Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Christmas in August?

Who doesn't love Christmas?  I don't think I've ever met anyone who didn't....and some people must love it a lot because every once in a while I see Christmas lights still up on a house here and there, even in August!   Now one part of me tends to think maybe they just "forgot" to take them down, but that's the Grinch part of me.  The Christmas Spirit part of me prefers to just think they like lights as much as me.  :)  Wouldn't you know it though, when I wanted to take some Christmas pictures of my Ho Ho Ho projects, I couldn't find even one of those houses!

Back when I signed up for this blog hop I thought Christmas was forever away...but here we are at the first week of August and it's right around the corner.  I'm going to be ready ahead of time with a couple of gifts, or at least I'm going to try!  A couple of months ago I feel in love with a Kathy Schmitz BOM and just couldn't wait to stitch this one.  It's entirely possible, even probable, that this will be a gift for me.  :)

I tried to get a little closer so you could see the quilting....some of it is straight line but I put stars in the brim of his cap and swirls in his beard.

Isn't this the cutest face you ever saw?  Each of these 12 patterns has a small printed piece to applique on, each one is embroidered with one color (in my case I used black Finca #12), and each has a pieced border.  It was total head-over-heels love for me!  I'm working on a second one now that's a sunflower....too cute.

My second project is a wallhanging that I saw at a friend's house a couple of years ago - a pattern by Art to Heart.  My friend loaned me her pattern and I bet she'll be glad to get it back.  Actually, since it's been a couple of years she might not even remember she loaned it to me!  In fairness to me, she told me to keep it as long as I wanted because she wasn't going to make it again.  I doubt she thought it would be two years!  Another cute face, don't you think?

This one is also a mixture of embroidery and applique.  I used a bit of fake fur for the pom pom on his hat and buttons for the holly berries.  I quilted a few swirls on his beard and mustache and echo stitching on the background.

And my third and last project, at least for today, is another cute Santa face.  Hmmm, wonder if this could be called an obsession?

This pattern is from Bee Tree Designs - another favorite designer of mine.  I love redwork embroidery and it's usually my go-to project when I want to stitch and watch television since it doesn't require a lot of thread changes.

There are so many cute things to see on this hop...don't forget to visit the other bloggers who are posting today; their links are below:

Thanks so much to Carol, who is an incredible, organized and gracious cheerleader for our hop and Madame Samm who stirs our creative juices and gets us to thinking and stitching!

Blessings, Marlene


1 Brandy said...

I enjoy the Santa on the pillow the best, I love the crinkle in his eyes! Thank you for sharing your work :)

2 virtualquilter said...

Actually the quilting shows up very nicely in the photos.Loved your Santa collection - and the reminder of God's promises!

3 Michelle said...

I love all your projects. Thanks for sharing.

4 Mara said...

Beautiful quilting!

5 Heleen Groot said...

I love the sign! I must see if I can just get started on that (in spite of being a bit Christmassed out right now, for some reason).... I love the quilting on all your projects. It shows well in the pictures. Beautiful.

6 Frederika said...

I love your projects. Santa is looking great. Thanks for sharing

Anonymous said...

Your stitched quilts are soo nice, but my favourite is definitively Nr. 2, the pompon is great, I like the face and the quilting! Nice work, thank you!

8 Donna said...

Love your Santa(s). The stitching is nicely done.

9 Heidi [Banks of Frog Creek] said...

They are all so cute! Love the furry ball at the tip of Santa's hat!

10 charlotte said...

Lovely job Marlene. I can't decide which one I like best. They are all very cute.

11 Thearica said...

Your Santas are all very nice! Great job and thanks for being in the hop!

12 Britt-Inger said...

I love your Santas. They are all so awesome. Thanks for sharing your creativity and being part in this hop

13 GNIESZKA said...

Nice work :) Thank you for sharing :) Hugs from Poland :D

14 Sparky said...

Now I see a theme here lol REALLY Marlene, your fingers have been super busy..truly lovely...and your photos welllllll getting soooo good you had to be part..well you will see lol

15 Lyndsey said...

Your Santas are great fun. Thank you for sharing.

16 Marjorie's Busy Corner said...

Very nice do very nice stitchery...thanks for sharing with us

17 Dorian said...

Those are some darling projects Ms Marlene.

