Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

One Thousand Blessings - Day 24

812.  Rain without the wind - just a soft, summer type rain
813.  Getting to see baby ducks taking their first step and their first swim
814.  Skirts with elastic waists
815.  A hairdo that doesn't have to be redone the second day
816.  White cheese dip
817.  Seeing children/young adults being baptized
818.  Memories
819.  Big suitcases
820.  Ziplock bags
821.  Really sharp scissors, all the way to the point
822.  Richly colored embroidery floss
823.  A freshly mowed lawn
824.  White shirts, just starched and ironed
825.  Electricity
826.  Comfortable beds
827.  Puffs Plus
828.  Chick Flicks
829.  Discovery Channel
830.  Praise music
831.  Bamboo
832.  Generators that keep my freezer running when the electricity is out!
833.  Endust
834.  Candles that smell good
835.  Watching little boys play soccer


1 Arkansas Patti said...

Love you list per usual. I like elastic waist everything and I never think of a generator till the power goes out. Need to work on that.

2 Tracy P. said...

Lots of good ones here, but right this minute 815 would have really been useful. Have a wonderful Sunday!

Anonymous said...

So much to be thankful for this morning...God is good!
Mama Bear

4 Sharon said...

I so enjoy your list...makes me take pause and give thanks. I am reading "One Thousand Gifts" would like it. Also her blog is wonderful....A Holy Experience.

5 Carol said...

Marlene, thank you for making me stop and give thanks. You must take a long time to come up with so many "GOOD" ones!

6 rubyslipperz1052 said...

Thank you, Marlene...once again for helping me to remember to think of those things I need to be thankful for...


7 Pat - Arkansas said...

Another wonderful list. We have much for which to be thankful.

8 Grammy Staffy said...

I am thankful for all of the things on your list except the generator. I don't have one but I wish we did.
Nice list.... thanks for reminding me that I am thankful for these things.

Enjoy your trip. Hugs, Lura

9 Jacquie Wallace said...

Another good list...

I love those quiet, calm rains, too. And I've always loved the SMELL of rain on a hot summer day!! Love that.