Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Old and New

I know I've said it before but....I love working with wool!  Just as it is with cotton though, not all wool is the same.  I don't know where I got this little kit for a Holly Leaves Candle Mat but the wool was a little stiffer than I usually get.  Even so it cut easily and stitched up beautifully.  It's a perfect size to sit a fat candle on it this winter and was fast enough to make that I wouldn't mind making several for gifts.  I've had the kit for this for a couple of years...something old.

Remember me telling you I bought an old purse at Goodwill a couple of weeks ago because I liked the handle?  Well this is the old handle and the new purse!  I took the old purse off and cut a pattern from it.  It was simple enough to do that I hope to make several to interchange.
One of the nice things about this handle is that it had a long cord so that you can make it a shoulder bag, or you can tuck the cord inside and just carry it by the handle.  The cord that was on it was beige so I took it off and put white cording on to match my red and white polka dots.  Something new AND something old!

I also cut out this quilt top this week.  You may not be able to see but it's called Diggers and Dozers because the fabric has bulldozers and trucks and tires and even a rolling hillside for those dozers to dig on.  I think it's going to take less time to sew it together than it did to cut it out!  This will be a Christmas present for my youngest grandson - something new!

And this is the cause of the NEW pounds added this week!  You know it as Hershey's Kisses.  I know it as Addiction.  Get thee behind me Satan!


1 Vroomans' Quilts said...

Love all your old and new projects.

2 Linda said...

You've gotten some nice projects done this week!
Oh, I love the Cordial Cherry Hershey Kisses. It's a good thing they are available mainly at Christmas, or I would be in big trouble!!!

3 Carol said...

Very nice projects, Marlene! Glad you are completing so many short but sweet items, and even nicer you can give them as gifts!

Carol (NJ)

4 Arkansas Patti said...

Great recycle on the purse and what boy wouldn't love anything with "Diggers and Dozers" on it.

5 Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said...

You make me smile! Love the candle mat, and your purse, great idea!! Just had a piece of Dove Chocolate myself!!~

6 Sheila said...

Lots of great finishes and something old and something new , wonderful.

7 Julie Fukuda said...

Congratulations on those great finishes. I do love the way you recycled that handle! I can see that quilt would take more concentration to cut and arrange than the final assembly. I'll bet the grandson will love it!

8 Michelle said...

You have been a busy girl. Love your projects!

9 Gmama Jane said...

You are making good use of your "office time"! Where did you get the diggers and dozers kit?? I need that pattern for my Scott a quilt. I just bought some cute fabric with construction vehicles, cars, trucks, fire trucks, etc.. (Scott loves his cars & trucks) but I don't have a pattern picked out.
Keep stitchin'

10 Miss Hillbilly said...

I love Hershey kisses too. Oh my. Keep it away!!

11 Marie Rayner said...

Have played catch up here this morning Marlene. I love all your newest projects and creations. I, too, love to work with felt. I haven't done any felt work in a very long time. I think I need to rectify that! Love Hershey's kisses. Wish we could get them over here, but alas, I have to make do with other things. I used to love Hershey's almond bars. I could not get enough of them! It's probably a good thing I can't get them over here! xxoo

12 Mary L. Briggs said...

Great projects, Marlene! I love that you re-used the purse handles. The little candy mat is cute--I love wool items, too.

That quilt is going to be darling!

13 Yumm yumz by patticakes said...

Awwwww - you deserve a kiss for all those finished projects and recycling ideas! Thanks for the inspiration!

14 Pat - Arkansas said...

You've been keeping busy, with good results. You deserve a kiss!

15 Sparky said...

Ohh I like the purse, your wool work and hershey kisses pass...I used to love them when I was a kid when they were made from milk chocolate they taste like coconut oil..not my fav anymore...

but I LOVE your it

16 Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

LOL! Your are too funny with your kisses! They are terribly addicting!
That purse is fantastic and yes, I too am loving wool. Can't get enough of it!!
xx, shell

17 Wendy said...

What fun projects! Now for the kisses, I'd say you needed a little hug to go with :) Hugs and kisses to you dear friend!!

18 Connie Kresin Campbell said...

Wonderful projects! I haven't worked with wool yet, would love to try someday. Can't wait to see your Diggers and Dozers quilt.

19 Susannah said...

Look at all the wonderful things you have finished! Fantastic!

Everyone loves those Hershey's kisses!


20 Purple Pam said...

P.S. I have the same addiction, plus I am a fabriholic. But that is all! LOL!