Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

BOM Disease

I'm not very good at keeping up with BOMs.  Not good at all.  I started Barbara Brackman's Civil War, love, love them....but only did four.  Life got in the way.  But I printed all the patterns and someday I'm going to make that quilt.

This year I decided I wasn't going to do any BOMs.  I'm pretty sure BOM is a disease and my immune system is a bit down right now so I decided I just better not read any blogs that have a BOM so I won't catch it.  Know what I mean?

But then I accidentally saw Promises and Borders by Jenny of Elephantz.  I didn't mean to, really I didn't.  She does the most beautiful things and this was no exception...I was hooked.  Okay, I decided, I could do one.  No more than that though.

Then, I'm not sure how it happened, I saw Harrington and Hannah by Michelle at The Raspberry Rabbits.  I fought a hard battle with myself, but I lost.  I mean this is the cutest thing ever!

So far, so good.  I know it's only the first month but the month isn't over yet and I've done them both!

If you're as susceptible as me to BOM Disease, don't go visit these two blogs.  I'm pretty sure this disease is catching.


1 Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said...

Hey, I have all the Civil War blocks cut, and in a binder, yes, a binder I made three!!! Good luck!!

2 Barb said...

I have told myself no BOM' is so fun but is hard to keep up with things....but let me tell you, you have chosen some fun ones to do.

3 Sheila said...

Too late , I have already started Hannah and Harrington as well as Melodys penny rug ,not to mention the SAHRR , I think my disease is serious ;-) . Love your blocks ,have fun ,even if youndon't finish them all you can find something for these blocks . :-)

4 Gail said...

Great work...I am not tempted if done by hand.

5 Needled Mom said...

I am pretty sure it is some sort of disease too. They are so appealing!!!!

6 Julie Fukuda said...

I can see why those grabbed you. Since I am an all-or-nothing type, I know doing one block a month wouldn't work. Better not to begin.

7 Denise :) said...

Oh Marlene, I'm doing both of those BOM's! Well, let me rephrase that . . . I'm saving both of those! Hahaha! :)

8 Sharon said...

Oh very contagious, but loads of fun anyway!

9 Vivian said...

I saw the one at The Rasberry Rabbit and I so want to do it. I did the snowmen from Bunny Tales, so I keep telling myself. I don't need it. I don't need it.

I'll probably join in anyway.

10 Vroomans' Quilts said...

Shell's BOM is the only one for me this year. I like quilt alongs that are for a single project or just a few months - you stick with it then. I have plenty to do with out adding.

11 Josie McRazie said...

I suffer form BOM as well!! I have come to the conclusion that I prefer a quilt along that is a little faster than, oh say, a whole year!!! I don't know what I am doing next week let along in a year from now!! LOL I want it NOW!! hehe

12 molly said...

Tut,tut,tut! I'm feeling virtuous because I've stayed well away from that kind of temptation! But those are very cute. I especially like the first one.....Young people today,[I have some] need to hear this. Which would make a great excuse for succumbing, now that I think of it!

13 Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Oh my goodness I love the bunny! The colors are good.
Don't try to get cured of the BOM. So far I must have been innoculated with it because I haven't caught it yet. But I'm gonna hang around you.
Maybe you could sneeze on me?

14 krislovesfabric said...

Yep, I have this disease also and am doing all those that you named as well as a couple of others...but thanks for your diagnosis. Now I can tell myself that it's not my fault, it's the illness...I think I enjoy starts more than finishes.

15 Anne said...

The two BOM blocks you made are even more charming in person! I love the tone-on-tone fabric you used for the Promises and Borders block, and your blanket stitching on Harrington and Hannah is perfectly done.

Speaking of BOM disease, I bought all of "Aunt Grace's Circle of Friends" last year from Pinwheel Fabrics. Haven't sewn even one block, but I have cut and carefully stored the pieces to make the first four. I didn't let one huge UFO stop me, so I signed up for this year's "The General's Wives," also from Pinwheel. I haven't sewn any of the first four blocks I've purchased so far! :-/

I recently reorganized my sewing room, so I have no excuse for not getting my projects completed. At one point, when I was gathering together the fabrics for each UFO, I couldn't find some of the Aunt Grace fabrics. I later remembered that they were still in our "tornado closet," where I'd safely nestled them in the corner last spring when tornadoes roared through several times each week. I didn't want my fabric to blow away!

Now you've made me fall in love with these BOMs. I need to put my nose to the grindstone and keep it there!

16 FlourishingPalms said...

Ahh, your problem is YOU WEREN'T INNOCULATED! You have to have that done BEFORE you go blog-hopping. I'm protected, so you can safely visit my blog and not be exposed to anything that crops up in 2012. Promise.

17 Carrie P. said...

I have the same disease. I am getting ready to cut pieces for the rabbit block. yours turned out really cute.

18 Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Cute post and how fun is your disease!!! Not to mention beautiful.

God bless ya sweetie and have a great weekend!!! :o)

19 elaine @ peace for the journey said...

Sounds awful! I haven't a clue what BOM disease is.

PS: I have some anti-estrogen drugs. Would they help cure you?

20 Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Too funny!! I think BOM is the only type of disease I can ever say I would truly want! hee,hee,hee.
It's going to be a fun year!

21 Cindy said...

I feel a bit silly because I don't know what BOM stands for, but I do like the projects anyway! lol

22 Purple Pam said...

I caught the BOM disease this year, too. What was I thinking?