Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Pillowcase Report

A couple of weeks ago I asked if some of you would make pillowcases to send to our servicemen and women and several of you agreed.  I offered a gift as a bribe for one of you.  :)  Today I remembered that I hadn't done that so I'm happy to announce that the number was lucky 7.....Lura from GrammysNews from  is our winner!  Some of you know that Lura was in a terrible auto accident a couple of months ago and is recovering at home after a very long hospital stay.  I doubt she's gotten to make her pillowcase yet but soon she'll be able to sit up long enough to do that.  Lura I'll be sending you a gift this week - be watching for it!  blessings, marlene


Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Lura!

We made ours this week. Will mail soon.
Mama Bear

2 Grammy Staffy said...

Thank you dear Marlene.... Am I lucky or what!!! I am sitting up in a regular chair more easily now. I will get my pillow case made ASAP ... at least before the deadline. I am happy to support such a worthy cause.

I have been worried about you when I heard the terrible storms and tornadoes hit your state too. I've tried for days to leave a comment but blogger would not let me do it. I hope you and yours were kept safe. I just found your phone number so I will give you a call.

I'm sending love and thanks. Hugs, Lura

3 Sandy said...

I've just finished reading your last post about Jerusalem, as always your emotions come through and it's just like walking beside you.

I don't remember reading about the pillowcases, should we send them to you?

Have a blessed weekend...

Anonymous said...

Congrats to Lura and I sure hope she is getting better each day.

Anonymous said...

Oops, forgot to put my name.
Arkansas Patti

6 Linda - Behind My Red Door said...

Congrats to Lura!!

I am so glad you are safe in the storms!!

Thanks for stopping and your kind words Marlene - it means a lot! HUGS!

7 Gmama Jane said...

Lura is the perfect winner of your *bribe* Ha!!
I thought about the pillowcase the other day and had forgotten to put it on my "to do" list. I think she wants them by June. Could you send the site address once more please.
Thanks & Blessings
Gmama Jane

8 Marie Rayner said...

Hooray for Lura!! You couldn't have picked a more perfect or deserving winner! I had not read about this cause, but it is a wonderful one. We cannot do enough for our soldiers. I, too, am glad you are ok despite all the storms. Have been keeping you in my prayers.(((hugs))) xxoo

9 Calamity Jane's Cottage, Bonnie said...

Congratulations to Lura and prayers to mend fast.
So glad it was just the truck that got injured and not your husband. Thinking about you during the storms that have been passing your way.
I wish your number had come up for the picnic tote because I know it would of been used on some great trips.
Stay safe.