Every morning when I go out to sit on the deck these two wild ducks come over to have breakfast. I don't know where they spend their nights but I think it must be in the marshy area on the other side of the lake. At least that's where I see them coming from every morning. I look and see them swimming from the other side in a direct line to my yard where they have breakfast every day. They are so graceful and look like they are just gliding across the water. They have a short flight to get from the water up over the sea wall and onto the grass. 
Walking up from the water to the middle of the yard they lose the "glide" they have on the water and they waddle. Their back ends sway back and forth as they sashay slowly across the grass.
They are very cautious little things. They keep one eye on me at all times. Sometimes she eats and he watches. Then he eats and she watches.
Sometimes they both watch and they stand so still you can't see them move a feather for the longest time.
They are always together. And it's always just the two of them. They don't seem to have friends and, so far, they don't seem to have children. It's just the two of them. Always the two of them. Never one alone. And they don't get much farther apart than you see in these pictures. They remind me of an older couple, kind of like my husband and me, a couple who's been together for years and years and don't really seem to be two different people any more. "And the two shall become one" takes on a whole new meaning when you've spent the majority of your life together. You watch out for each other, you don't get too far apart, you know what the other is thinking and which way they're going to turn and you know that if anyone attacks one of you they also attack the other, and you give each other the choicest worm. And you don't "glide" any more. Sometimes one of you has a hitch in his/her git-along so the other ones helps. And even when there are friends and family surrounding you it's still the two of you. Always the two of you. Just the way God planned it.
You just have the BEST posts, Marlene.
Be blessed,
Hi Marlene, I've been busy and had to catch up on your post. Your mornings must be so peaceful watching all of God's creations.
That's something about your neighbors now being so close when you grew up. Just meant to be in each others lives.
I'll email you about the patterns online.
Keep Stitchen' and Blessings sent your way,
this was such a sweet post. I feel my husband (of 31yrs) and I are like that. We never go anywhere without the other.
I agree, family and friends are wonderful and are always ready with support, but the support and encouragement I receive from my dear Hubby means the most to me.
sweet ducks and sweet couple. your are fortunate.
and have I told you that you have a way with words?
Isn't that the truth!! DH and I went for a long ride last night and we didn't need to say a word. We just knew! Just the two of us!
hugs, Linda
I just love your home. How fun to have this lake and what it attracts right outside your door.
Marlene. I just loved your post! It was fantastic! Just the way things are suppose to be....
Oh, that is so sweet. True love right there in your back yard. I wonder if they look at you and your husband and have the same thoughts. I bet they do.
So neat that you're able to watch the ducky love right in your yard. Sweet!
What a wonderful post Marlene. I like the way your mind works! xxoo
Beautiful post, Marlene! Especially in this day and age. So many people don't seem to see marriage as sacred. Instead, they think of it as something to throw away and start over whenever things aren't exactly as they like them.
Paul Overstreet wrote and recorded a song called "Even When It Don't Feel Like It" (It's still love--we made ourself a promise and we're never going back). Your post reminded me of that song!
Have a great day and enjoy our brief respite from the awful heat and humidity!
Wonderful post, Marlene. Ole and I have been married for 42 years so I truly know what you mean by "being one." Just an aside - your ducks look like they might be Mallards. If they are, they mate for life. We've got them on our river also, and no little ones here yet either.
It was my anniversary yesterday, and I really appreciate this post. :)
Isn't that so nice how that works. We are truly watched over and blessed in so many ways.
Isn't that sweet! You are so lucky to have a lake and ducks and such. Very tranquil. Yeah, I'm lucky to have a husband who looks after me (and me him, too). -Megan-
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