Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Can Anybody Explain?

  • Why you can sew two perfectly straight long strips together and they end up crooked
  • Why my feet are always cold
  • Why when I park my car waaaaay out on the grocery store parking lot so my doors won't get dinged someone always is parked right next to me when I get back to it
  • How one white sock always gets mixed in with the dark colors when I do laundry
  • How my bamboo plant can drink a whole bowl of water in one day
  • Why sometimes 72° in my house feels perfectly comfortable and some days I'm cold at that temperature
  • How the pattern I want to make next can hide in plain sight in my stack of patterns...even when I look for it several times and swear it isn't there
  • Why squirrels keep getting in my attic and what they're doing up there
  • How to organize sewing room junk drawers so I can find things after they're organized
  • How to sew rick rack on and not have the stitching show
  • How you know when marshmallows aren't good any more
  • Why two days after I throw something away that I think I'll never need again...I need again
  • Why my high efficiency washing machine is pulling threads on my towels till they look a hundred years old
  • Why they put expiration dates on coupons
  • Why Blogger won't let  me put two pictures side by side in a post
I think about some strange things when I'm sewing, don't you agree?  :)


1 Sharon said...

I can really identify with the hidden pattern! and Blogger not letting me put 2 pictures side by side, what's up with that???
Have a Happy New Year!

2 Val said...

Hey I am wondering those very same things!!! You are reading my mind!!!! Happy New Year!

3 sunny said...

You will be a wise woman indeed if you find the answers to all these important questions. Good luck in your quest for answers!

4 Michelle said...

If you are sewing more than one strip together, they say the trick is to sew one to the left, one to the right, one to the left, one to the right...that keeps them straight, but I have never tried that.

Marshmallows go bad? They just get chewier! YUM!

Throw away the blogger post program, and download Windows Live writer. But then again, maybe your middle column is too narrow and two photos are too wide for it?

Oh yeah, is there a way to sew ric rac without the thread showing? Some sew a seam straight down the center and let the edges curl, and some sew down both sides. Me? I've never sewn down ric rac yet.

Be blessed!

5 Sarcastic Quilter said...

I love how your brain works!

The feet thing, no idea but when you find out, let me know please. I suspect it's because the floor is cold and therefore my feet get cold. Slippers usually rectfy this.

As for two long strips, I KNOW the answer to that one. For me, anyway, it's because they were feeding up and over my sewing machine instead of straight through and it made the ever so slight stretch of one fabric. This resulted in a completely crooked seam! When I lifted it up so it ran over my hands but feed straight into the machine, I had better luck. Of course, this discovery also put it in my mind that I must one day get a sewing table where my machine can be lowered to be even wiht the table. lol

6 Christine said...

LOL, I'm afraid I can't answer a single one for ya. Let me know if you find any solutions.

7 Melissa Corry said...

Oh, I loved this. I laughed and laughed, as I think I have thought about almost all of them before.

We had squirrels in our attic as well. They come in through the dormers in the roof. We used the Awesome Critter Getter company and they caught them and then sealed the dormers. No more squirrels :) (Which is really good as they made their way from the attic down to the crawl space and out into my living room, I freaked out!!)

8 Kasey said...

My feet and hands are always cold-- I have more pairs of fingerless gloves than anyone should since I wear them all day! I have extremely low blood pressure though. I like to wear two pairs of socks in the winter to fight the cold.
And, whenever I clean, I lose everything! Not just drawers, but any time I clean or organize, I can't find a darn thing.... I like to tell my husband that's why I don't clean my sewing room until I'm completely done with a quilt.
Lastly, my mother would like to know why people park next to her car when she parks way out for the same reason. It drives her nuts.
Happy New Year!

9 Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

Live Writer works for me.
The long strips of fabric - someone already answered that one - I need to try her solution :)
I can never figure out why people park so close to others way out in the back field of a parking lot either - what makes me mad is when they park so close I can barely get the door opened!!

10 Jacquie Wallace said...

Seriously, that 72 degree thing is a mystery!

11 Osage Bluff Quilter said...

If you get all your answers, maybe you can tell me why it took me 2 hours to find back the curtains I took down for christmas and hid away.

12 Cheryll said...

Oh my, please tell us if you find the answers to these mysteries. Then, can you tell me how I can be thinking of something I need to do in the other room, but once I get there I have forgotten why I'm the other room...wondering why I'm there. This seems to be something I'm doing more and more of on a daily basis.

