Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Morning Visitors

I wake up about 6:00 every morning. I wish I didn't but I guess it's just a habit I can't break. I get my Iced Chai Te Latte, my Bible and my prayer journal and go out on the deck to read. Right now I'm in Psalms reading, "Oh Lord how majestic is thy name in all the earth!" and David's repetition of all the things the Lord has made. Including my morning visitors. The last few days this little rabbit has been seen munching on the grass.

This crane of some sort loves to rest on the tin roof of the dock. He fluffs his feathers and spreads his wings and dances a little dance. He surveys his domain from this lofty perch as if he owned all that he sees.

The ducks and the squirrel ignore each other and scoop up the seeds the birds have carelessly thrown out of the feeder. Of course, the squirrel has been known to get inside the feeder and feast in style. And though they aren't quite like the lion and the lamb they remind me of that promise as well - the lion will lie down with the lamb, someday.
Jerry's mother used to urge me to get up to see the sunrise over the river when we were camping in north Arkansas. I always told her that if God wanted me to see the sunrise He would either have made it later in the morning or He would wake me up. :) Since He is waking me up earlier I guess He answered that! There is no other time of day when it's so quiet and serene; the hustle and bustle of the day hasn't yet begun and there are no intruding thoughts to disturb my conversation with Him. And, oddly enough, I have an easier time listening instead of talking when I'm in this setting with my morning visitors.


1 Lori said...

Ahhh, so peaceful... :)

2 Helen said...

What a wonderful post...thank you. You remind me to listen and listen hard. God speaks all around us if we just take the time to listen.


3 Susannah said...

Serene....fill your soul with God's love at this wonderful time in the morning!


4 Teresa said...

Great pictures...thanks for sharing

5 KatBouska said...

That's your morning VIEW! Wow....I'd sit out there for hours and read and knit...if I knew how to knit. :)

6 Dandelion Quilts said...

Love it...we love the bunnies here. Except when they get in the flowers, then Buddy opens the window and hollers at them, "Hey you bunny, get out of my mama's garden!".

7 Mainly a midwife said...

What a beautiful, perfect morning! Chai latte is my fave too (although not when I'm pregnant...I can't have the sugar now...but boy, when I have this baby I'm going to run and get one ASAP). Your quiet time sounds so it.

8 BarbCarol said...

That's my time to start my gardening and animal chores. And for me also, it's the best time of day to marvel at what the Creator has given me. Even those two beautiful, PESKY raccoons that were eating the cat food at 5 AM.

9 Lena . . . said...

Ole and I also sit on the deck with coffee in the a.m. and watch all the backyard activity. THIS morning it's lake front property also!!, cut the water is starting to go down. This morning we had deer that joined the other wildlife. Wish I'd had my camera handy but I knew if I got up to get it they would disappear. Our backyard is most peaceful in the morning, but it's certainly not quiet what with all the birds singing. It's lovely.

10 Angie said...

I can feel the total peace and serenity. Keith is always up by 4am when he's going to wor, 5 when he isn't. Me, I'm a slug. I stay there till 7.30 or 8. No doubt God will give me a shout if there's anything that needs my attention before then!

love, Angie, xx

11 Grammy Staffy said...

you live in such a beautiful place. How wonderful to have your home by the lake and get to enjoy all of your early morning visitors.

Thanks for sharing with us. I can just picture you sitting there in the early morning reading your scriptures. I wish that I could join you...but...maybe not at dawn... is it still pretty at 8:00?

Have a great week. (((Hugs)))Lura

12 Salem Stitcher said...

Occasionally I go through periods of waking up around 4 or 5 a.m. and am unable to go to sleep. I spend it in my quilt room and can watch out the window as the sun comes up and the world awakes. Living in the city, my view isn't the best but the bird songs are great.

13 Dawn said...

I know Amy Grant swears by her family's antidote for stress & depression --- get out in the early morning with the sunrise and experience HIS early show of glory and majesty.

I think you all must be onto something here -- and I just love that God has set his alarm clock early for you......

14 Osage Bluff Quilter said...

Your mornings looks so peaceful. Im more of a moring person anyway. Except this moring, our widnows are all steamed over. Too much humidity outside and with the AC on it here. It aint a pretty picture.
I rec'd the lovely apron while on my road trip. It is just beautiful. I will make a post about it this week. You were so kind!
Thank you!

15 Sara said...

Thanks for sharing. Is it not hot down there? I live up here in the Northwest corner of Arkansas and we are having a big heat wave. Please share how you make your iced chai tea. I love it hot in the winter, but have never had any iced. Have a blessed day.