 3 tomatoes, a cucumber and a pepper and planted them for me. I really miss not being able to garden.... well... maybe next year.

Thanks again for your phone call. You are very special to me. Many hugs, Lura

16 Amy said...

Pretty dress and beautiful flowers!!!!

17 Purple Pam said...

I have a lot of flowering weeds in the back yard. Our Japanese maple is absolutely beautiful in the front yard. Love your blooms.

18 nanny said...

I have tomato plants in big pots and a couple of hot pepper plants in a flower bed.....not much but I do enjoy fresh tomatoes and putting up a couple of pints of pepper sauce.

19 busyascanbe said...

You must have a green thumb...I don't ...crying... So I will just enjoy watching for the pictures of yours.