13 Linda - Behind My Red Door said...

Love this post! I too like the way your brain works!! LOL

I can't help with most of them but I can solve 2 for you! Use Live writer and adding pics is a breeze!
Marshmallows only get better with age!

Hope that helps!!

14 FlourishingPalms said...

It's obvious your sewing isn't challenging enough to stimulate your mind! My, how your mind works! (ggg) I can't answer a single one of your questions!

15 Vroomans' Quilts said...

How amazing - some similar questions here. If you find the answers list those. Thank you for a much needed chuckle.

16 Adrienne said...

Great questions! Hope you'll let us in on the answers when you get them.

17 Darlene said...

Oh, I needed this post, Marlene! :-) Thank you for making me smile; and I do mean a huge smile.

And by the way, I simply do not know. LOL

18 Sharon said...

LOL! You aren't the only one who thinks strange thoughts while sewing! I've thought of some of those very same things! :D

19 Marie Rayner said...

These little mysteries in life only make it all the more intersting don't you think Marlene? Happy New Year! xxoo

20 Sparky said...

Ok, of course you would come to expect I know all of the answers to your questions Marlene...but what fun would that be if I shared them ALL...It is much more fun to read all of your guests who dropped in to see what they have to say ...
ohhh but I can't help myself on 1 of them...blogger does not let you do 2 pics side by side because it would take too long to goes by pixel scan....Ok, and another ....nahhhh I will stop there..YOU think too much lol

21 Arkansas Patti said...

Smiling as I write for many of those are on my list also. Think they are there to keep us from getting too comfortable and maybe a bit bored.
I'm with the rest though, as long as a stick will still penetrate a marshmallow for roasting--it is good.

22 Shari said...

There are a lot of mysteries in life, that's for sure...

23 Elora said...

With respect to cold feet and cold hands....the answer is resoundingly, WOOL. Find a fellow crafter who loves to knit instead of quilting, Marlene, and get that person to knit you a pair of WOOL socks. If you're the "itchy" type who doesn't like wool next to skin, get the person to knit in soft, soft, soft Merino...which is awesome and luxurious! No itch, guaranteed!!! You'll never be cold again! And you'll never look to man-made fiber again for warmth! Nothing beats WOOL.


24 Phyllis said...

And I thought I was the only one that experienced these things - especially the sewing straight and ending up crooked.

And After the holidays are over, I am going to label every single thing in detail. I can't find the pretty winter bird runner I made for myself last year ANYWHERE! And I'm pretty organized too.

25 Lena . . . said...

Oh, Marlene, I loved this post. It makes me feel "normal" as I have those same questions without answers. Happy New Year.

26 Peggy Lee said...

Now I'll be humming "Sweet Mystery of Life" all day!
These same questions plague me too. I have to add though that marshmallows do indeed go stale. I have a recipe for home made marshmallows in my box to try. Maybe I'll do that today!

27 Terry said...

Sorry...I don't have any answers for you! At least you know you're not alone wondering these things! LOL

28 Susannah said...

Hi Marlene...You made me giggle all the way through this post! Great writing!


29 9patchnurse said...

Good questions girl! I find that if I just stand in the room for a while, sometimes I'll remember why I'm there.

30 Needled Mom said...

All are logical thoughts!!!!! I hope you post the answers too! ;~)

31 said...

Love your questions, a few of them are mine. I might can help with the squirrels. Do the Critter Catcher thing, seal the wood with moth balls inside your attic. Yes it will smell for a while, but it does keep the squirrels away. My friend did this about 5 years ago and no squirrels since. The smell did go away too. See you soon.

32 Amy said...

I completely agree!!! And what IS up with Blogger and not letting us put 2 pics side by side?! Who do we have to petition to get that changed?!

33 Cindy F said...

Your post made me laugh! About the cold feet...I have a lot of fuzzy socks....put them on when I wake up and I will change into them when I get home....I'm liking the wool idea though! I just threw out some marshmallows a couple of months ago because they seemed a little hard...guess I should have kept

34 Gmama Jane said...

Oh Marlene, our minds think alike. I am a pack rat but the minute I throw something away (finally!) I need it...happens every time and just confirms my need to pack rat even more! The one about a straight line..why just tonight I was sewing two strips together for a mug rug and lo and behold it looked like a drunkards path quilt. Why is that??
BTW, I have a proposal for you but I'll email that in a private message.

35 Gmama Jane said...

Oh yeah, why Can't we have two pictures side by side?? I figured it was just me who didn't know how to do it? So it really is a kink in blogger's cog?! Who knew?