Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Friday, January 13, 2012


I'm SUPPOSED to be working on UFOs.  But I so wanted something bright and cheerful to put my coupons in.

I had no idea what I was doing, which is quite obvious, and it's a good thing perfect isn't part of my vocabulary or expectations, but this works for me.  :)


1 Kelli Fannin Quilts said...

I like it! And the fabrics are great. Love the colors.

2 Helen said...

LOL...don't you just love making something that you need and use all the time?!

I like your coupon holder.

Stay warm.

3 Michelle said...

It looks wonderful to me!

4 Denise :) said...

A coupon clutch! I like it -- great idea and very fun colors! (And you'll find no judgement here...I'm supposed to be working on a baby quilt, and you see what I'm doing!) :)

5 Sheila said...

Very good organizing tool, cute little holder!

6 Grammy Staffy said...

Your projects make me smile. I want to sew more this year. I had done a lot of sewing before the accident but the only thing I've made since March was the patriotic pillow cases I sent to your friend.
I can sit ok now... so I have no excuse not to be at my machines... oh...yes I favorite machine is in the machine hospital. Her computer is sick and she will only let me zigzag. Unfortunately she is an old computer gal and they are having a hard time fixing her. I may be out of luck but I am hoping for the best. I have my big embroidery machine but it is set up to embroidery... I need my little gal for regular sewing.
Have fun with your projects. I'm sending you hugs, Lura

7 Peggy Lee said...

I love that fabric! My coupon organizer is a pink envelope that is being held together with packing tape! I really need to do something about that.

Yours is very cheerful!

8 Di said...

Looks pretty good from here too, Marlene :-))

9 Rhonda M said...

It's lovely! Who wouldn't want to walk into the supermarket carrying that??? You did a wonderful job.

10 Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said...

I think it is wonderful!!

11 charlotte said...

terrific idea. I was looking for a solution for my coupons. This may be it!

12 Josie McRazie said...

I think you accomplished the birght and cheery! I love the flowery outside!! So ... WIN!!!!

13 Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

It looks great! A cheery way to save money! Perfect! :)

14 Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

That is so adorable!!!!! You are incredibly talented. The UFO's will always be there.
Careful Or you might start getting requests.

15 Dandelion Quilts said...

Looks great. There is a nice tutorial on MBS for these, and I have made many gifts out of them. :) Enjoy.

16 Sparky said...

How pretty inventive is this..or intuitive or just plain the fabric recognize RB anywhere ..