Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Friday, December 17, 2010

One Thousand Blessings - Day 19

616.  The last stitch taken on the last gift  :)
617.  Sugar Cookies
618.  Red and white quilts
619.  Seat warmers in my car on cold days
620.  Seeing a needle in the carpet Before I step on it
621.  Advent candles
622.  The Hallelujah Chorus
623.  Wreaths on the fronts of cars
624.  Tiny white lights on Christmas trees
625.  Gingerbread men
626.  Wood stacked on the deck
627.  Packages that arrive days before you think they will
628.  Wrapping a present that comes out looking just right
629.  Santa aprons
630.  Stockings on the mantle
631.  Holly berries
632.  Thinking of someone and having them telephone a few minutes later
633.  Cuppa' Cozies
634.  Stacks of new fat quarters
635.  The feel of really good fleece
636.  A really good book discovered by accident
637.  Christmas carols in the sanctuary
638.  Men who hold the door open for me
639.  The "dismissed from the hospital" list in our church newsletter
640.  Christmas letters from friends
641.  Lamp  light
642.  Shops that open early
643.  A pink sky in the morning sun
644.  The sound of the geese far out on the lake
645.  Watching my husband feed those geese when they swim our way
646.  Getting a text from my sister saying, "I'm here" when she's been traveling on a snowy day
647.  Shopping online
648.  New followers on my blog
649.  Wiemaraner dogs
650.  Birds on my windowsill


1 Jacquie Wallace said...

I think you've mentioned seat warmers before. Haha! I love them that much, too!!

And, I like a shop that stays open late.

Have a great Christmas week, Marlene!

2 Needled Mom said...

I love your last stitch one. THAT is such a blessing (as well as a gentleman holding the door for us).

3 Arkansas Patti said...

I am always smiling as I read your blessings when I recognize something that also warms my heart but I often forget to appreciate.

4 Alice Grace said...

I am with Needled Mom, I like the last stitch!

5 Carrie P. said...

Yes, wood stack and ready to burn is very nice.
We have been burning a lot the last few days.
We went on short trip and went shopping in some antique stores on Main St. and I am thankful for the snow that came down and all the white lights strung in the tress. It definitely felt like Christmas.

6 Marcia W. said...

Today I received your lovely prize package and want to say a huge THANK YOU! My mother has already selected quilts she likes from the book, and we are hanging the towel so we will get a daily dose of humor! Marcia

7 Sparky said...

ahhh reflective of the simple things in life that we may just for a moment or two overlook... psst saw the cuppa don't they > wink..

8 Grammy Staffy said...

Your list always brings smiles to my face and to my heart. You make me remember little things I am thankful for that I not thought of. We both have so much to be thankful for. I mentioned how happy I was to a friend the other day. I said I feel so blessed. She said.... "Yes, you are blessed but I can think of a lot of things in your life that could make you miserable. I think it is the attitude of gratitude that makes you feel so happy." I think she has a point. I am sure that being happy is somewhat a choice of having an attitude of gratitude..... and you certainly have that.

Have a great week my friend.
Hugs, Lura

9 Millie said...

Marlene, I saw the cup of cozies on the list. I do not have a wreath on my car, but I do enjoy my Chrsitmas wreath on the door.