Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A New Day

You were all correct - Israel was my destination and my dream trip.  Every single moment was a joy and I gave a big sigh the first day when our tour guide greeted us with "Welcome Home!"  Israel is where my faith began, where my spiritual ancestors lived and worked and worshiped.  I was truly home at last.  I'll be talking about this trip for many years to come but I promise only a few days here.  :)  The pictures I'm posting here are from The Valley of The Wind and The Doves which lies in the Galilee area between two mountains.  If you find any mistakes in the information posted, please forgive me.  I tried to write down every word and every bit of information but there was so much that I just couldn't take it all in.  And now I can't even read all that I wrote!  I'm slowly deciphering it and I hope over the summer to combine my notes with the literature I have so that it will all make sense.
This narrow valley is quiet, serene, peaceful and probably as close today to what it was in Jesus' time as anywhere in Israel.

The views are spectacular and I confess that I couldn't imagine before going that it would be so lush and fruitful.  This part of Israel will grow any fruit or vegetable you plant.  The soil is volcanic and much like Hawaii.

Even though they were experiencing a bit of a drought there were still wild flowers everywhere the day we were there - some like what we have here in Arkansas and some I've never seen.  They had Queen Anne's Lace, and Baby's Breath and Poppys.  A few of them are residing, dried, in my Bible.  :)
We went to this valley early in the morning of our first full day in Israel.  There was no one there but our group.  We could hear the doves cooing and see the caves in the mountains where people lived during Jesus' time.  This road that you see here is the road that Jesus would have walked going from Capernaum, where He lived for 2 or 3 years after He was rejected by Nazareth, to Bethany where Mary, Martha and Lazarus lived.  This is the road Naomi and Ruth would have walked.  Just the knowledge that my feet could be standing in a place where His feet stood nearly took me to my knees.  We had a worship service here that touched my heart and filled me with joy.

This is His land, His home, the land He will return to.  This is your land too.  Your home.  How awesome is that!


1 Unknown said...

You are giving goosebumps! That is so awesome! What tour group did you go with?

2 The Mayo Family said...

My first thought was...
oh I have the goosebumps,
then I see Milah's comment as well!
Wow...powerful stuff! I can not imagine walking the same road...
just makes you feel overwhelmed!
What a blessing to have been there! I feel happy for you just hearing your happiness & blessed time :)

3 Marie said...

That now makes 3 of us with goosebumps. What a wonderful, humbling trip that was. You are so lucky and blessed.

Hugs - Marie

4 Lea and her Mustangs said...

Blessed for sure - been my dream for ages.

5 Needled Mom said...

What an amazing journey that must have been.

6 Marge said...

Some day! To walk the road that Jesus walked.... I can't imagine the emotions! I know just being at the spot in Rome where the apostle Paul was gave me chills....but the road that Jesus walked is far above that. Can't wait for more pictures and stories!

Blessings to you..........

7 Arkansas Patti said...

I am in the goosebump group. I would have had to have brought some of the soil back. What a wonderful trip.

8 Carrie P. said...

A trip of a lifetime. So glad you got to go. I can only imagine what the service must have been like in the same place that Jesus might have been.

9 Di said...

I can identify with everyone's comments. The first time I visited Israel I cried with joy as our plane flew over the coast and landed at Tel Aviv because, like you, I really felt I had come home to where it all started. My DH is about to lead our second tour (my third trip ) to Israel in feb next year. so glad you had a wonderful time!

10 Val said...

Our Pastor just did a Bible study on Jesus Life's ministry and where he traveled and how he got there. When I saw that road it brought all that back to me and then to read that it almost brought you to your knees described my thoughts just seeing these pictures. Thank you for sharing this as many of will never get to visit there. I am amazed.

11 Sparky said...

Of course I did not guess cause I knew where you were...truly a spiritual journey it must have been. I am sure part of you left behind and something there you took with you...I can feel it..

12 Gail said...

What an amazing place to about history!!

13 Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said...

It is not often that we get to have a trip such as this. How special, something I would also love to see and feel.

14 Sharon said...

Thanks for sharing...such a blessing to see Israel through your eyes!

15 Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Incredible.... What a joyful journey girlfriend.
xx, shell

16 elaine @ peace for the journey said...

Oh Marlene... it takes my breath away just seeing these photos and thinking about the witness of that sacred ground. I've always wanted to go there; you're right, it is our home--the place of our ancestral roots. I'm so glad you were able to see it all; undoubtedly, it has shaped you in rich and wonderful ways.


17 Gmama Jane said...

Welcome Home...what an incredible greeting so very rich with meaning. I loved reading your post and look forward to many more! I'll not tire of seeing as much as you care to share. BTW, I've had so many donations, why don't you keep your quilt top, finish it when you have time and donate it locally to a child in need! That will save you postage and time. I know you are bust with unpacking and repacking for your next adventure. I don't want to burden you with mailing, etc... I have been given 5 quilt tops so that will take up much of my time.
Blessings Dear Friend
Gmama Jane

18 Barb said...

Oh...thanks for the pictures. I am sure this is a dream vacation as far as your faith.

19 Teresa said...

How wonderful for you. Hearing your reactions to the places is a blessing in itself. Thank you for sharing with us.

20 FabricFascination said...

How thrilling Marlene!

I especially like your ending -
This is His land, His home, the land He will return to. This is your land too. Your home. How awesome is that!

21 Grammy Staffy said...

Tell us more.... show us more.... I love every word... every picture. I wish I could go there with the Glen Beck Restoring Courage Israel tour. I am afraid after what Obama has said about Israel returning to the old boundaries we may not be able to visit these holy sites in the future. I hope we can still visit them when I am well enough to go there. Meanwhile,....keep these posts coming.

22 Jacquie Wallace said...

What an amazing experience!

23 Miss Hillbilly said...

Oh what a joy this trip must have been! I would love to go there. It is a wonder that any plant will grow there, but then God said it would, didn't He?
I really look forward to more!