Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Friday, June 17, 2011

One Thousand Blessings - Day 25

836.   Really good, sharp to the point, scissors
837.  A cool breeze on a hot, muggy day
838.  Seeing an alligator on the OTHER side of the bayou
839.  The sound of children laughing in the hallway of the dorm
840.  A beautiful young woman singing "Be Thou My Vision"
841.  A small boy sharing that his blessing of the week was that his whole family got to come - every one of them
842.  Two college sophomores in one week telling me they were going to be teachers and sharing their excitement about that
843.  Text messages from my children
844.  Facetime on my IPhone
845.  Hearing the Cajun dialect spoken when I'm out shopping
846.  A volunteer who gives chair massages just because she wants to bless others
847.  Green trees against a blue sky seen outside my office window
848.  The scent of gardenias
849.  Books written in a series
850.  Periwinkles (Vinca)
851.  Vitamins that come in small sized pills
852.  The scent of bread cooking
853.  Big front porches with rocking chairs
854.  Freshly washed windows
855.  Newly sharpened pencils


1 Sharon said...

Your list makes me smile! I have so enjoyed reading Ann's book, it has really helped me out of my depression...just can't be depressed when giving thanks! Have to admit that when I visited Joplin last weekend, I was struggling to find grace and gratitude....still working on that one. Have a blessed weekend!

2 Arkansas Patti said...

Ah I have missed these. I really don't want to see one thousand come. Your list acknowledges life's pleasures we too often take for granted.

3 Linda said...

You have inspired me to start listing my blessings along with my daily bible study. what a great way to give thanks for things we might otherwise take for granted! Thank you!

4 Miss Hillbilly said...

So many wonderful blessings!

Books in a too!

5 Karen said...

Gotta have good sharp scissors!

6 Grammy Staffy said...

I always love reading about your 1000 blessings. You make me smile.... and can I get in line for one of those chair massages?

Have a great weekend. Hugs, Lura

7 Gail said...

Those are wonderul items with which to be blessed. Enjoy and keep sharing.

8 Grandma Yellow Hair said...

Your list is really great and I so enjoyed my visit here today..
Been missing you and wanted to catch up with how you are doing.
Hope you continue with the list after a 1000

9 FabricFascination said...

Wow, you are getting really close to the 1000 mark. Will you go on to the next 1000?

Thanks for being so faithful to your list. I've started a Thankful Thursday on my blog, hope I can be as faithful as you have been to yours.

10 Carrie P. said...

fun read. oh, i love bread.

11 Julie Fukuda said...

I just had to smile at 849. I see you have had a run on series.

12 elaine @ peace for the journey said...

Sharpened pencils! Me too. We rarely have enough. I bought an expensive sharpener, but to no avail. Alas, the cheapie hand-held ones keep us in our lead!

Thanks for stopping by. I pray your summer filled with many moments of beauty and grace.
