Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Friday, August 16, 2013

A Bunny Finish

Last year...was it just last year or was it the year before?....Michelle at The Raspberry Rabbits gave away a wonderful BOM called Harrington and Hannah.  It combined embroidery with wool applique, which is my absolute favorite thing in the world to do.   I knew from the beginning that this was one I would make for one of my grandchildren.  Not that I plan to give it to any of them now because I want to enjoy it myself for a while.  :)  With work sneaking up on me last year it took me forever to finish but finally it's done!

I would have a hard time choosing a favorite block but it would be one of these four - who doesn't love snowmen...but I'm a retired educator so obviously the apple ABC would be in my list, the welcome friends reflects the primitive/country decor I love and then who doesn't love to get mail?  Michelle has such creative ideas that I love everything she does but this time I think she outdid even herself!


1 Karen said...

A beautiful finish. I can understand why you want to enjoy it for a while. A lot of time and work went into the making of this block of the month.

2 BillieBee (billiemick) said...

Absolutely gorgeous. You did such a wonderful job.

3 Teresa said...

I was watching this one one her blog and thought the blocks were so sweet. Your quilt looks great!

4 Sewn With Grace said...

This is just gorgeous! You did a great job. Thank you for your kind words about moving the other day. It really meant a lot to me. Blessings!

5 Vroomans' Quilts said...

I love how you did the bunnies in the brown with the lovely soft brown/taupes - just a joy.

6 tink's mom said...

wow! You did a great job with this pattern. Michelle and the buns will be so thrilled with what you did. This gives me such a push to get back to my blocks. Congratulations on the finish.

7 Anna said...

oh is so cute...and still on my UFO list!

8 Tracy P. said...

So nice to see you doing what you love! It's gorgeous!

9 Carol said...

It is absolutely out of this world...LOVE it! ENJOY! ENJOY!

10 Sparky said...

Marlene this is simply stunning...i know how much you love texture, it is a masterpiece

11 Marjorie's Busy Corner said...

Oh Marlene; it is stunning! the quilting around the snowmen is would think it was snow...

12 Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

I love it!!! I'm so glad you had a fun time making it.
Hugs! :)

13 Jeanie said...

This is so cute! Love the pattern, the quilting, and your fabric choices. Yeah.... I'd keep it for the time being, too!

14 Vickie said...

What a cute whimsical quilt Marlene, you and Janome did a wonderful job quilting it! I really like that you quilted different patterns in different areas, that gives it even more character.....BRAVO !! Wonderful border fabrics too BTW

15 Daryl @ Patchouli Moon Studio said...

Love it!

16 Grammy Staffy said...

It is so beautiful are so creative

17 Rosa said...

Just stunning!

18 Sharon Dawn said...

That is adorable! I love the snowman!!

19 Belinda said...

Wow! That's amazing!