Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Boyfriend/Girlfriend Shirts - A Funny Story

I met my husband when I was 17. Of course he wasn't my husband then. We'd been dating for several months when I decided to buy him a present. Buying a present was a big deal because money was more than scarce at my house. I was working after school and on Saturdays at a dime store making 50 cents an hour. This was 1964 so that was minimum wage! I was so excited when I found the perfect thing - matching shirts! I bought both of us a beautiful short-sleeved, plaid, button-down collar shirt. It was all the rage...all my friends had them with their boyfriends.

When he unwrapped his gift he took one look and said, "no way I'm wearing matching shirts!". I don't remember the term we used then to mean definitely not cool but it was instant rejection for sure! I pouted, which usually worked to get my way, but not this time. He never wore that shirt! After we married the next year (yes I was only 18 which is the definition for stupid but we're still married if that counts) I wore his shirt to clean house in but he never put it on.

Last week I put on jeans and my faded "I love my church" shirt one morning to do my weekly errand run. When I came out of the bedroom there stood my husband wearing, you guessed it, his "I love my church" shirt. I only had to wait 46 1/2 years to get that man to wear boyfriend/girlfriend matching shirts!


1 Tracy P. said...

I'm betting he was secure enough in his manhood by now to go ahead and leave it on, yes? What a cute story!

Quilt update here!

2 Vroomans' Quilts said...

Love the story and had me laughing at the end.

3 Sparky said...

ahhhh he is a smile smile..that is what I did...I don't remember minimum wage being that....but I do remember making 5o cents an hours for babysitting...ohhh we are shall I say it...sentimental ladies...what were you thinking ? lol

4 Arkansas Patti said...

That is a delightful story. Wasn't the wait worth it?

5 Osage Bluff Quilter said...

Too funny, my "other brother" bought my husband and I and my next brother and his wife, all matching sleeping shirts, long, knee length, prison strip red and yellow, one Christmas. Ugliest things you ever saw. I rmember wearing them for pictures and then that was it!

I too worked at a dime store in the 60's. I worked at TG & Y. And we too got married when I was 18. He was an older guy, by 18 months!

Almost 41 years and we are still going strong. I bet you are as many?

6 Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Tooo funny! I love this!
xx, shell

7 Marie said...

My husband and I were dating at the same time and he refused to wear anything that might match. He didn't even want to wear the same color scheme (also in vogue at the time). So funny!

He just added 'now he's a grouchy old man.'

8 ColoradoBelle said...

Love this story!

9 Needled Mom said...

Where are the pictures?????? Too funny.

10 ShabbyESP said...

What a sweet story!!!
Suzann ~xoxo~

11 Gmama Jane said...

Oh, Marlene, this is soooo the cutest story!!! You didn't tell us your husband's reaction!!!!! I have to know what he said???? I got married at 19...can I say stupid...but after 38 yrs I think we'll make it.
Gmama jane

12 Linda said...

What a wonderful story! I guess he left it on and didn't run change? Men are so funny. (I say that lovingly. I adore my husband, but his brain just doesn't work in the same way as mine - thank goodness! One of us has to be sane! uh....and that would not be me!)

13 Jacquie Wallace said...

That is HILARIOUS!!! (I was 19 when I got married - thank goodness my kids have waited longer.)

14 Mrs. Goodneedle said...

That is a very funny, and wonderful, story! I know you love him all the more every day, and especially now that you two are "twins" (at long last)!

15 Floss said...

This made me smile, thanks for sharing

16 Lisa Marie said...

Cute story!

17 Di said...

Awww... What a cute scene I'm imagining - and I just bet you gave him the biggest kiss!

18 FabricFascination said...

I laughed out loud at this one. Your husband sounds like mine - exasperating but charmingly stubborn. When I read your story to my husband, he chuckled and said, "that's alright, he still wore it didn't he."

19 Michelle said...

Oh, too funny!

I got married when I still 17 (exactly one month away from being 18), and I don't think it was stupid at all! God picked Louie for me, so it wouldn't matter how old we were!

20 Julie Fukuda said...

I read this to my husband because he came out of the computer room to see what I was laughing at. He laughed too. I remember those days. Baby sitting was 25 cents an hour and 50 cents after midnight and A teacher made three thousand dollars a year. Of course there were still things you could buy for a nickle or dime.

21 Jody Blue said...

Good things do come to those who wait...ever so patiently! Too cute I had a nice chuckle!

22 Teresa said...

That is a sweet story. Thanks for sharing.

23 Ruthie said...

What a great story. We went to the Worlds Fair in 1982 and I made matching polo shirts for my husband, myself and our 3 children.

24 Grammy Staffy said...

That is a funny story. It makes me smile. I bought us matching shirts for the 4th of July this year. John wore his that day but not very willingly....and he hasn't worn it since. Oh well, we girls know what is cute even if our "boy friends" don't. lol
Hugs, Lura

25 Adrienne said...

Love your story! I made matching, bright striped velour shirts for my sweetheart and I when we were engaged. We wore them but I'm not sure he was exactly thrilled. Hey, it was the thought that counted. For you and me.

26 Jackie said...

Oh that is too funny...did you do your errands together?? :)