Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I Need More Stuff

It's almost the Fourth of July and I don't have enough stuff to decorate with. I need more stuff! We have a big family get together every year for the Fourth and I love to decorate but for this holiday I don't have enough stuff. I love this little wooden flag that I bought several years ago at Hobby Lobby.

And this flag that hangs on my front door I made a long time ago. But I still like it.

Isn't this God Bless America sign wonderful? We have an auction every year in my guild and I bought this last night! It's a wool applique piece made by a friend. I think she put foam board on the inside because it's about an inch thick but very light weight.

Uncle Sam is very had to see...the picture was awful. He's done in counted cross stitch and was a gift several years ago from one of my daughters. My two girls made napkins for my bread basket for several holidays.

This week I made this throw pillow to put on the deck on the rocker. I think I'll make two or three more pillows in red, white and blue. That would help.

These patriotic stars I made to hang but right now I'm using them as a table topper on my coffee table.

And this is a table runner you've seen before. I made it a year or two ago for my dining table.
This is definitely not enough stuff. Got any ideas of quick and easy red, white and blue stuff?


1 said...

Wish I had some ideas. I think I don't decorate for holidays because I just can't get it right. Maybe I need to change that?

2 Karen said...

Seems to me you have a lot of patriotic stuff!

3 Val said...

You have way more than me but I am planning on being out of town fishing that week. Hey I may get a flag to hang on the boat!!!! that would be fun.

4 Michelle said...

It looks like what you have is great. How about some red, white and blue floating candes? (from someone who does not decorate....)
be blessed,

5 J'Ollie Primitives said...

email your address and I'll send you an Americana barn star ~ if you'd like one! It's been awhile!

6 Teresa said...

If you are going to be outside, hang up some Red/White/Blue wind sacks. I picked up one at Hobby Lobby fairly in expensive. For a centerpiece one year, I used the large vase that florist use, and filled it with American Flags. This really looked nice and was so easy.

7 zees5 said...

My kids (5,7, and 9) would be so excited if I had this stuff. I wish I did just to see their excitement.

IDEA: how about a bunting in 4th of July colors!

GOD BLESS AMERICA! ~Page izazbz at yahoo dot com

8 Susannah said...

Hi there...I was going to say - American flags. I bought some at Target last week...they had a whole display of 4th of July things. I stuck mine in my plants on the porch and patio and added one to my wreath on the front door.
Also. red, white and blue paper cups and plates? Just my quick ideas!


9 molly said...

I could come by on the third, under cover of darkness, of course, and TP your garden in red, white and blue Charmin......would that be enough?

Anonymous said...

You seem to have a variety of "stuff". I bought some cloth bunting at Khol's yesterday and I'm sure Hobby Lobby and TJMaxx have things. I noticed Walmart has some too.Buy some little flags to stick in the flower pots.
Mama Bear