18 Elizabeth Coughlin said...

All your projects are wonderful, but I really adore Santa #1!

19 Rosa said...

All your projects are gorgeous.Thanks for sharing!

20 Michele T said...

Beautiful stichery - love all your Santas!!

21 Jeanie said...

Love your Santa line up, especially the "chosen" one! So glad you finished it and were able to share it with us!

22 gpc said...

Love them all1 I've recently become a great Santa fan, so these are calling out to me, lol. :)

23 tink's mom said...

And a wonderful obsession it is. Great job on each and every one of those terrific faces.

24 Sherry said...

What wonderful projects. I am truly inspired!

25 Linda said...

Your Santa faces are all adorable! You will certainly be prepared to welcome him this Christmas!

26 krislovesfabric said...

Love your projects...and your santas are each wonderful :)

27 apple blossom said...

love the mini quilt Christmas cheer...cute. also the Santa one and pillow is nice. good work

Anonymous said...

I love Christmas, too but sometimes I get a little depressed at that time of year....This year I am planning to host a combined Open House/Cookie Swap and actually dread the decorating part...I'm happy once its done though...
Love all your creations.
Mama Bear

29 Leah said...

Three superb Santas beautifully done. Thanks for the inspiration!

30 Robin said...

So many santas!! They are all so cute. The wall hanging is really awesome!

31 Belinda said...

What wonderful Santas!!!

32 Linda C said...

Your stitcheries are awesome, Marlene but I absolutely love your Nancy Halvorsen Art to Heart piece. I am a devotee so that might have something to do with it and one of these days I will make some stockings from one of her books! Oops, may have given a hint as to what I would do for a future hop??? Congrats on Top 2 today.

33 JoyceLM said...

Love your Santa projects - thanks for sharing.

34 Vickie said...

Oh Marlene, how cute are your santa's ? VERY !!!!! I wonder how many more you'll make before Christmas.....since your on a roll ! LOL

35 Daryl @ Patchouli Moon Studio said...

Marlene those are sweet Santas that you made.

36 Friendship Crossing said...

They all look SEW cute!!! yes, I think you now have an obsession w/Santas!! LOL


37 Editha said...

Great work :D thanks for sharing!

38 Tammy said...

Oh what gorgeous projects. I am in love with all the embroidery. I tall looks fabulous

39 Gill said...

Fabulous - it looks like you'll be ready for Christmas this year!
Thanks for sharing!

40 Connie Kresin Campbell said...

What beautiful projects and the combination of quilting and embroidery is perfect! Thanks for sharing!

41 Vroomans' Quilts said...

Wonderful projects for the season (or is it seasons? Christmas in July). Thank you for sharing all your pretties with us.

42 Calicojoan said...

Santa has been to your house for sure! Love all your santas!

43 Needled Mom said...

Each of the Santas are beautiful. Congratulations on being one of the top spots today - well deserved!

44 Sharon Dawn said...

Santas are always welcome at our house too! I love all three of yours! Thanks for sharing them.
Happy Stitching!

45 jan said...

Ilove all three of your projects. Your sticheries are terrific!
xo jan

46 Beth said...

I love your projects. Blog hops are soooo much fun! Thank you for sharing.

47 Lois Evensen said...

Such cute items! Most of "us crafters" are working hard on Christmas items right now. :)

48 Catherine said...

Very cool Santa`s! My favorite is the fellow who looks a little too cheery, haha!

49 Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said...

Oh Marlene, you do such happy work! I love your projects.

50 Carol Swift said...

I bet Santa visited this blog and was totally delighted to see himself all over the place. I love all three of his faces and your stitching is just beautiful! Thanks for hopping with us. :O)

51 Emily C said...

Little early in the year to be obsessed with santa, but that's ok =)

52 Lesley said...

Your Santas are fantastic! Especially love the one designed by Kathy awesome!

53 JuliaP said...

Congrats on being a top pick of the day! All of your projects are fabulous!

54 sandra said...

Your projects are all beautiful and I especially love the pillow. I think Santa faces will be my favourite this year they can be so whimsical.

55 Loris said...

Such sweet Christmas designs! I love Kathy Schimtz and the Art to Heart designs especially.

56 Unknown said...

What a lovely pillow! Thanks for sharing.

