Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Another Sewing Room Redo

A couple of weeks ago I went to my sister's to clean out Mother's sewing room.  Our parents died 9 years ago but since the apartment they lived in is part of my sister's home we only took out the most personal things at that time.  Since then she's used it for guest quarters for her family and friends who came for a visit.  Now our aunt is moving into the apartment so I've made a couple of trips there to help move everything out - all the furniture, dishes, linens, etc. have gone away....some we shared, some we sent to charity, some will be part of a yard sale.  The only room left was the sewing room - maybe the hardest for us to do.  Mother was a pack rat and never got rid of anything; we needed to make this room a dual purpose area with a place for my sister to sew and a place for my aunt to set up her computers and desk.  My aunt is blind and her computers are a special kind which talk to her so they need a bit  more space than you would think.

I forgot to take the normal before pictures but here are a couple after we started dumping things in the middle of the floor and on any available area we could find as we sorted!

Mom and Dad loved to go to auctions and if there was a box for $1 they would buy it no matter what was in it - consequently we threw away lots of rusty scissors.  Lots.  Did I tell you there were a lot of them?  :)

It took us two days but we ended up with a pretty and usable space I think.

Is this cabinet not to die for?  Sigh.  My sister bought it at auction from an old hardware store where it was used to hold seeds and tools.  It was dirty.  It was really dirty.  Covered with spider webs and eggs.  We cleaned it and scrubbed it and wiped it all down with a nice wood soap.  Well mostly my sister did that part but I supervised.  That's my job as the older sister and I'm pretty good at supervision if I do say so myself.  :)  But together we wrestled it into that corner and I'm quite sure it weighs at least 4 or 5 thousand pounds.  Minimum.  I would not exaggerate about that.  We labeled every drawer and now she's all organized...needles, pins, rulers, tape measures, snaps, velcro, embroidery patterns, lace, ribbon, pens, pencils.  I want that cabinet.  Well maybe not that exact cabinet but one just exactly like it.  Except already clean.  :)

I think Mama would have liked it.  Well, she wouldn't have liked all that we threw away but other than that.....


1 Mary said...

You've turned it into a great work area. Very inspiring!

2 Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said...

You girls did a wonderful job. I love that cabinet too! Such a nice room. Bright and full of light. Good job, you Mom is smiling.

3 Pam said...

That room is lovely and as for the cabinet, deep sigh, it is just peachy. i really really want one.

4 Vroomans' Quilts said...

I'm not into heavy furniture,so you can have the cabinet. But what a delightful room to work in.

5 tealeafquilts said...

Feels good doesn't it!

6 Adrienne said...

That cabinet is a sewing room dream! What a wonderful find. I'm glad you could help your sister and get things ready for your aunt. I know it's hard to go through things that were enjoyed by our dear ones. Big job - well done.

7 Marla's Crafts said...

That is truely a great find. What a great cupboard. To have all those little drawers would be great. It looks great.

8 Kyle said...

What a great redo. The cabinet is a terrific piece. Hopefully, your mom would have been pleased what you girls did, despite getting rid of rusty scissors.(and probably more) I'm the oldest sister too, so I know exactly how we're suppose to supervise!

9 Susannah said...

Great job, girls! The cabinet is so perfect for a sewing room. I am hoping you can find one for yourself, too, Marlene.

10 Rosa said...

Great job done and the cabinet is fantastic.Have a fun weekend!

11 Elizabeth said...

It's never easy to clean out our parents' stuff. Great job getting it organized into a dual-purpose useable space! I've had my eye out for cabinets like that one or an old library catalog cabinet. Not sure where I'd put it in this place, but still would be neat.

12 Val said...

Wow! Love this. Just gorgeous! And I live that cabinet!

13 Tammy said...

Oh how fabulous. Love the sewing area...Great window with sunshine to help see what you are working on. I love tha tcabinet. Oh my goodnness it is to die for...I want it too....Especially now that it is all pretty and clean and shiny. and spider web & egg free...Just beautiful.

14 Ray and Jeanne said...

The sewing area looks wonderful and that cabinet - ohhhh, I'd love one, too! Doesn't it feel great to have that job done?! Hope you enjoy the weekend! ~Jeanne

15 Anita Rowe Stafford said...

You did a wonderful job on the sewing room, love the cabinet and the organization. Never an easy time though to deal with belongings of those we love, so great that you have a sister.

16 Sherrill said...

Oh, ugh, eww!! Sounds WAYY too familiar with what I've been doing except that you and your sister did it QUICK! Can you two come to my place tomorrow please?! LOL Yes that cabinet is beautiful.

17 Createology said...

Bless you and your sister. I know what a difficult job this is as I have done it with my sisters. The new organized space is wonderful and that cabinet is over-the-moon. Blessings...

18 Kathy MacKie said...

What a very emotional job for you both but it was wonderful you had one another to share it with. Such a great space now and yes, I think we all would love to own such a cabinet. Hugs.

19 Osage Bluff Quilter said...

You girls did a great job.

In your first picture I spied a box on the top shelf, it's a gripper, I just bought one at the new quilt store in Jeff and I love it.

Hope your yard sake is a success. Keep me posted on the date.

20 Sparky said...

First i love hearing about you being a great supervisor, that made me chuckle..the room looks much more organized and the filing cabinet, i actually adore, i am not a pack rat of any sort, so half that size would be ideal, i can take the top, you the bottom...wink

21 Sharon Dawn said...

That is a beautiful piece of furniture! How nice that your sister has a space for family that needs to be near...and a place to do her work also!

22 Michelle said...

What a wonderful transformation. I know it was a lot of work, but the end result is very nice. She will enjoy working in that space. I know she also enjoyed spending time with you.

Anonymous said...

I bet it was a sentimental journey.

24 Vickie said...

I loved seeing your pictures. Going through your parents belongings is a sad/happy task. Between Ranchman and I,there was 4 households to sort through. His mother was a quilter, I have several of the good ole double knit quilts she did totally by hand. I saw some quilts rolled up in the picture of the sewing machine....was your Mom a quilter ? And oh my, that cabinet looks like it would be a quilters dream !

25 Josie McRazie said...

I think I have said before my Mother has been gone for 9 years and her sewing room in Dads house is just as she left it. (Mess and all) minus a few things I have been able to steal when my sister has not been guarding it with her life! (Hagatha the hoarder I call her) I'm sure your Mother would be very proud! On a side note I have that Shark vacuum and man is it not the best EVER! !!!!!

26 Barb said...

Ohhhhhhhhh wow!!!

27 Teresa in Music City said...

I'm with you Marlene - I want that cabinet!!! The clean version without the spider eggs :*D Great job on the clean-up. Several years ago, I had the job of doing that for one of my friends who had lost her mother-in-law who was a quilter. My friends lived a thousand miles away, so she asked if I would mind getting the sewing room organized and bring my guild in for a sale. It was a huge job, but we all had fun shopping!