Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

On The Road Again

I'm off on another mission trip for a little while leaving hubby to keep the home fires burning.  I reminded him to water the plants, bought him some Healthy Choice frozen dinners, and told my neighbor/best friend to keep an eye on him.  I forgot to tell him not to get on the roof to blow out the gutters while I'm gone so honey if you're reading this...don't!!!  We've been married over 47 years now and I'm pretty sure he can take care of himself (he's a better cook than me) but still, leaving him for the month I'll be gone does produce a bit of anxiety.

And yes, I said I'll be gone a month.  I'm going to be working for a friend who has a medical procedure to get taken care of.  I brought plenty of stitching to do - more than I could do in several months probably.  I have enough nine patches that my mother hand pieced to put together two quilt tops.  I cut out the sashing for them so they're ready to begin.  And I have about a million 6" squares and strips that go with them from an exchange in our guild to make a really big scrap quilt.  I brought four embroidery projects and one wool one.  I think I can keep busy in the evenings!

I took a picture on the way down here to share with you....looks a bit like I envision Tara (Gone With The Wind) with the big pillars, the live oaks and the Spanish moss.
Can you tell where I am?


1 Peggy Lee said...

Well it looks like you are down south for sure!
My husband is also a better cook than I am but I'm a better baker!
Have fun and be safe!

2 Linda - Behind My Red Door said...

Live oaks and spanish moss ~ could be Charleston, SC but it also could be New Orleans. Both fun cities to visit so I hope it is one of them!!

Sounds like you have plenty to keep you busy either way!! hugs!!

3 Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

some place in Louisiana? looks pretty wherever it is! Have a good time

4 sandra said...

Maybe somewhere in Georgia my favorite place Atlanta. Have a good time

5 Carol said...

Well, one thing's for sure, you didn't come too far north! lol Have a great time tending your friend. I'm sure dh will do just fine.

Looking forward to hearing your stitching progress. ;-)


6 Rhonda M said...

I'm going to guess Mississippi. I have seen some landscaping exactly like this there.

7 Helen said...

Hon, I don't know where you are geographically, but you are in God's eye ... His angel placed on this earth.

Reading your post, I have tears in my eyes. You are such a wonderfully special person; sure wish I knew you in person (not just via your blog).

I have had a rough few months after suffering a fall that left me with a dislocated shoulder (twice), a broken bone in that same shoulder with a surgery to repair the damage. Your going to help out a friend leaves me speechless. If I had been alone (I'll be married 43 years in about 2 weeks) I don't know how in this world I would have coped. Thankfully my husband was there to help me every step of the way in my recovery (and he continues to help as I strive to gain more in my recovery).

Be safe in your travels (where ever they take you) my friend. God's blessings to you.

Most sincerely...

8 Osage Bluff Quilter said...

You're not in Kansas toto!

9 FlourishingPalms said...

Mississippi! ?? I'm sorry for the reason for your get-away, but I do hope you make some nice memories... while getting lots of stitchin' done. Y'all take care now.

10 Gail said...

Looks like Savannah...funny how we see different places we love in the same photo.

What a wonderful friend you are, enjoy.

11 FabricFascination said...

This trip sounds so profitable for both your friend and yourself. It sounds like you have stocked your husband up for while you are away. But I'm sure he will miss you terribly. You are an inspiration.

12 Josie McRazie said...

Beatiful srroundings! have a great time! I'm sure hubby will be fine!! Enjoy yourself!

13 Marie Rayner said...

Bless you Marlene! I hope it goes well. I am sure hubby will be fine without you, but he'll probably miss you all the same. xxoo

14 Deborah Reynolds said...

Looks very familiar! I love, love, love those trees! Have a great trip!

15 Denise :) said...

Southern Georgia or Northern Florida perhaps? Or even South Alabama, maybe?! I love Spanish moss -- it's a favorite of mine! Do tell!! :)

16 Quiltgal said...

You mean it is not Tara! Sure looks like it. Bless you for being such a good friend.

17 Margaret said...

Blessings, I came over from your comment on Jenny's blog and have enjoyed the visit.

18 Vivian said...

I'm thinking Louisiana. But now you have me dying to know.

19 Grammy Staffy said...

You are so good to go to the aid of a friend and sacrifice being at home with hubby for a month. I will surely keep you in my prayers. I know that you will be blessed for your goodness and charity. You set a good example for all of us.

I know your hubby will miss you terribly....maybe even more than he realizes. I was told that John was lost the weeks I was in the hospital... especially when I was in Utah and he was in CA. They say that absence makes the heart grow fonder... it worked for us. I bet it will for you two also.

Good luck and God bless. Hugs, Lura

20 Snoodles said...

Take care, Marlene, and stay safe...and I will pray that your hubby stays off the roof (or gutters!). LOL That reminds me of once when the kids and I came home, and hubby was sitting on the front porch with bits of insulation on him. I asked him what he'd been up to? He pointed inside, and I found a hole where he fell from the attic into the basement stairwell! God protected him, and he was just fine, but we have never let him forget it! We tease him when we leave him at home for a while! :) (I think you might be here in SC!)

21 nanny said...

Wherever it is, I love it!!!

More pictures please......