Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Wow, it's really almost here - Christmas, again!  Do ya'll feel that way?  We just had Christmas like a couple of weeks ago and here it is showing up again!  I remember my grandparents saying time flies when you get old but boy were they telling the truth.  

My kids have been here and gone again.  Chaos reigned.  Brownie crumbs on the carpet, apple juice on the dining room floor and Froot Loops scattered in the kitchen mean that today I'll be mopping and waxing - thank goodness I didn't do it before they came.  :)  

This morning Jerry asked where his coaster was that he always sits his coffee cup on.  Why, it's with all the other coasters in this house on the table by the fireplace where Andrew ( the two year old) put them, naturally.  At least he had them all together!  

And how did the television remote get from the end table by the couch in the sunroom into the back bathroom?  Hmmmm, he who has possession of the remote is in control so you don't give it up even when nature calls I guess.  

Do you have Dr. Pepper Grandma?  Diet Coke?  Sweet Tea?  Apple Juice?  Whole Milk?  Skim Milk?  You name it - I've got it!  Or little bits of it in the bottom of the box or glass because heaven forbid anyone drink all of anything.  Have we used every glass in the house because if you have one left someone wants it?  

Did you know that a four year old and a two year old wrestling make more noise than a jet taking off?  And that all children can hear every beep and ring on their I Pods but can't hear you ask them to pick up their toys? 

And did you know that a 13 year old girl with a throw pillow for her bed that has her initials in sequins will promptly lay her head on it?  And that a 12 year old boy can be totally silenced when given a shotgun that has been passed from father to son, from uncle to nephew, and eventually will be passed from cousin to cousin?   Don't ask me - that whole passing down thing must be some male bonding ritual I don't understand.
And who knew $10 gifts of candy flavored lip balm and a box of nail polish with a nail dryer would be the hit of the day for a 4 year old and 9 year old?  

Christmas at my house was chaotic and loud and messy.  It's totally unlike the normal day to day life of retired grandparents who never raise their voices, always put their dishes in the dishwasher (well one of us does), and have the same routine they follow every day.  We breathe a sigh of relief when the last car drives out of the driveway but the next morning I'm in tears because they aren't here.  I can still hear the voice of the two year old at the very last minute.  His parents were gathering up toys and suitcases and children to put them in the car.  He had on his pajamas because Mom and Dad were hoping for some naptime on the road home.  I could hear him....but couldn't see him.  And then, there he was, standing at the foot of my Christmas tree looking up at the top and singing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star."  See that and don't get emotional.  I dare you.


1 Darlene said...

Happy Holidays!

2 Cindy F said...

Ohhh....sounds like you had the most fabulous Christmas! Merry Christmas!

3 elaine @ peace for the journey said...

So now you can rest... right? I love all the quilts, especially the dark blue snowman one. You do good work, Marlene.

Merry Christmas.


4 Charlene S said...

I know how you feel...when they are there it feels like chaos and when they are gone it feels like emptiness. Two of my grandchildren come after school and now that school is out, we miss the noise they bring for 3 hours each day.

5 Amy said...

Sounds like the best Christmas with the best Grandma!!!! Merry Christmas!

6 Janet, said...

Sounds like everyone had a wonderful time! I so miss when my kids were little and I don't have any grandkids yet. Maybe, someday. I love all of your handiwork, they are beautiful. Merry Christmas.

Anonymous said...

What a lovely post...and I know exactly what you mean..we spent Thanksgiving in the mountains with our family, remember...
One question I heard last year when the Texas crew was here: Is that real cheese, Grandmother? After the first few times I told my grandson what I was putting in a dish and he refused to eat it because it was called something different than he was used to, I just assured him that I used the same as he did at his house.
I love all of the wall hangings...did you make all of them.
Enjoy having a quiet house again.
Mama Bear

8 Tracy P. said...

Beautiful! Every tiny bit of it! :-)

9 Mary L. Briggs said...

I loved seeing all your Christmas quilting! Sounds like you had a fantastic time with the family!!

Merry Christmas, Marlene!

10 Renea said...

Love the Winter wonderland quilt. Where did you get the pattern. I think this could be my next handwork project for winter nights.

11 sunny said...

Sounds like a great time! I love your santa, and your Christmas tree, and your red quilt, and . . . .

12 Linda - Behind My Red Door said...

Awww - it sounds perfectly wonderful and just like it should!
Isn't it true how we become so used to things our way after awhile? I think Lili came along just in time to keep me from getting TOO used to it!
Merry Christmas Marlene!!

13 BubzRugz said...

Lovely pictures and very sweet Twinkle twinkle story.....
Happy Christmas

14 Julie Fukuda said...

I just can't imagine a house big enough to hang all those beautiful pieces. On the other hand, the two-year-old is better at putting things back where they belong than her 70-something grandfather!
Christmas Blessings, friend.

15 Lea and her Mustangs said...

i could imagine all those things with the kids. We will have ours all here tomorrow. I am ready and I am tired. Have a blessed Christmas.

16 FlourishingPalms said...

Such a true perspective and right sentiments! You nailed them. However, as retired grandparents, we've gone TO the grandchildren, and will live with THEM for a week before returning home to quiet. It's a little different view than what you experience. But all wonderful, nonetheless.

I've made the silhouette nativity - the second photo - you shared. I love mine. Gorgeous.

It's been wonderful to get to know you. My sincerest wishes to you and yours for a blessed Christmas, and a spectacular 2011. Merry, merry!

17 Arkansas Patti said...

Sounds like utterly delightfully hectic time.
Merriest of Christmas to you and a blessed New Year..

18 Val said...

Oh I feel your pain and your joy! Your posts is how we feel. I didn't clean before mine came either. What would be the point? They are precious and love when they come but it is different!! How did I do it with 4 children!?! I guess we have to do what we have to do. Loved this post. Aren't Grands special?

19 Adrienne said...

Oh, I can identify with your family chaos and mess - and fun! Our family Christmas was on Wednesday this year and we had much the same in our little home. I wouldn't have it any other way, but agree that there is a sigh of relief when the last car pulls away from the drive! Loved the story of your little one singing at the Christmas tree. The last words from our dear three-year-old grandson were (as he was being carried down the walk), 'Gomma, Gompa - I love you!'

Have a wonderful Christmas, dear friend. You are a precious gift to me.

20 BarbCarol said...

OK, I'm crying. How did he get to be 2 already?

21 Vivian said...

A wonderful read for my Christmas morning. Thank you.

Merry Christmas!

22 Purple Pam said...

Sounds like you had great Christmas. Lots of noise in our little house, too. It was a great day!

23 Gmama Jane said...

Oh Marlene, I think we have the same family separated only by miles. I smiled in total empathy at the chaos because #1 husband and I are just like the two of you...we have our routine, love the grnadpeeps to visit, but sigh with relief and sorrow when they leave. Mine live close so the chaos returns much more often!! Gotta love it though!
Blessings to you!

24 Calamity Jane's Cottage, Bonnie said...

Marlene, your story just sounds so much like the way I feel. I love having all the family and chaos and then you just feel a relaxing moment when the last one leaves, but at the same time something else occurs and you wish you could have another chaos day. Merry Christmas and God Bless you and your family,

25 Jeanne said...

Love all your Christmas Stitcheries, got any pattern names for any of them? TIA, Jeanne