An hour before it came down he was standing right there where that truck is parked! While I hate losing the tree, and I'm sorry the truck is damaged, I'm feeling totally blessed that it didn't happen when he was out there working. Two neighbors and one of our grandsons came immediately and in about an hour and a half that half of the tree was cut up and off the truck. This morning another grandson came and he helped my husband get the mess cleaned up and hauled to the dump, and the yard mowed too. And before noon the insurance company had already cut a check to pay for the damages. Except for the shattered windshield, the dented in roof, and the scratches and dents on the hood, you'd never know it happened. :) Oh, and except we now have half a tree there that has to come down. I'm always complaining because we can't grow grass there in the front because of all the shade. I bet now we can!
Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
It's Been A Little Windy Here
With all the tornadoes that have hit the mid west I know we're lucky to have just had wind where I live, but I do believe it hasn't stopped blowing since about mid February! Even though we've had what seems like a lot of rain our yard dries out quickly because the wind blows constantly. Yesterday it was particularly bad as you can see from this picture.

An hour before it came down he was standing right there where that truck is parked! While I hate losing the tree, and I'm sorry the truck is damaged, I'm feeling totally blessed that it didn't happen when he was out there working. Two neighbors and one of our grandsons came immediately and in about an hour and a half that half of the tree was cut up and off the truck. This morning another grandson came and he helped my husband get the mess cleaned up and hauled to the dump, and the yard mowed too. And before noon the insurance company had already cut a check to pay for the damages. Except for the shattered windshield, the dented in roof, and the scratches and dents on the hood, you'd never know it happened. :) Oh, and except we now have half a tree there that has to come down. I'm always complaining because we can't grow grass there in the front because of all the shade. I bet now we can!
An hour before it came down he was standing right there where that truck is parked! While I hate losing the tree, and I'm sorry the truck is damaged, I'm feeling totally blessed that it didn't happen when he was out there working. Two neighbors and one of our grandsons came immediately and in about an hour and a half that half of the tree was cut up and off the truck. This morning another grandson came and he helped my husband get the mess cleaned up and hauled to the dump, and the yard mowed too. And before noon the insurance company had already cut a check to pay for the damages. Except for the shattered windshield, the dented in roof, and the scratches and dents on the hood, you'd never know it happened. :) Oh, and except we now have half a tree there that has to come down. I'm always complaining because we can't grow grass there in the front because of all the shade. I bet now we can!
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Thank God it wasn't any worse.
Take care
you are so lucky that the truck was all that was damaged!! so glad your hubby was not out there. I was barely outside yesterday it was so windy I was afraid some of our pine trees would come tumbling down, but they didn't. so glad this storm system is out of here!! I was getting so tired of it.
Wow! I'm so glad nobody was hurt. Sorry you will lose the tree, but you're right about the grass. It will grow better with some sunlight.
A tree and a truck - replaceable - not the hubby. Very lucky - there is always a plan. We are under tornado watch here in NY for the next 3 days.
Oh Sweetie...
Praise God nobody was hurt, and the nice part is that you had family who pitched right in and came when called. Isn't it wonderful to have family close by?
I will be keeping you all in my prayers sweetie. Many hugs and much love, Sherry
I'm sorry about your tree and truck...but, I agree they are small losses next to the fact that your husband is ok...=)
Sorry about the truck but glad it's not worse. I wonder if these tornadoes are finished?
Goodness! I'm sorry about the truck, but thank the good Lord your husband wasn't hurt! Good luck with that grass :)
Wendy of Why Knot
Yes, thank goodness it was just the truck! This crazy weather has to settle down soon!
Thank goodnes, he was not standing there!
I just heard like night, two people in a car died when a tree fell on it.
Someone is looking after your man!
We had a tree branch brush against a power line last night and the silver grounding wire in the line blew with a BANG! Half of my house lost power. Two hours later it was fixed with the admonishment from Xcel Energy to trim the trees. But the problem is that the hoarder neighbor has so much junk right under the tree limbs and next to the fence that we have never been able to get it done. We talked to him last night and he will work from his side of the fence as we work from ours and if a limb hits the top of his GTO (that is sitting there rusting away) then it will not be our fault, because we are willing to take down the whole tree (it is ours) but can't because of him.
Marlene, thank heavens only the truck and the tree were damaged! You are fortunate that your grandsons came over quickly to help remove the branches. Good luck with your new gardening challenge!
I am so sorry that you had damage but glad that all the problems are quickly solved. Love you positive out look about the loss of the tree.
I haven't been able to leave a comment on your your blog so I will try something different today it this is rejected like signing in as anonymous.
Arkansas Patti
Oh my gosh! So glad everyone is ok. This weather has been so crazy.
xx, shell
Not a sight I would want to see in our driveway! This has not been a good spring for so many parts of the country.
sorry about the your site.
I'm so happy it didn't fall on your house or either of you! Stupid tornadoes!
Oh, my! So sorry about the damage to your hub's vehicle, but so glad that it's "only" a truck, and not him. The winds here were brisk, but not that strong.
Ah, it's a healthy thing to know when to be thankful in the midst of a nuisance. When you're standing close to the edge, stuff like that is enough to push you over. So glad it didn't turn out to be worse.
I am so glad no one was hurt when that tree fell. I am also glad there is minimal damage to your husband's truck. We have had a lot of wind in our area this year also. With all the rain, and the wind, we have lost a many trees around here, too, and also some lives.
The weather now is so frightening. I'm glad no one was hurt! And, look at all the folks that came running to help. How great is that!!
Praise that no one was injured. Sorry about the truck. Lucky you to have all that good help with clean up.
Couldn't find your Sewing Room post...did you delete it?
Mama Bear
WOW!!!! I am so happy he is OK! How nice to have the grandkids to help!
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