Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Friday, June 10, 2011

It's Only Friday

There's a wonderful Christian video/audio called "Sunday's Coming" and all through it the reader says, "It's Only Friday."  It's a pre-Easter video that reminds us that no matter how bad things were/are "It's Only Friday" and "Sunday's Coming."  If you haven't seen/heard it go here and listen; it's amazing.  I don't know why I thought of that this morning when I realized that today's Friday except that it's kind of become my mantra - Sunday's coming and what a great day that will be.  But when I started downloading pictures for this post I thought to myself, "it's only Friday and I've already been to one quilt shop this week and am going to another tomorrow - I could get in trouble quickly!"  I'm sometimes off on Wednesday afternoon and that was the case this week so I made a quick trip to Lafayette.  I confess my primary purpose was to pick up some Tazo Chai Tea from Barnes and Noble, the only place around here I've found to buy it.  I brought a couple of boxes of the liquid concentrate that I exist on love with me but I knew I would need some soon.  And, of course, on the way I stopped at The Borne Quilter, one of my favorite shops.  I picked up this Riley Blake Hooty Goes Night Night quilt kit and I have a really good excuse.  These young people, they keep having babies!  I'm going to need a baby quilt or two in the very near future.

I browsed the patterns and ran across this one - The Bungalow Bag by Abbey Lane.  I confess I skipped over it.  I'm not a brown person and the fabric they used in this picture didn't hook me.  But then when I was looking at fabric I saw the shop sample made up in this fabric:

It was love at first sight.  Now ya'll know I didn't bring my sewing machine with me.  What in the world am I going to do?  I want this purse!  Do you think if I hand stitch it that it will be strong enough?  Or must I go down to the sewing room and push aside one of the ladies working on school bags?  I don't think my boss would approve of that.   :)

Aren't these gorgeous?  My boss/friend Dianna had these on my desk when I arrived last Sunday and they're still pretty today.  They make my office so warm and inviting.

And look at these beautiful, and very fragrant, gardenias.  There are several bushes of these outside one of the buildings here.  It seems to me that I used to root these just by sticking them in water.  I hope I'm not mis-remembering because I'd love to have a start from them.  How about it some flower person out there - will this work?

And look at this cute addition to my kitchen - a steal for $5 at the dollar store.  Our facilities manager came and hung it for me after I took this picture.  Perfect for a retired educator, don't you think?

That's pretty much been my week.  Not one stitch taken.  :(  But this weekend, which for me starts about 2:00 this afternoon, I'm going to start the hand quilting on my jelly roll quilt.  I'll show you a picture next week.   I haven't tried to hand quilt in a long time so I'm going to load up on Ibuprofen before I start...we'll see how far I get.


1 Linda said...

When I lived in Athens, GA I had gardenias all around my house along with hydrangeas. I rooted the gardenias by sticking cuttings in water. I just put a bunch in there (sometimes I dipped the ends in rooting hormone and sometimes I didn't) and made sure the water didn't dry up. After several weeks, you have roots. Simple. Go for it!

2 Michelle said...

Oh sewing they have any Goodwills or Salvation Army stores near you? If they do, drop in! Maybe you can find a good old vintage machine. Pick up some sewing machine oil and get out your old toothbrush and qtips, give it a good cleaning, oil it up, and SEW SEW SEW!!!

3 Carol said...

Marlene, you sure do manage to dream up more projects! Good luck with the hand sewing. I hope the Ibuprofen works well enough to ward off the aches.

Carol (NJ)

4 Arkansas Patti said...

Could you go in after the "bag ladies" leave?
Good luck with the hand stiching. That is how it used to get done.

5 Julie Fukuda said...

Hey, wait a moment...didn't you take along things to work on? All I know is, if I went into a book store I would come out with more than tea and I wouldn't dare hit a quilt shop on purpose.
The flowers are lovely. My gardenias will be opening soon (if I can keep the caterpillars from eating the buds)

6 diamondstatecurlygurl said...

A lovely gift for someone making sure your new Azaleas don't die would be some of those Gardenia cuttings with roots. Just sayin'.

7 Gmama Jane said...

I'm just tickled pink to see your office and a little glimpse into your life away from home. I have a gardenia plant but didn't know you could root them as easily as putting them in water. I'll have to try that once my plant regains it's former self...#1 hsband cut it down mistakenly and I thought it was DEAD DEAD DEAD but like a Phoenix, it is rising to live another day.
I have ot seen or heard of the video you mentioned but will take your advice and check it out. I'm sure I will love it. I'm working on my Grandson' quilt that has sat in a box for far too long. Ryan asked me about his quilt so I promised to get it finished ASAP.
I think I would be making friends with the sewing ladies!!

8 Grammy Staffy said...

Dear Marlene,
I am glad that you are settled in to Sager Brown and received a warm welcome. The flowers are indeed lovely.
How are you going to survive 2 months without your sewing machine?
I know it will be a struggle.

I so appreciate the gift box you sent me. I have not taken pictures of it yet because my camera battery died. I must recharge it so I can get a picture for my next week's Sunday smiles.... because your kindness surely does make me smile.
A friend brought me some patriotic fabric so I can get my pillow case made. Thank you for sharing this good cause with us.

Have a wonderful week. Full of blessings. Hugs, Lura

9 Wendy said...

Hey Dear Lady! Did you venture down to the sewing room? Did you get too busy to start? your flowers sure look cheery! I'm glad you got to venture out to your favorite quilt shop and now you have another planned? Maybe you should swing by the Goodwill or Salvation Army on your trip to town ... cheaper than an investment in ibuprofen? :) Luv and hugs!

10 Purple Pam said...

Darling baby quilt pattern. Hooty looks very adventurous, just like you. It was good that the shop made that bag pattern in more appealing colors for you.