Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Confessions of a Thief

They say confession is good for the soul.  So here I am...confessing to all of you that I've blatantly stolen an idea off someone else's blog.  But I couldn't help it.  Really I couldn't.  I just fell in love with this picture I saw on Sew I Quilt.   

Can you blame me?  Isn't this just wonderful!  You would have stolen it too, right?  Tell me you would...

I went back again and again to look at it.  Those strips - a jelly roll would be perfect.  The colors - Moda's Maison de Garance would be the perfect colors.  Could I do it?  Just take it and run with it...or sew with it as the case may be.

In the words of the famous comedian Flip Wilson...the devil made me do it.  :)

To Madame Samm (it was her blog I saw it on) please forgive me for my thievery and thank you for understanding my weakness.  :)


1 Laura said...


2 Melissa Corry said...

It looks beautiful!!

3 Linda - Behind My Red Door said...

I'd steal it too if I could quilt! Love your color choices. Happy New Year Marlene...wishing you health and happiness!

4 Cheryll said...

Marlene it's beautiful! I need to go look at that again. Happy New Year to you!

5 Osage Bluff Quilter said...

Oh that is so cool. not that it was stolen, but borrowed!

6 sunny said...

I say, it was in the interest of manicuring your stash, so Madame Samm will forgive you! Beautiful!!

7 Julie Fukuda said...

Aw common ... you borrowed the idea and improved on it.

8 Quiet Quilter said...

I saw that too..I don't ordinarily work with silk, but wouldn't that look good all silky for evening wear!

9 Adrienne said...

I won't tell that one of my friends 'stole' something! It's gorgeous!! Bet you aren't the only one stealing it.

10 Sparky said...

OHHHH's a WRAP, and goodness me stolen is such a harsh word LOL. I knew all about it ladies...she was sew excited about making one ....SEW I am stealing your moment in saying..WOW, is that for ME lol....
Absolutely love it...and mine is coming..just saying wink...

11 Marie Rayner said...

Oh my, how beautiful Marlene. You are so talented! I'm sure you are forgiven! Happy New Year! xxoo

12 Elen Susan said...

That looks most exquisite. Even I have fallen in love with it.
Wishing you a very happy and blessed New year!

13 Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

LOL - I looked at it, I wrote down the instructions and saved the photo!! I'm guilty - I just haven't made it yet. How wide did you make yours and does it extend to at least the middle of your back?

14 Cornfield Quilter said...

Love it-Love it-Love it!!
Happy New Year to you and may you have many quilty projects ahead!

15 Arkansas Patti said...

Don't really think that is a jailable offense, I remember something about that being the sincerest form of flattery.

16 Dorian said...

LOL, you did a beautiful job!! What a great idea it is too. Will make great gifts!!

17 Elen Susan said...

Thanks for visitng my blog and your kind words of encouragement.

18 Marie said...

LOL - who among us has not done exactly that? Your finished work was beautiful. I, too, am interested in the measurements (and what did you use for backing and batting).

Hugs - Marie

19 rlbates said...


20 Charlene S said...

Imitation is the biggest form of flattery!

21 Elora said...

I know you know, Marlene, I'm not a quilter. Instead, I honor the fiber arts by spinning, knitting and a little sewing. But I love the shawl! It is indeed beautiful. In sharing some conversation with a dear friend the other day, she mentioned that though many aspire to knitting a shawl, most women turn away because they say they would never wear it. But that she had read on a website about the fact that women the world over used to "wear" shawls when they went to the mailbox, when they just needed a light wrap to run out and check something...these women of history, made shawls an everyday part of their it need not be something that decorates the shelf. Instead, we need to adopt shawls as integral parts of the way we order to have the multiple pleasures of wearing them. And when they "wear out" we can always make another.

Thank you for your infusions of joy, Marlene! You're simply wonderful!


22 Lena . . . said...

Ahhh - I may turn into a thief also. It gives me ideas for quilting prayer shawls instead of crocheting them. Our prayer shawl group has completed and presented 40 shawls since we started less than a year ago. This would be a nice change.

23 Phyllis said...

Well, if this ir first theft, ys youou're sure doing a lot better than me! It's a great idea and I might steal it oo :)

Happy New Year to you!!

p.s. I remember Flip well and wish he was still on TV

24 Val said...

Oh this is absolutely gorgeous. You are forgiven. If I steal it will you forgive me? lol

25 Maggey and Jim said...

I don't blame you at all. It is lovely and I am sure you won't be the only one??

26 Vivian said...

Hmmm! Think I may have to steal (borrow) this idea also.

27 Susannah said...

What a great shawl, Marlene! .....even though you did get a little grabby....LOLOLOLOL! I love it....You always do such a perfect job. The colors are fabulous.


28 Quiltgal said...

It is sew lovely. I hav e a family wedding to attend in the spring and you have just inspired me to make something similar to wear with a simple dress. How Beautiful

29 Renee said...

So neat. I think I'm gonna steal it too. You did a great job. Love your colors. Have a great day.