Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Can You Believe This?

I have the best neighborhood - it's a very quiet area with mostly older couples like us living here. There are a few children but not many. My street is a would be a circle except there are corners and one side has a different street name. Did that make sense? Anyway, I've made friends with several women here and we have the best time. One of them, Betty, rides to quilt guild with me every month. She does the most beautiful hand quilting and applique you ever saw. Today her husband went to a town a couple of hours away to buy fresh corn on the cob, picked this morning. I had asked them to get me a bag (72 ears) and Betty dropped it off late this morning. This afternoon I went down to Betty's house to give her the money for the corn and to take her a loaf of bread I'd just gotten out of the oven. She and her husband were still working on their corn since they bought twice as much as I did and it takes a long time to blanch it and cut it off the cob and get it freezer ready. She and her husband lived in the same town I grew up in and so we know a few of the same people. Her husband asked me today exactly where I lived. And here's the part I couldn't believe - they lived in an apartment right next door to my house for a year when I was about 10 years old! Of course we didn't know each other then...they were young marrieds and I was a child running and playing in the neighborhood along with a dozen others. Small world, isn't it!


1 Michelle said...

It's amazing sometimes just how small our big huge world is....

2 Linda - Behind My Red Door said...

I LOVE stories like this. It just makes me feel all goosebumpy. That is so cool!!

3 Unknown said...

Don't you just love when that happens! It is a small world after all!:D

4 Phyllis said...

That is so cool!

Boy, that corn sounds really yummy... :)

5 Jacquie said...

That is AWESOME! I love it when stuff like that happens.

6 Needled Mom said...

It truly is such a small world!

That corn is sounding really good. YUM!

7 Mary L. Briggs said...

What a neat story about your neighbors! No telling how many times they looked out the window and saw you out playing! My uncle and his second wife have discovered that they never lived more than a mile apart since they both were married to their previous spouses~that includes three states and one other country (Germany)! (Both were widowed when they finally met on the internet).

Hope you are getting through this heat~I'll be glad when it finally cools down to the lower 90s!

8 Val said...

I love hearing this story. That is so neat. It makes you wonder. I have got some catching up to do on your blog. Life has been busy. I hope you are doing well.

9 Aunt Julie said...

It is a small world, isn't it? Hey, come by and see my Amish quilt. I posted about it on Wednesday...

10 Julie in the Barn said...

I just love your blog! These great little stories and observations on life are always upbeat and entertaining. Thanks for another wonderful snippet of your life.

11 Angie said...

I understand what you mean about the different street names. My Grandma used to live in a little village in the north of England (we're talking 1950s here) which was built around a village green that had a pond in the middle of it - very olde worlde. She lived on the Southside. Across the green was Northside. Simple eh?

Have a lovely weekend,
love, Angie, xx

12 Tins and Treasures said...

That is a crazy story. And to may have never come up in conversation either...
I'd love some of your corn. Have a great weekend. ~Natalie