Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Oh Dear, Oh Dear, Oh Dear

I've decided to change the flooring in my sewing room.  It currently has old carpet.  Very old carpet.  Nasty old carpet.  I'm putting in, or rather some very nice floor men, are putting in vinyl plank flooring.  I had it put in my sunroom a couple of years ago and I love it.  It's the perfect thing for that room since that's where we go in and out to the lake, dripping water and mud and grass.  It's easy to clean and looks nice as well.  You can see it here in this picture of my little evening stitching nook.  The floor I mean since some other things have changed in these, like a new television to replace that one that was 272 years old.  Well, maybe not that ancient, but close.   Hmmm, I think I like that table there, wonder why I moved it somewhere else.  I digress.

Did you notice the most important part of this post.  I'm putting new flooring in my sewing room.  That means I have to empty my sewing room.  Empty.  Yikes!  Double Yikes!  

I have until a week from Tuesday to do it.  My husband says, "just throw it in some boxes".  Is he kidding?  You don't do that...not to a sewing room.  You carefully go through everything.  You make piles.  You throw some away (a very small pile).  You pass some on to friends (another small pile).  You reminisce over some.  You drool over some.  And then you pack it in boxes.  And when you put it all back in you rearrange everything from your nice, neat, cleaned out and sorted boxes.

I'm also replacing my bedroom floor.  It'll take me about 10 minutes to pack that room.  :)


1 Michelle said...

Happy New Floor!!!

2 Vroomans' Quilts said...

I laughed over the time line for packing up one room to the other!! Priorities!

3 Mary said...

Great thoughts!! Yes, we need our priorities in place. The new flooring will be so easy to take care of! Have a great day..

4 Josie McRazie said...

Yay for new flooring and a toast to finding things you don't remember having when you have to go through your stuff!

5 Karen said...

Emptying my sewing room would be a big big problem. Good luck. Maybe you will find some treasures while you are doing it.

6 Ray and Jeanne said...

The new floor sounds divine! But the emptying the sewing room - the timeline needs to be a couple of months at least! lol I'm sure it will be worth all of the work! ~Jeanne

7 InGa said...

Wonderful idea to have a new floor, BUT emptying the sewing room???!!! offfff.
think you will find a lot of fabrics you didn't remember... and why on earth you bought it.. :-)
Good luck.

8 Needled Mom said...

Ha! We can all relate to the packing. You will love the new floor.

9 Carrie P. said...

I feel for you since I just had to do all that too. My house is full of boxes of laminate waiting to be put down. We have some other things like painting and redo our master bath before we lay the flooring.

10 Belinda said...

Oh I wish I could do that. Just take a deep breath girlie. You can do this.

11 Teresa in Music City said...

Oh I had to laugh!!!! Yep, it's all about the sewing room and stash LOL!!! The rest of the house can be tossed in boxes willy-nilly, but our sewing stuff deserves our most careful respect :*) Good luck! You will be so happy in your new area, all clean and fresh and newly organized!

12 Kyle said...

I'm in the process of packing my whole house for a move. What room did I start with first, while I still had energy? My sewing room. It's the one that I packed the neatest and labeled carefully. Good luck. Your floors will be lovely.

13 Julie Fukuda said...

My greenhouse/bedroom has a hole through the rotten wood and needs a new floor. Good thing I cn't afford to have it fixed because there is no way to empty that room! (And the sewing stuff isn't even there)!

Anonymous said...

Love! They just don't get it.

15 FlourishingPalms said...

You simply must take before, during, and after pictures of your sewing room floor makeover. It sounds wonderful, and when it looks fabulous, we want to really appreciate what you went through to get it. Besides, I'll probably be doing the same thing someday, and it will be helpful to know in advance what to expect. Enjoy the process - especially knowing you don't have to return to a job. (You don't, do you?!)

16 sandra said...

Sounds about right to me what do husbands know about these things . Can't wait to see the new floor.

17 Tracy P. said...

Hey, nothing like a little motivation! You'll have it all done in time to relax and enjoy your Colorado trip and have it to come home to. Just finished the photo book with our trip last year in it--wish you could pack me in your suitcase!

18 Sparky said...

Hi my made me laugh yes you do....and I adore your stitching cozy that would be perfect place for me to join you...soooo a new floor...funny you say that...when we were building I knew what my sewing room was going to look like I wanted carpet, because my room faces the north...but I went with wood floors...sooo glad I did cannot believe the amount of threads that gather even on my shelves....yesterday I went out...and I had alllll these threads on my skirt....guess everyone knew I was a quilter...or thinks she is....want to see lots of pics..

19 Tammy said...

Lol...oh such packing fun you are gonna have. Enjoy !,,,,,

20 Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

it sure does take awhile to go through a sewing room - might as well reorganize seeing as you have to!

21 Sharon Dawn said...

Your room looks like a such a nice place to work! I will be interested to see how you like the vinyl flooring. We are looking to do that in our mudroom.

My sewing always seems to grow when I try to organize it. Happy sorting!