Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Whimsical Garden #2

I haven't been in the sewing room much at all this week.  It's funny how some weeks just seem to race past me as I plod along in my busy mode.  I've had a meeting at church and a Bible study class and physical therapy and yesterday something I love more than I can explain, the friends in my small stitching group came for lunch and an afternoon of sewing.  I've done some hand sewing; I stitched down the binding for the Hooty Owl baby quilt and for the Valentine table topper and embroidered the verse from Jenny of Elephantz's Promises and Borders first block.  I'll work on the flowers on that block tonight I think.  But as busy as I am, and even though I'm doing hand sewing, I can hardly wait on the days I know I can get to the sewing room.  Today was one of those days.  I put together the second block for My Whimsical Garden and did some free motion quilting on a patriotic panel that will eventually become a wall hanging.  I love how the Whimsey blocks make me smile.

You can't see the stitching on this because I'm using a straight stitch with invisible thread.  I'm not sure I like it as much as using a blanket stitch.  What do you think?  When you do machine applique what's your preferred method?  Do you like to use black thread on the whole thing, giving it a sort of primitive look and feel?  Or do you color match the thread to the piece?  I'm not too far along that I couldn't go back and redo...but I hate the thought of redoing anything just as much as I hate unsewing.  Decisions, decisions.


1 Nancy said...

I like the look that the thread gives to the seems to have more dimension.. I like to use matching thread to the fabric...but that's just my choice...If you like the primitive look you can use all black or I even used a dark brown once...

2 Bumblebee and Sophie said...

Lately in all the machine quilting I have been doing I am using a light gray, it kind of goes with everything. Changing thread to match colors is way to labor intensive for me. With the flowers I think the black or dark would not really go, they are really not "primitive" colors. I am not sure how I would like the invisible thread? I agree with Nancy, I like the dimension.

3 Mrs. Goodneedle said...

I;m a thread matcher too, love that block! I am wanting to do the "Promises" blocks too; that quilt is just so pretty.

4 Barb said...

I love this block!!

5 Marjorie's Busy Corner said...

What a sweet block!!

6 JudyCinNC said...

Is Whimsical Garden a Piece 'O Cake pattern? I have that pattern and was thinking I would use a blanket/buttonhole stitch. Now I am not sure. I need to gather me some colors for sure. I love your block. Judy C

7 FlourishingPalms said...

I'm the same way. Love the handwork, but I'm happiest at the sewing machine. Your applique is going to be fabulous. Love the colors! My favorite machine applique method is stitched with matching cotton thread using a stitch that's a combination of a zig-zag and a blanket stitch. I don't know the number of it since I no longer own the Bernina with that stitch on it. In lieu of that, I like to stitch a very narrow zig-zag that is NOT a satin stitch. Enjoy yourself. Machine applique is so much faster than by hand!

8 Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Years ago I would have color matched everything and used the blanket stitch. Now that I'm totally into this "prim" thing, I would straight stitch it all with black thread! Love this block!

9 Karen said...

You made a very spring looking flower block. Pretty.

10 Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

That is so darling!
I bet your luncheon was so much fun. Wonderful women doing what they love to do. I'll bet there was a lot of chatter.

11 Osage Bluff Quilter said...

That invisible thread makes me go blind! You can have my spool.

12 Gmama Jane said...

I would not have even thought of using black thread but then I don't sew many primitive items. I've gone over to bright and white..which is such a shift for me. I would either use matching thread or white. I'm doing the wonky blocks which is along the whimsical line and I love it. Totally a new direction but fun. MY little 6 yr. old granddaughter has made two wonky house blocks by herself and they are adoreable. Goes to show you how we adults complicate things. It was sooo easy for her. I plan on taking some pictures and put on my blog. I love that she is so into sewing and now quilting.
I love your hand stitching and like you nothing beats a day in my sewing cave with the purrr of my machine. Nirvana~!

13 ritainalaska said...

i machine stitched one applique top with black thead, blanket stitch, that looked great. another i straight stitched raw edge in matching color. zigzagged another in matching thread. depends on the appliqued pieces.

14 Josie McRazie said...

I love it! Love the pop of red!! Well done!

15 Denise :) said...

What happy, bright fabrics!! This makes me smile, too!!! :)

16 Purple Pam said...

When I do a blanket stitch I use thread that blends with the fabric, unless there is a specific reason to use a different color. My machine does not like invisible thread, so I do not use it much at all.

17 Donna Nowicki French said...

I love your block. I would put black thread to outline it, but that is just what I like. I like folk art and primitive type stuff.

18 Kathryn D. Duke said...

you know, I do a variety of things depending on my mood and the quilt...but my all time fav is needle turn and small silk thread stitching...BUt, time just does not allow for this method I will do a quick matching w/ thread machine stitch, either button hole or that little bitty _ _ _ > "thingy", catching the fabric...your work is always lovely!!