Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Children and Christmas Lights

Garvan Gardens, a beautiful botanical garden here in Hot Springs, has the most awesome light display I've ever seen.  They have acres and acres of the forest decorated with lights, toy soldiers, gingerbread houses, model trains running around and around, and even fish made of lights "jumping" up out of the lake.  My grandchildren loved it.  :)


1 Adrienne said...

What a precious picture!

2 Needled Mom said...

It sounds gorgeous and it looks like the little ones really enjoyed it.

3 Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I saw them advertise it on tv, we went there in the spring but haven't ever been there at the holiday season.

4 Tracy P. said...

Fabulous picture, Marlene!! I want to go! :-)

5 FlourishingPalms said...

What a beautiful picture! You are blessed to have your grandchildren nearby, so you can share that with them. Thank you for showing this picture to us.

6 Sparky said...

It looks like a sci/fi cover for a new book...One I know my husband would purchase on
Considering what you captured this with..I am sew impressed...I really like light shows...especially this one from the comfort of my exercise ball lol nighty niht

7 Arkansas Patti said...

That place is on my list for sure in the spring, I wasn't aware they put on a Christmas display. Just beautiful.

8 Linda - Behind My Red Door said...

We have a place here in MA similar and I went to one in NC once - they are magical! Love the picture of the children like that - just precious!!

9 BarbCarol said...

How long will it be up? Is it every night? What else is there to see/visit in the area this Christmas season?

10 Gmama Jane said...

We have something similar here at the Botanical Garden Light Display but yours sounds much more Grand. Don't you love to see things through the eyes of those precious grandchildren? Makes everything so much more special. Hope you and yours has a very Merry Christmas. I've enjoyed getting to know you and some other special Blogland friends. BTW, your profile pic is very flattering! You are a very pretty lady!
Gmama Jane

11 Jacquie Wallace said...

Us "old kids" love the lights too!! Have a Merry Christmas, Marlene!!

12 Mamarazzi said...

thank you so much for the Good Mail. What a fun took me a minute to figure out the angel that sent it. Thank you!

13 Dorian said...

Sounds beautiful Marlene. A Merry Christmas to you and yours.

14 Val said...

Beautiful picture.

15 Lori said...

What a wonderful picture Marlene! Merry Christmas!