Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Observations on a Recipe

I was looking for a recipe today and found this one:

Apple Walnut Coffee Cake

2 cups Bisquick
1/3 cup brown sugar, packed
1/2 cup chopped walnuts, divided
1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon
1/3 cup milk
1 cup chunky applesauce

Grease 8" square MICROWAVE dish. (Microwave was what made me stop and take a second look!)

Mix together brown sugar and 1/4 cup walnuts, set aside. In a separate bowl, blend baking mix, 1/4 cup walnuts, cinnamon, milk and applesauce. Beat 30 seconds. Spread into prepared dish. Sprinkle with brown sugar mixture. Microwave on high 6-9 minutes. Cake is done when top springs back when touched lightly and begins to pull away from the sides of the dish.

I was looking for a recipe to use some peaches that were overripe so I decided to "adjust" this one. First I didn't have a square dish so I used a round sort of deep one. Second I didn't measure the brown sugar or walnuts, just dumped some in a bowl and stirred. Then I measured the Bisquick but when I looked at the expiration date on the box I swear I think it said March 2006. Maybe not. But just in case I added a spoon of baking powder. Then I dumped some cinnamon in - just like on television I put some in the palm of my hand and called it good. I didn't have any applesauce but I knew it needed something so I put in about 1/4 cup oil - didn't measure that either. And without the applesauce it needed more milk so I just poured some in. I cut up the peaches I had and stirred. Then I noticed it had no sugar in the cake part so I added a half cup of Splenda. And a dab more milk. I didn't want to get out my mixer so I just stirred really good and dumped it into the baking dish. I sprinkled the brown sugar mix on top, added a few pats of butter (I know it didn't call for it but who could leave butter off the top?). I put it in the microwave for 8 minutes. Exactly. It's a little dry so next time I'll add some applesauce. But with Cool Whip it's wonderful. I stood there looking at my creation when it hit me.....I'VE TURNED INTO MY MOTHER! She never measured. She never used the right ingredients. Sometimes her stuff was wonderful. Sometimes, not so much. Oh my. When did that happen?


1 Linda - Behind My Red Door said...

LOL - I started giggling right off because I knew where this one was headed and you didn't disappoint me. In fact the Bisquick date and the measuring in your hand were perfect. I like how you bake - it's just my style. I guess that means I am my mother too...

I love the comment you just left me. You said it so well. You always do!!

Have a great evening by the lake!

hugs, Linda

2 Michelle said...

Your mother must have been wonderful.
be blessed,

3 Dandelion Quilts said...

LOL....glad it was good this time though. Sounds good.

4 Amelia said...

Sounds good...even if not following the directions completely. You are retired and have the right to not follow all the "rules" one in awhile.

Enjoy life - God is wonderful!

5 Osage Bluff Quilter said...

What no picture of the finished dessert??

6 Helen said...

That is soooooooooo cool!

If I did that it wouldn't turn out at all. I'm just not good at that.

On the slim chance it DID work out for me, hubby would be cranky when I couldn't reproduce it the next time!!! :>)


7 judycolby said...

Mirror, mirror on the wall,
I am my mother afterall.LOL
The cake sounds good.

8 said...

It never hurts to experiment -nothing ventured - nothing gained. I am glad you added the butter to offset the Splenda. Maybe we can taste soon.

9 Grammy Staffy said...

Oh Marlene.... you make me smile. You cook just like I do. I am glad that I am not the only one. I suppose that I am like my mother too.... after years of me teaching cooking at high school I think I am tired of using all the proper techniques. I just quesstimate and dump and pour and substitute most of the time now.

Funny post... and I love all of your 4th of July decorations.

((hugs)) Lura

10 Marie Rayner said...

Every once in a while I turn into my mother too! It's wonderful and scary all at the same time!! I sometimes measure, sometimes don't. I suppose there are some things that I have made so often I am so comfortable with them that I can just eye ball it. Your cake does sound good though!

11 Angie said...


love, Angie, xx

12 Adrienne said...

Hi, Marlene -

I'm really laughing with you because I find myself thinking that W-A-Y too often! My dear mother doesn't measure much, either, but I tend to do it because I've ruined enough things in my lifetime to know better. Your 'creation' sounds yummy. I may adapt it and make is sometime. When I do, I'll let you know. If it turns out!!