57 Joyce Carter said...

Very cute Santa stitcheries, Marlene. I really like the first one with the patchwork borders around it. You did a great job. Thank you for sharing your work.

58 Lou said...

Great Santa projects! I love Art to Heart designs!!!
I decorate my house in Dec with Santas and then snowmen in Jan:)

59 Jane's Quilting said...

I love your Santa's, what a great job you did on your stitching, very neat! Thanks for sharing with us.

60 Marcy said...

Beautiful work. I love the look of those little quilts on stands.

61 Leslie said...

I always put out Santas at Christmas. My mom got me started many years ago.

62 maggie said...

I really love all of your Santas. You do lovely work.
Don't you just love Christmas?

63 Barb said...

I love love love them all!!

64 Janarama said...

All of your projects are beautiful, but my favorite is your Santa quilt ... magnificent!

65 Patty said...

Love the santa wall hanging - beautiful work.

66 Lorene Holbrook said...

love all the Santa's! you have done a fantastic job!

67 Teatime Creations said...

love it

68 ShirleyC said...

All of them are so cute! Great job!

69 Mystica said...

I do so like the wall hangings specially the Santa hat.

70 VickiT said...

You've created some beautiful projects. I LOVE the first Santa, especially the border. Very pretty.

71 Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Those are priceless!
You are amazing and I love each of the projects!

72 Joanna said...

Cute Santas. Love the "borrowed" one. Thanks for showing us your beautiful work.

73 Debby said...

Marlene. I am so impressed with anyone who still creates embroidery in the quilting world! There is an abundance of this on our hop and I love, love, love it all. Your santas are so beautiful and your work is FINE! And congratulations to you for making the top two with your red hatted Santa! I think you should keep him up all year long.

74 Carol said...

Beautiful embroidery and quilting. Thanks for sharing your projects! They make me want to embroider again.

75 Quilt Doodle Designs said...

Your santa's are beautifully done! Thank you for sharing, happy quilting!

76 Margaret said...

I really love what you did. So inspiring is this blog hop that I need to get busy. Thanks for sharing

77 Carrie P. said...

Oh, all your Santas are just so sweet. I can't decide which one I like best. Well done.

Anonymous said...

Hiya Marlene!!! Your Santa faces are so endearing, I just love them!!! I'll definitely need to look for more patterns like these. Thanks for sharing. Merry Christmas, blessed be, hugs!!! Pam

pamspretties57 at gmail dot com

79 Suze said...

I love your Santas. I love the simplicity of them. Thank you for referencing the patterns for each of them. I get very frustrated when I see a project I like and can't even begin to find a starting point. Your work is amazing. Thanks for participating and sharing your marvelous creativity. May Jesus be in your heart every day and may every day be Christmas.

80 Just Quilt It said...

Terrific Santas, Marlene. I love your embroidery work. These truly put me in the Christmas spirit. Thank you for sharing!

81 evelyn said...

Love your Santa's. Your embroidery is exquisite.

82 BizyStitches said...

Wow you were busy and they are all fun and lovely. Thanks for sharing.

83 LJ said...

Excellent work on all the projects. They are adorable faces - I love sweet Santa faces.

84 Cecilia said...

Your Santa is very cute. Thank you for sharing.

85 Sandy said...

Such cute stitcheries....I too love redwork. Thanks for sharing.

86 Melody said...

Gorgeous santas

87 Scrapbook-ChickADoodle said...

I so enjoy seeing your projects. You do beautiful stitching of some of the cutest designs. Congrats on being one of the chosen.

88 pinsandneedles said...

Beautiful stitchery but I love the Christmas cheer mini quilt! Thanks for sharing!

89 Gmama Jane said...

Your handwork is always my favorite. Some nice echo quilting on the Santa and Congrats on being Top 2!!
Gmama Jane

90 Christine M said...

Gorgeous projects. I can't decide which is my favourite!

91 Little Penpen said...

Oooooh....this is fun!!!! I love your stitcheries!

92 Bente-I like to QuiltBlog said...

Great projects all of them, but my favorite is the Santa with the Snowman in his hand, gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Love your Santas...they are so sweet! Thanks for sharing.

94 Valspierssews said...

All your Santas are fabulous. I think the santa wall hanging with the wonky hat is so cute.

95 Sallie said...

Great Santas! Thanks for sharing!