Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Twelve, Maybe Fourteen or Nine

I told you I'm emptying my sewing room right?  Well, it's a great time to clean and get organized so that when I move back in I can just put everything on the shelves and not waste any time getting back to stitching.  Guess how many quilt tops I found that need quilting?  Yep, you guessed it....twelve, maybe fourteen or nine.

Here's how it plays out if you count all fourteen:  two were given to me some time ago (long enough ago that I don't remember when it was) to pass on to the long arm quilters who do the quilting for charity quilts, so really those two aren't mine;  three more are tops that I bought at junk stores, so technically I don't think I should have to count those either.  That leaves nine that I made that aren't quilted yet.  But since two of those are baby/children's quilts they will be super fast to do so honestly, do I have to count those?  I don't think so.  That means really there are only 7 and two of those are sandwiched already.  I'm down to five which I think is totally reasonable.  Don't you?  :)

These are a few of the ones I found.


1 Julie Fukuda said...

Hah! Gotta love that reasoning!

2 Lesley said...

Love the way you added up your quilts! Only five left to do! The last one is so very pretty with the flowers appliqued on the neutral background. Will be even more gorgeous when quilted!

3 Vroomans' Quilts said...

What logic you have! Five seems less daunting and of course more doable.

4 Tracy P. said...

Ooh, I love that last one. THIS is why I don't quilt anymore. Such a shame to go to all that work and have nothing to show for it. You are very blessed to have such joy in the process that it doesn't matter when it gets done. I'm too much of a closure girl!

5 Ray and Jeanne said...

I love the way you count! Good luck getting the room empty! ~Jeanne

6 Auntie Em said...

I see nothing wrong with your calculations! :-)
I wouldn't want to have to count the number of unquilted tops I have, but I'm going to remember your math if I do.

7 Kathy H said...

Those are all beautiful quilt tops. Hope you get to them soon so you can enjoy the quilts.

8 The Duchess said...

I'll take the bunny quilt.

9 Vickie said...

Alright ! You do my kind of reasoning !

10 The Duchess said...

I'll take the bunny quilt.

11 Marjorie's Busy Corner said...

Sounds good to me!! I love the last one

12 Lynda said...

Hey, that is exactly how I count when I weigh myself. Some of those pounds just don't count! I think I'm really jealous that you live on a looks like a beautiful place to spend time. Every once in awhile I decide to clean my sewing room too. But then I find something I really need to work on, or a picture of a quilt I really want to make, or or or. It sure is a good time to clean out and separate must do's from maybe some day do's.

13 Lynda said...

Hey, that is exactly how I count when I weigh myself. Some of those pounds just don't count! I think I'm really jealous that you live on a looks like a beautiful place to spend time. Every once in awhile I decide to clean my sewing room too. But then I find something I really need to work on, or a picture of a quilt I really want to make, or or or. It sure is a good time to clean out and separate must do's from maybe some day do's.

14 Lynda said...

Hey, that is exactly how I count when I weigh myself. Some of those pounds just don't count! I think I'm really jealous that you live on a looks like a beautiful place to spend time. Every once in awhile I decide to clean my sewing room too. But then I find something I really need to work on, or a picture of a quilt I really want to make, or or or. It sure is a good time to clean out and separate must do's from maybe some day do's.

15 Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Love that sweet bunny quilt. It's funny how quilts pile up. So much fun and so little time to get it all done.

16 sandra said...

That is exactly how I count all of my unfinished projects. Lol You will get them done right after you get your new floor. It will be so beautiful and tidy in your room you will want to get right to work. Blessings

17 Teatime Creations said...

I think your math teacher in school did a fine job. Love the bunny quilt.

18 Connie Kresin Campbell said...

You are just too funny Marlene and I love your math!! I might have to look through mine and do the same thing!

19 Sparky said...

Ohhh there are a few I like here, but I don't count anymore than 4, are you sure you were a teacher lol

20 Sharon Dawn said...

Won't it be lovely to have them in the finished pile!