Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Thursday, December 2, 2010


Ya'll I just have to tell you about something I've been doing this year.  Maybe all of you know about it but I didn't and since I discovered it I've been pretty impressed.  Over on my sideboard you'll see a button that says Swagbucks - Earn Free Prizes.  Swagbucks is a search engine just like Google or Yahoo - that's my non-computer geeky explanation.  :)  When I'm looking for something on the internet I go to Swagbucks and search from there instead of going to google and searching from there.  I don't do a whole lot of searching like some people do but in the little bit I've done this year I earned enough points to get five $5 gift cards to Amazon!  Since I totally love Amazon that $25 went on a quilty thing or two as quick as I got them.  I know $25 isn't much but if you do a lot of searching you could earn a lot more!  They have lots of other prizes/gift cards so if you don't want Amazon you can get something else.  So if you're at all interested please, please go over and click on the button and register.  Of course, I'm saying please because I get credit for everyone I refer.  :)  It's the easiest $25 I've ever earned.  All I did was ... nothing, really.  I just went to and searched for cookie recipes, Moda Maison de Garance fat quarters, Janome needles, Bible verses, medical information, all the stuff I search for normally.  I even noticed on another blog today someone else out there using Swagbucks.  We quilters, we're a smart bunch....we can find a way to earn money to buy quilty things in everything we do!  Remember, click on the button and follow the directions - you'll be glad you did!


1 Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

sounds interesting, I have heard of it but have never used it. I will look into this! how often do you get your $$
Do you have to search for certain things or use it every time you do a search?

2 Arkansas Patti said...

New to me also. Hay, $25.00 is good for 2.5 Kindle books from Amazon. Will check into it.

3 FlourishingPalms said...

Thanks for telling me! I'm on board!

4 nanny said...

Getting paid to
Thanks for sharing!

5 Gmama Jane said...

My daughter shared this with me and she makes money all the time!! I forget I have it so now you have reminded me to get my "swag" back on!
Gmama Jane

6 Carrie P. said...

I saw another blogger was using it too. Are you pleased when you do a search? does what you are looking for come up pretty quick like google?
I will check it out later. Thanks for sharing. I like the idea of earning some bucks.

Anonymous said...

I did see another blogger talk about getting her Kitchenaid for $50 or something like that using the bucks. You are pursuading me!

8 Jody Blue said...

I'll be swaggin'on over and checkin' it out;)

9 Tracy P. said...

Well now that creates a conflict of interests! I have used "Goodsearch" for a few years. They give money to your favorite charity each time you search. I don't think it's nearly that much though.