Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Does This Ever Happen To You

Yesterday I took a deep breath, hitched up my git-along (according to my grandma this means you got yourself ready to do something) and went into the sewing room to do something about my overflowing scrap bin. I throw my scraps into a plastic tubby. Only for the last few months I have to mash down the scraps with both hands in an effort to keep them from spilling over. That tubby, by the way, is about the size of a rectangular laundry basket. I know that my Grandma would have used up every bit of those scraps so something inside of me just won't let me throw them away. Twelve hourslater (in a two day span) every piece had been ironed, about 1/3 of them had been trimmed and they were all sorted into piles. I have piles for 2 1/2" strips, wider than that strips, narrower than that strips, big pieces, big/medium pieces, medium/small pieces. They are in smaller plastic boxes with lids that stack on top of each other. I'd have been through sooner except something happens to me when I get started's like I'm possessed or something. Some people call it OCD. :) I moved stuff and vacuumed, moved stuff to new places and believe it or not threw some stuff away. I find it hard to get to a stopping place. Does that every happen to you?


1 Amelia said...

What a wonderful accomplishment...don't you feel proud of yourself.

Being organized like this will be to your benefit.

2 Osage Bluff Quilter said...

I have a rubbermaid container just like that I bet. Would you want to organize it for me!

3 Michelle said...

I DO so understand. I swear, I MUST be your sister. I'm just glad you didn't say you pitched the scraps.

I know you felt just wonderful when you emerged from your sewing room. It always feels good to tidy up and reorganize. Why is it though, when I tidy up and reorganize starting in one area, by the time I finish in all the areas, it is time to start all over again right where I started?
be blessed and have a great weekend!

4 Lori said...

Doesn't it feel great to have everything all organized? and what a feeling of accomplishment! My problem is keeping it that way. ;)

5 Marie Rayner said...

Sometimes, but not nearly often enough!!

6 Angie said...

[[scream]] I love that! That is an absolute treasure: "hitched up my git-along". It doesn't sound right with an English accent but I bet you make it sound wonderful.

love, Angie, xx

7 Joyce said...

Cleaning, yes. Throwing away, no. I just can't do it, so I have 5 big tubs of scraps. It's all good though!

8 molly said...

I need to hitch up MY git-along and do likewise in my sewing room!

9 Val said...

Oh yes. I know exactly what you are talking about. I feel you pain...or joy!

10 Elaine Adair said...

sometimes, I get the feeling that my uh hemmmm, organizing part of my sewing/quilting, takes over the actual DOING the sewing and quilting. 8-))) Now, you gotta MAKE something out of it!

One time at a retreat, I watched sewing methods and those who made the biggest mess got the most done, and others were so careful about making sure everything was neat and tidy, that they didn't accomplish anything.

Have fun!

Anonymous said...

Oh, yes. I start doing one thing and it leads to another, and so forth. I started a file box of scraps. My granddaughter enjoyed the sewing lesson I gave her Brownie troop so much (where I had them sew 4 2" squares together)that I told her I would cut her some more and she could work on them until she had a big enough piece to quilt.
Any time you tidy up I guess you are accomplishing something even if you get side tracked.
I remembered a book that I had read twice years ago and wanted to read again. I thought I had written it in one of my journals so I start going through them, reading bits here and there and before you know it 2 hours had passed. Ha
Mama Bear

12 Marge said...

Me exactly! I can let it get to total chaos but when I decide to organize it all, I become completely anal! It must be OCD! I have a couple of months to think about this task before I tackle it, but then who wants to sit up in Alaska and think about the messy sewing room back home! Of course by then I'll have a mess of scraps in the trailer!

13 Tracy P. said...

I have a whole room waiting for that to happen to me. It will have to "happen" before my inlaws come in August, because we will have to unearth the bed and find a place for their suitcases. We need to have guests more often. Seriously!

14 Teresa said...

Yes it does...and its so much fun!

15 Lindah said...

Oh please, can I borrow you? I'll make lunch and even bake brownies. You could have such fun in my sewing room. :-)

16 Sandy said...

... in just about everything I do at home! LOL