Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

With A Little Help From My Friends

 I borrowed a sewing machine, a ruler, a rotary cutter, a mat and a pair of scissors!  I told you I bought a purse pattern I wanted top make, right?  This isn't it.
This is about number 25 Everything Bag that I've made but I wanted to try out the machine on something I was comfortable with before I tried the purse.  I love making these bags - they're really simple and I use them for everything from groceries to library books to my Bible study or library books, and even use one for an overnight bag.  I guess I got a little overconfident because when I finished the bag I discovered I'd put the pockets on upside down.  Good grief!  It wasn't easy fixing that mistake but with a little unsewing and a little hand stitching I made it work.

I also did a little embroidery this last week.  I bought this bib at Hobby Lobby and found a font on the computer that I liked and traced the word Baby onto the bib and I was in business.  I added a little decorative stitching around the outside of the bib part because it seemed awfully plain.  I'm working on a yellow one too - these are for one of the ladies here who is expecting two granddaughters in the near future.  

I've been working on Twas The Night Before Christmas for at least a year!  I love this quilt but this is just one panel and it has four!  The embroidery goes all around the outside and the inside has some pieced blocks.  I stitch a while, get tired of it and put it away for a while, then drag it out again a few weeks later.  There are only a couple of inches left on this panel so I hope to finish it this weekend so I can start another side.

And the machine I borrowed?  It's a brand I've never used and so it sounds different, threads differently, and feels different but it sews a great seam.  I didn't realize how spoiled I was to "my" machine!  It's good to do something a different way or in a different order or with a different machine just to make you pay more attention to what you're doing.  But I should have a lot closer attention apparently so that pockets would have been right side up.  :)


1 Carol said...

Looks like you're finally coming into your own with sewing while on "vacation", Marlene! LOL at the upside-down pockets. I hope you can fix them without too much bother. Don't you hate it when you make simple mistakes like that because you just weren't paying enough attention? I know *I* do!

That Christmas quilt is going to be absolutely lovely! I can't wait to see the finished project, however, from your description, I'll have to wait a few YEARS! lol

You did a lovely job with the bib. I know the grandmother will love it!

Carol (NJ)

2 Wendy said...

What a challenge indeed :) Sometimes its the things we're so used to doing that we flub up, isn't it? Glad you got to practice before you started your new pattern. Your bib is very pretty! Can't wait to see what you get up to next!!

3 Julie Fukuda said...

You are so right about getting used to new things. Somehow the computer that hardly ever works is easier to use than one that works entirely differently. I tried using my husband's computer while he was out but the keys are all in different places and I kept ending up with the language switching to Japanese in the middle of the sentence. The Christmas quilt is looking lovely. Will we see it together sometime this year?

4 Helen said...

this post is encouraging. I need to pick up my 'tis the night before christmas quilt. I've nearly finished the top panel :) Enjoy.

5 Lea and her Mustangs said...

Utter frustration when you look at something you like and the pockets are upside down. Have done that. Have made a couple dozen of those bags and one just fits my laptop. The handles are a little long.
The bib is beautiful. Blessings.

6 Tracy P. said...

How nice that you were able to travel light and still find something to use. There is something about being in a place of "need" (perceived or real) that allows God to provide in ways he couldn't if we are being self-sufficient. :-)

7 Kathryn D. Duke said...

You have been busy. Your bib is sweet and a great present...I keep thinking that I will begin my 'Night before" quilt..your embroidery is wonderful. Maybe your will encourage me to begin!!

8 Arkansas Patti said...

It may be frustrating but you are expanding your mind by using the strange machine.
I am expanding mine right now by setting up a new computer. Aaaargh.
I love that winter panel.

9 Teresa said...

Oh my...I think I would have just given up if I had sewn the pockets in upside down. Its a cute bag though, glad you had the persistence to fix it.

10 Val said...

Wow. You are getting so much done. I just feel like I piddle here and there. Is piddle a word? lol Love all your goodies! I don't know which is my favorite.

11 nanny said...

You are so busy....
What a sweet bib, I know she was proud of it.

I can't wait to see your finished christmas quilt!

12 Purple Pam said...

Nice bag. Beautiful baby bib. I like your Christmas stitchery. too. Sounds like you are keeping busy.